How to collect anonymous feedback online: 5 Free tools to collect employee feedback

16 min read
How to collect anonymous feedback online: 5 Free tools to collect employee feedback

Collecting anonymous feedback from employees is akin to conducting elections in a democracy. Just as elections allow citizens to express their opinions freely without fear of retribution, anonymous feedback empowers employees to voice their concerns, ideas, and suggestions without apprehension.

By ensuring anonymity, employees feel safe to share their honest thoughts, providing valuable insights that may otherwise remain hidden.

Similar to how elections enable leaders to understand the needs and aspirations of their constituents, anonymous feedback enables employers to gauge the pulse of their workforce, identify areas for improvement, and implement meaningful changes.

It fosters a culture of open communication and inclusivity, where every employee's voice matters, regardless of their position or seniority.

Just as democracy thrives on the diverse perspectives of its citizens, an organization flourishes when it embraces the diverse perspectives of its employees through anonymous feedback, leading to innovation, growth, and a more engaged workforce.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a small business owner, or just someone eager to improve their website or product, you'll find these tools invaluable. And the best part? They won't cost you a dime!

So, get ready to unlock the power of an anonymous feedback platform.

Table of contents:-

What is the anonymous feedback method?

Have you ever wanted to gather feedback from people without putting them on the spot or making them feel uncomfortable? That's where the anonymous feedback method comes in. It's a way to collect valuable insights and honest opinions from individuals without revealing who they are.

Think of it as creating a safe space for people to share their thoughts openly without any worries about being judged or identified. Making an employee survey anonymous is like having a secret identity, but instead of fighting crime, you're gathering feedback!

With a good anonymous feedback tool, you can encourage honesty and get genuine responses from your audience. It's a fantastic way to understand what they really think and make improvements based on their input. Collecting feedback anonymously benefits organizations greatly.

Whether you choose to use online survey tools that ensure privacy or physical suggestion boxes where people can drop their thoughts anonymously, the goal is to create an environment where feedback flows freely.

Furthermore, the anonymous feedback method promotes inclusivity. It allows individuals who might otherwise hesitate to speak up due to hierarchy or workplace team dynamics to have an equal voice in the conversation. This ensures that all perspectives are considered, leading to more well-rounded decisions.

Implementing anonymous feedback can also have a positive impact on morale. When employees see that their input is valued and that they can voice their concerns without fear, it can boost their job satisfaction and engagement.

Moreover, this method can be used in various contexts, from employee engagement surveys to customer feedback forms. An anonymous feedback tool can be adapted to suit the specific needs of different organizations and situations.

In conclusion, this is a powerful way to gather anonymous employee feedback, promote transparency, and enhance organizational communication. Whether striving to improve workplace culture or seeking customer opinions, embracing anonymity can be a game-changer in your feedback collection strategy.

Let's unlock the power behind anonymous feedback and discover what your audience has to say.

Is anonymous feedback good or bad?

Is anonymous feedback good or bad? It's a question that often sparks lively discussions in the world of workplace management and organizational improvement. The truth is, anonymous feedback can be a double-edged sword, offering both benefits and potential drawbacks.

Let's start with the positive side. Anonymous feedback can be incredibly valuable. It provides employees or participants with a safe space to voice their concerns, provide honest opinions, and offer suggestions without fear of reprisal.

This can uncover issues that might otherwise go unnoticed, leading to improved workplace culture and productivity. It can also help identify areas where leadership or management needs to take action.

However, there are caveats to consider. Anonymity can sometimes lead to misuse, where individuals use it as a shield to make hurtful or unconstructive comments. It can also make it challenging to follow up or seek clarification on feedback when needed.

Additionally, in some cases, anonymous feedback might not be as detailed or actionable as feedback provided with open attribution.

The key lies in striking a balance. Organizations should use anonymous feedback as one tool in their feedback toolkit, but not the sole method. Combining it with open feedback channels can help ensure a more holistic view of employee or participant sentiment.

It's all about creating an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, whether anonymously or openly, and then taking meaningful action based on that feedback.

What are the pros and cons of anonymous surveys?

Anonymous surveys are a powerful tool for gathering feedback in various settings, from workplaces to educational institutions and beyond. Like any method, they come with their own set of pros and cons that should be carefully considered.

