How to increase employee survey participation: Best practices & tips?

Kailash Ganesh
8 min read
How to increase employee survey participation: Best practices & tips?

Imagine this: you've spent hours crafting the perfect employee survey. You've poured your heart and soul into creating thoughtful survey questions sprinkled with a dash of wit to make it less of a snooze-fest.

You hit the "send" button, eagerly awaiting a flood of responses. But instead, you're met with deafening silence, as if your survey vanished into a black hole. It's like throwing a party and no one showing up – the ultimate bummer!

But no more! We're here to help you unlock the secret to boosting employee survey participation, ensuring your insights flow like a never-ending chocolate fountain at a party.

As the renowned philosopher Lily von SassyPants, once said, "If you want to find out what's cookin' in your employees' minds, you better bring a damn good recipe!" And that's exactly what we're about to do.

So, let's dive right in and discover the hidden ingredients that will skyrocket your survey participation rates. Get ready to transform your surveys from snooze-worthy to high-five-inducing!

What is the employee survey participation rate?

What is the employee survey participation rate?

The employee survey participation rate measures the percentage of employees who actively participate in an organization's surveys. It indicates the level of employee engagement and willingness to provide feedback and opinions.

A high participation rate suggests that employees are interested in sharing their thoughts, which can lead to valuable insights for the company. On the other hand, a low participation rate can hinder the effectiveness of surveys, as it may not accurately represent the overall employee sentiment.

To improve participation rates, organizations can employ strategies such as clear communication and anonymous surveys, emphasizing the importance of feedback, offering incentives, and ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of responses.

By increasing employee survey participation, companies can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their workforce and make informed decisions to drive positive change.

What is a good survey participation rate?

Good survey response rates refer to the percentage of employees who actively take part in an organization's surveys. While the ideal rate can vary, a 75% or higher participation rate is often considered impressive.

This indicates strong employee engagement and a higher likelihood of obtaining a representative sample. Factors such as survey relevance, length, timing, and the organization's culture can influence the participation rate. It's important to strive for a high participation rate to gather sufficient data and insights that can drive informed decision-making and improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Why does employee survey participation metrics matter?

Why does employee survey participation metrics matter?

Employee survey participation metrics provide valuable insights into the hearts and minds of your workforce. They go beyond mere data points, vividly portraying employee sentiments, needs, and aspirations. Here are some of the reasons why they are so important.

1) Insights and Feedback: Higher participation rates yield a more accurate representation of employee opinions, providing valuable insights for decision-making and identifying areas for improvement.

2) Employee Engagement: Engaging employees in surveys demonstrates that their opinions matter, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement within the organization.

3) Organizational Alignment: A high survey participation helps align employees' perceptions and expectations with organizational goals, ensuring a shared vision and direction.

4) Improved Communication: Surveys create opportunities for open communication channels between employees and management, promoting organizational transparency and trust.

5) Data-Driven Decisions: High participation rates generate robust data sets that enable data-driven decision-making, leading to more effective strategies and initiatives that address employee concerns and enhance overall performance.

How do you encourage employees to respond to surveys?

How do you encourage employees to respond to surveys?

Encouraging employees to respond to surveys can be challenging, but it is crucial to obtaining valuable insights and fostering a culture of open communication and continuous improvement. Here are effective strategies to increase survey response rates:

1) Clear communication

Clearly communicate the survey questions, purpose, relevance, and impact to employees. Explain how their feedback will directly contribute to positive organizational changes, such as process improvements, policy changes, or employee development initiatives. Highlight the value of their input and emphasize that their opinions matter.

2) Anonymity and confidentiality

Assure employees that their responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Employees who feel safe and protected are more likely to provide honest and candid feedback. Emphasize that their responses will not be traced back to them individually, creating a sense of psychological safety.

3) Incentives and recognition

Consider offering incentives to motivate employees to participate. These can include small rewards like gift cards, extra paid time off, or a chance to win prizes through a raffle. Additionally, publicly acknowledge and appreciate employees who have completed the survey, recognizing their contribution to the organization and creating a sense of pride.

4) Convenient and accessible

Make the survey easily accessible and user-friendly. Ensure that it can be accessed from various devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, or mobile phones. Send reminders about the survey, including deadlines and instructions. Consider providing a designated time during work hours for employees to complete the survey, minimizing any barriers to participation.

5) Follow-up and action

After the survey, communicate the results and actions taken based on the feedback received. Share how the survey responses have influenced decision-making and led to tangible improvements. This demonstrates that the organization values employee opinions and that their feedback has a real impact, increasing their motivation to participate in future surveys.

