Company Culture

Santhosh 10 min read
Members Public

How to manage a fast-paced work environment without employees getting burnt out

In the fast-paced work environment, leadership is the compass guiding your team through the chaos. Explore strategies to keep your team motivated, maintain productivity, and ensure employee well-being, all while avoiding burnout. Learn how adaptability, communication, and effective decision-making

Kailash Ganesh 21 min read
Members Public

Why building team synergy is important: Examples & questions

Team synergy isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of success. Explore its profound importance through concrete examples and engaging questions that encourage collaboration, innovation, and the attainment of ambitious goals. Learn how to harness the collective strengths of your team.

Santhosh 14 min read
Members Public

What are examples of effective team dynamics?

Effective team dynamics are the heart of successful collaboration. Explore real-world examples, from clear communication to shared goals, and learn how to cultivate them for a harmonious, high-performing team that achieves exceptional results.

Santhosh 10 min read
Members Public

What is team dynamics in the workplace: Tips & examples to improve it

Team dynamics in the workplace encompass the intricate interactions shaping collective performance. Discover tips and real examples to foster collaboration, communication, and synergy within teams. Elevate productivity and nurture a cohesive work culture.

Kailash Ganesh 19 min read
Members Public

10 Key employee life cycle stages and how it can help improve company culture

Uncover the key stages of the employee life cycle and their impact on company culture. From recruitment to offboarding, learn how each stage presents opportunities to shape a positive and inclusive work environment. Maximize employee experience, boost engagement, and foster a thriving culture.

Guest Contributor 6 min read
Members Public

5R’s to engage employees with organizational change and build a resilient company culture

Company shakeups happen all the time but most organizations aren't prepared to steer their businesses through the crisis. Building a resilient company culture that is adaptable will help companies withstand change which will create the main difference between success and failure for organizations.

Kailash Ganesh 5 min read
Members Public

Why do you need to send a culture survey? Top tips and survey questions to improve your workplace culture

There is no one template you can follow when it comes to company culture as what works for one organization might not work for another. Culture is a dynamically evolving component, thus it is essential for you to conduct frequent surveys to understand your workplace culture and optimize accordingly.

Kailash Ganesh 8 min read
Members Public

How reverie empowers its employees through CultureMonkey

In a land with hundreds of dialects in 22 languages and growing online consumerism, limiting online interaction to one language violates the Indian internet democracy. In its quest to democratize the Indian internet, Reverie is trying to democratize their company culture too through CultureMonkey.

Kailash Ganesh 7 min read
Members Public

Your company culture can defeat the COVID-19 crisis

While everyone is worried about whether companies will survive the crisis or not, efficient leaders know that company culture is the determining factor here. Leaders must look into the why’s and how's of allowing a company's culture to adapt and grow in these times.