Let's start with the pros:

  1. Honesty and transparency: Anonymity encourages participants to be candid and provide honest feedback without fear of consequences. This transparency can uncover valuable insights and help address issues that might otherwise remain hidden.
  2. Equal opportunity: It levels the playing field, giving every participant an equal opportunity to voice their opinions, They regardless of rank or status. This inclusivity can lead to a more well-rounded perspective on issues.
  3. Reduced bias: Anonymous surveys can reduce response bias. Participants are less likely to tailor their responses to please superiors or colleagues, leading to more accurate and unbiased feedback.
  4. Psychological safety: Anonymity creates a sense of psychological safety, which is crucial for addressing sensitive topics like harassment or workplace concerns. Participants feel protected when sharing their experiences.
  5. Flexibility: Anonymous surveys can be conducted online, making them convenient and accessible to a wide audience. can also cover various topics, from employee satisfaction to customer feedback.
  6. Increased participation rates: Anonymity can lead to higher participation rates as individuals who might otherwise be reluctant to provide feedback are more likely to engage when their identities are protected.
  7. Encourages diverse perspectives: When participants know they are anonymous, they may feel more empowered to share unique or unconventional viewpoints, enriching the overall data with a diversity of opinions and ideas.
  8. Quick feedback collection: Anonymous feedback surveys can be distributed and completed rapidly, facilitating quick data collection and analysis. This speed can be crucial for addressing urgent issues or making timely decisions based on the feedback received.


  1. Limited context: Anonymity can sometimes strip feedback of context. Without knowing who provided the feedback, it can be challenging to follow up or seek clarification on specific points.
  2. Potential misuse: Some individuals may misuse anonymity to make hurtful or unproductive comments. This can create a negative atmosphere and hinder the usefulness of the feedback.
  3. Incomplete information: Anonymity might lead to vague or incomplete responses. Participants might not provide enough detail or specific examples, making it challenging to take action based on the feedback.
  4. No personalized follow-up: When feedback is anonymous, it can be difficult to offer personalized follow-up or support to participants who may be facing challenges or issues.
  5. Lack of accountability: Anonymity can sometimes lead to a lack of accountability. Without attribution, it may be challenging to track progress or changes resulting from the feedback.
  6. Difficulty in verifying authenticity: Ensuring the authenticity of responses can be challenging with anonymous surveys. There is a risk that some participants might submit multiple responses or provide false information, which can skew the data and impact the reliability of the survey results.

Top 5 ways to collect anonymous feedback from your employees online

Online surveys

Use user-friendly survey platforms like Google Forms or Microsoft forms to create anonymous questionnaires. Employees can provide feedback without revealing their identities, allowing them to express themselves freely.

Anonymous feedback tools

Explore specialized tools like CultureMonkey that focuses specifically on gathering anonymous employee feedback. These platforms provide a safe space for employees to share their thoughts openly and gather anonymous feedback anonymously.

Free suggestion box

Create surveys through a virtual free suggestion box using tools like Microsoft Forms or even a shared document. Employees can drop their suggestions anonymous online suggestion box without disclosing their identities, giving them a chance to contribute without any pressure.


Implement an anonymous feedback chatbot on your company's internal communication platform. This interactive tool allows employees to share their feedback confidentially, making it convenient and engaging for them to express their thoughts.

Anonymous email accounts

Set up an anonymous email account specifically for feedback purposes. Employees can send their feedback to this address, knowing that their identities will be kept confidential.

Remember, the key to collecting anonymous feedback is to create a welcoming and non-judgmental environment. Assure your employees that their feedback is valued and will be taken seriously. By providing these anonymous channels, you'll foster a culture of open communication and continuous improvement within your organization.

How do I create an anonymous survey for my staff?