5 Strategies to increase employee survey participation

Strategies to increase employee survey participation

While we've already explored the importance of employee survey participation and touched upon some ways to encourage participation, this section goes the extra mile. We'll uncover additional strategies that will entice, engage, and energize your workforce to respond to surveys eagerly.

1) Personalized invitations

Customize survey invitations by addressing employees by name and explaining why their specific input is valuable. Highlight how their unique experiences and perspectives contribute to the overall success of the survey.

2) Communication channels variety

Utilize multiple communication channels to reach employees, such as email, internal messaging platforms, and even social media. This ensures that the survey invitation reaches employees through their preferred channels, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

3) Leader endorsement

Seek the support and endorsement of organizational leaders, including senior executives and managers. When leaders emphasize the importance of the survey and encourage participation, it sends a strong message that employee feedback is valued and can drive positive change.

4) Short and engaging surveys

Keep surveys concise and engaging by using clear and straightforward language. Break down longer surveys into shorter sections or modules, allowing employees to complete them in manageable chunks. Incorporate interactive elements like videos or visuals to enhance engagement.

5 Follow-up reminders

Send timely reminders throughout the survey duration to employees who haven't yet participated. Highlight the remaining time and reiterate the benefits of participating, emphasizing that their input is crucial in shaping organizational decisions.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a supportive and engaging survey environment, resulting in increased employee participation and richer insights for informed decision-making.

How does anonymity play a key role in increasing survey participation rates?

How does anonymity play a key role in increasing survey participation rates?

Anonymity serves as a vital catalyst in increasing employee survey responses. When survey participants are assured that their responses will remain anonymous, it creates a safe space where they feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions without fear of consequences.

It eliminates the fear of judgment or reprisal, allowing employees to provide candid feedback. It encourages transparency, enabling individuals to express their thoughts openly, even on sensitive topics.

By guaranteeing anonymity, organizations demonstrate their commitment to respecting employee privacy. This builds trust and fosters a sense of psychological safety, making employees more willing to participate and share their genuine perspectives.

Anonymity also helps overcome bias by removing potential preconceptions associated with individual identities. It ensures that responses are evaluated solely based on their content and merit, leading to more accurate and unbiased data.

All this means employees feel that their identity is protected, and they are more likely to engage in surveys. It reassures them that their voices matter, which boosts their motivation to participate and contribute to the survey process.

How taking timely actions on employee feedback can increase survey participation?

When employees see that their feedback is promptly acknowledged and acted upon, it demonstrates that their opinions are valued and taken seriously. This responsiveness fosters a sense of trust and encourages employees to participate in future surveys, knowing that their input leads to tangible actions.

It also allows organizations to address immediate concerns and make necessary improvements promptly. This ensures that subsequent surveys remain relevant and focus on areas that matter to employees, increasing their motivation to participate.

How can CultureMonkey help you improve employee survey participation rates?

The easiest way to boost participation rates in employee surveys is to make it easy for employees to share their feedback. How is that possible? By sharing employee feedback surveys on the most commonly used employee platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, email, and more.

CultureMonkey is an employee engagement platform that lets you do that by letting you share surveys with your employees’ favorite messaging channels using integrations. It enables multi-channel integrations to send simple, subtle nudges via the right channels, indirectly influencing your employees to make the right decisions and building a culture of participation.

You can also collect employee engagement surveys via Kiosk, its standalone app. The platform allows you to gather feedback from any employee with unique identifiers such as mobile number and date of birth. It also runs in-depth analytics on the collected survey data and views it in survey reports and dashboards.


Increasing employee survey participation is crucial for organizations seeking valuable insights, fostering employee engagement, and driving positive change. By implementing effective strategies such as clear communication, ensuring anonymity, offering incentives, and taking timely actions on feedback, organizations can significantly boost participation rates and maximize the benefits of employee surveys.


1) How can gamification be used to increase participation in employee engagement surveys?

Integrating gamification elements, such as leaderboards, badges, or rewards, can make the survey process more engaging and enjoyable for employees. Adding a competitive and interactive component incentivizes engagement survey participation and boosts response rates.

2) What are some effective ways to promote survey participation through internal communication channels?

Internal communication channels like company newsletters, intranet platforms, or team meetings are used to generate awareness and encourage survey participation. Share the survey link, highlight its importance, and provide regular updates to create a sense of urgency and involvement.

3) Are there any innovative approaches to encourage employee survey participation?

Exploring creative approaches like interactive surveys with visually appealing designs, incorporating multimedia elements, or using unconventional question formats can pique employee interest and motivate them to participate. Experimenting with new approaches keeps surveys fresh and captures employees' attention.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.