Creating an anonymous survey for your staff is simple and effective. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Choose a user-friendly survey platform like Google Forms or Microsoft forms.
  • Craft your survey questions carefully, ensuring they are clear, concise, and relevant to your goals.
  • Avoid asking for any identifying information or personal details in the survey.
  • Enable the anonymous response feature within the survey platform settings.
  • Customize the survey design to match your branding or add a personal touch.
  • Share the survey link with your staff through email, chat groups, or your internal communication channels.
  • Emphasize the importance of anonymity and assure employees that their responses will be kept confidential.
  • Set a reasonable deadline for completing the survey to encourage timely participation.
  • Monitor the survey responses and analyze the feedback to gain valuable insights.
  • Use the feedback to make informed decisions, address concerns, and improve the work environment.
  • Along with sharing the survey link, provide clear and concise instructions on how to access and complete the survey.
  • Use a variety of question types in your survey, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions.
  • Avoid scheduling it during particularly busy or stressful periods for your staff, as this might affect their willingness to participate.
  • Consider offering small incentives, such as gift cards or recognition, to encourage staff participation.
  • After collecting feedback, communicate the results and any actions you plan to take based on the feedback.

By creating an anonymous employee survey tool, you create a safe space for your staff to provide honest feedback, enabling you to understand their needs better and work towards a happier, more productive team.

Common mistakes to avoid while collecting anonymous feedback

While collecting anonymous feedback is a valuable practice, it's important to be mindful of potential pitfalls that could compromise the integrity and effectiveness of the process. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using an anonymous feedback tool or otherwise:

Linking responses to individuals

Ensure that no personally identifiable information is collected or stored alongside the feedback. Double-check survey settings and remove any tracking mechanisms that could inadvertently link surveys anonymous responses to individuals.

Asking for unnecessary information

Keep the survey focused on the feedback itself and avoid requesting unnecessary personal details. The more you ask for, the less likely people will feel comfortable providing feedback anonymously.

Lack of clear anonymity assurance

Clearly communicate to participants that their feedback will be treated as anonymous and confidential. Assure them that their responses won't be traced back to them, fostering trust and encouraging honest feedback.

Identifying language or tone

Be cautious of inadvertently creating questions or prompts that could reveal someone's identity based on their language or tone. Keep the questions neutral and avoid anything that could lead to speculation.

Inadequate data security

Ensure that the platform or tools you use to collect feedback have appropriate data security measures in place. Protect the anonymity and privacy of participants' responses through secure storage and transmission.

Ignoring feedback or failing to act

Anonymous feedback loses its value if it's not acknowledged or acted upon. Regularly review and analyze the feedback received, and communicate the steps being taken to address concerns or implement suggested improvements.

Allowing retaliation

Create a culture where retaliation or negative consequences for providing honest feedback are strictly prohibited. Encourage open dialogue and demonstrate that direct feedback from team members is valued and welcomed.

Avoid leading questions

Ensure that your survey questions are unbiased and do not lead participants toward a particular response. Leading questions can unintentionally reveal the organization's preferences and compromise anonymity.

Implement data protection measures

Prioritize data protection and compliance with relevant privacy regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA. Make sure your data storage and handling procedures align with these standards to safeguard the anonymity and privacy of respondents.

Offer follow-up opportunities

Provide an option for respondents to request follow-up or clarification on their feedback if they wish. This demonstrates your commitment to addressing concerns and shows that you value open communication even in anonymous settings.

Diverse feedback channels

Offer multiple channels for anonymous feedback collection. While surveys are a common method, consider supplementing them with other options like suggestion boxes, one-on-one interviews, or anonymous online forums. Different individuals may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts through different means.

Regularly assess the anonymous feedback process

Periodically review and assess your anonymous feedback process to identify any potential issues or improvements. Solicit feedback from participants on the process itself to ensure it remains user-friendly and secure.

Maintain confidentiality beyond the collection

Remember that maintaining anonymity goes beyond the data collection phase. Ensure that all individuals involved in analyzing and acting upon the feedback also uphold the principles of anonymity and confidentiality to preserve trust within your organization.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll create a more effective and trustworthy environment for collecting anonymous feedback. This, in turn, will foster a culture of transparency, engagement, and continuous improvement within your organization.

Do anonymous surveys get more responses?

Do anonymous surveys get more responses? The short answer is often, yes. But let's dive into why this is the case.

Anonymity, in the context of surveys, creates a safe space for participants to share their thoughts without the fear of judgment or repercussions. When people know that their responses won't be linked to their identity, they're more likely to be honest and forthcoming. This psychological safety net encourages participation.

Moreover, anonymous surveys can help reduce response unconscious bias. In surveys where respondents fear that their answers could be tied back to them, they might be inclined to provide socially desirable responses or hold back on critical feedback. Anonymity mitigates this bias, resulting in more candid and accurate feedback.

However, it's important to note that while anonymous surveys tend to garner more responses, the quality of those responses matters too. Ensuring that your survey questions are well-crafted, relevant, and easy to understand is crucial. A poorly designed survey, even if anonymous, may still struggle to elicit valuable responses.

So, anonymous surveys do have an advantage when it comes to getting more responses, thanks to the sense of security they provide. Yet, the effectiveness of such surveys also depends on the clarity and relevance of the questions posed, as well as the overall survey design.

5 Free tools to collect anonymous feedback

Here are five comprehensive, free anonymous feedback tools that you can use to collect anonymous feedback:

1. Google Forms

Create customized surveys and questionnaires with Google Forms. It allows you to enable anonymous responses and provides various question types, customizable themes, and easy data analysis.

2. Typeform

Typeform helps you build interactive and visually appealing surveys. It offers an anonymous response option, advanced question logic, and integrations with other tools for seamless data management.

3. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey platform that offers a free plan with anonymous response capabilities. It provides a wide range of question types, survey templates, and data analysis features.

4. Microsoft Forms

Ideal for Office 365 users, Microsoft Forms allows you to create anonymous surveys easily. It offers various question formats, collaboration options, and real-time response tracking.

5. Feedbackify

Feedbackify is a user-friendly feedback tool that allows anonymous submissions. It provides customizable feedback forms, sentiment analysis, and detailed reporting to help you understand and act upon the feedback received.

These best anonymous feedback tools empower you to collect valuable insights and opinions from your audience while preserving anonymity. Choose the one that suits your needs best and start gathering anonymous feedback to improve your products, services, or work environment.

How do you deal with anonymous negative feedback?

Dealing with anonymous negative feedback can be challenging, but it's a critical part of improving any organization or process. Here's how to handle it effectively:

  • Stay calm and objective: When you receive negative feedback, especially anonymously, it's easy to react emotionally. However, it's essential to stay calm and approach the feedback objectively. Avoid taking it personally, as it's about improving processes, not criticizing you personally.
  • Analyze the feedback: Carefully review the feedback to understand the specific issues raised. Look for patterns or common themes among multiple responses. Are there recurring concerns or suggestions? Identifying trends can help you prioritize areas for improvement.
  • Seek clarification (If possible): If the feedback is vague or lacks context, consider finding ways to seek clarification. This might involve sending a follow-up survey or creating an anonymous feedback forum where respondents can provide additional details.
  • Maintain confidentiality: Remember that the anonymity of the feedback is crucial. Respect the trust placed in the anonymous system by not trying to identify the source. This trust is essential for future honest feedback.
  • Act on valid concerns: Address the valid concerns raised in the feedback promptly and constructively. This demonstrates that you take feedback seriously and are committed to making improvements.
  • Communicate changes: If you make changes or improvements based on the feedback, communicate these changes back to the participants. This not only shows responsiveness but also encourages continued participation in the feedback process.
  • Encourage open dialogue: Foster an environment where open feedback, both positive and negative, is encouraged. Emphasize that feedback is essential for growth and improvement and that everyone's input matters.
  • Continuous improvement: Use negative feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement. See it as a chance to identify and rectify issues that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.
  • Monitor progress: After making changes based on feedback, continue to monitor progress and assess whether the adjustments are effective. Be prepared to make further refinements as needed.
  • Show appreciation: Finally, express appreciation to those who provide negative feedback. They play a vital role in helping your organization grow and evolve. Acknowledging their input can encourage ongoing participation.
  • Develop an action plan: Create a detailed action plan to address the issues raised in the feedback. Outline specific steps, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines to ensure that the feedback is systematically addressed and improvements are implemented.
  • Train and support staff: Offer training and support to staff members based on the feedback received. This can help in addressing skill gaps, improving performance, and enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Establish a feedback data loop: Implement a structured feedback loop where regular updates on the actions taken in response to the feedback are shared with the team. This transparency not only keeps everyone informed but also reinforces a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

Why does anonymous feedback matter to businesses?

Anonymous feedback matters significantly to businesses for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, it promotes candid communication. When employees or customers can provide feedback without the fear of retaliation or judgment, they're more likely to share honest opinions and insights.

This transparency can uncover critical issues, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of openness.

Secondly, anonymous feedback helps in uncovering blind spots. It's common for organizations to have blind spots – issues or concerns that leadership might not be aware of. Anonymous feedback acts as a mirror, reflecting these blind spots and allowing businesses to address them proactively.

Additionally, it enhances employee or customer engagement. When individuals feel that their voices are heard and their feedback is valued, they're more likely to feel engaged and invested in the success of the organization.

Lastly, anonymous feedback can lead to better decision-making. By collecting diverse perspectives and unfiltered opinions, businesses can make more informed decisions that resonate with the needs and sentiments of their employees or customers.

Why just collecting anonymous employee feedback isn’t enough?

While collecting anonymous employee feedback through these anonymous feedback tools is a crucial step toward fostering an open and inclusive work environment, it's essential to recognize that it alone is not sufficient. Here's why:

Limited two-way communication

Anonymous feedback often lacks the opportunity for dialogue or clarification. Employees may have valuable insights or ideas that require further discussion, collaboration, or brainstorming to fully explore their potential.

Missed opportunities for recognition

Anonymous feedback prevents employee recognition. This means that individuals who contribute positively or go above and beyond miss out on being appreciated. Celebrating achievements and acknowledging exceptional performance can boost morale and motivation.

Incomplete data

Relying solely on an anonymous feedback survey may result in incomplete data or biased perspectives. It's essential to supplement it with other sources of feedback, such as team discussions, one-on-one meetings, or structured performance evaluations.

Follow-up and action

Collecting feedback is just the first step on the journey toward improving your organization. Without a commitment to reviewing, analyzing, and taking action based on the feedback received, employees may become disengaged and lose trust in the process.

Lack of personalized solutions

Anonymous feedback may highlight issues, but without knowing the specific individuals involved, it can be challenging to tailor solutions that address unique concerns or circumstances. Personalized follow-ups and targeted interventions are often necessary to effectively resolve specific issues.

Potential for misinterpretation

Without the ability to ask follow-up questions or gain context, there is a higher risk of misinterpreting the feedback. Misunderstandings can lead to misguided actions that do not address the root causes of the issues raised, thereby failing to improve the situation.

Decreased accountability

Anonymous feedback mechanisms can sometimes reduce accountability among employees. If individuals do not have to stand by their comments, they may not provide thoughtful, constructive feedback. Ensuring that feedback is actionable and comes with a sense of responsibility can lead to more meaningful improvements.

After gathering anonymous employee feedback, it's essential to dedicate time and resources to thoroughly review and analyze the data. Look for recurring themes, identify areas for improvement through negative feedback, and pay attention to any red flags or concerns raised by your employees.

In conclusion, while collecting anonymous employee feedback is valuable, it should be seen as part of a broader feedback culture within an organization. Combining anonymous feedback through a survey tool with open dialogue, two-way communication, and recognition programs allows for a more comprehensive approach to employee engagement and continuous improvement.

Remember, the goal is to create an environment where employees feel comfortable providing feedback, both anonymously and openly. By leveraging a combination of feedback channels and actively addressing the insights gained, organizations can foster a culture of trust, growth, and positive change.


1. How to get anonymous feedback from your team?

To obtain anonymous feedback from your team, utilize online survey tools that ensure confidentiality, such as CultureMonkey. Clearly communicate the purpose and importance of the feedback to encourage participation. Ensure questions are open-ended to gather detailed responses and consider using a neutral third party to manage the process. Regularly review and act on the feedback to maintain trust and demonstrate commitment to improvement.

2. Is anonymous feedback more honest?

Anonymous feedback tends to be more honest as it removes the fear of repercussions, allowing employees to express genuine opinions. The absence of identity fosters candor, encouraging individuals to share critical insights and concerns they might otherwise withhold. This transparency can lead to a more accurate understanding of organizational issues, ultimately aiding in more effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

3. How do I seek anonymous feedback?

To gather anonymous employee feedback, use secure online anonymous feedback software such as CultureMonkey. Clearly explain the importance and confidentiality of the process to encourage honest participation. Craft specific, open-ended questions to elicit detailed responses. Additionally, consider using suggestion boxes or third-party services to further ensure anonymity. Regularly review and act on the feedback to demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.