25+ Employee recognition survey questions that you should ask your employees in 2024

Kailash Ganesh
15 min read
25+ Employee recognition survey questions that you should ask your employees in 2024
25+ Employee recognition survey questions that you should ask your employees in 2024

Recognition is a major driving force for human beings.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, getting recognized by people around you can motivate you to keep moving forward. Naturally, employees too deeply crave recognition program in their workplace.

But what is the actual definition of employee recognition?

Employee recognition means appreciating your employees publicly for the good deeds that they have done for the organization and/or the team.

The idea of employee recognition program could mean anything, from a simple pat on the back to felicitating employees with a monetary reward or even a non-monetary award presented in front of their peers.

No matter how talented your employees are, they cannot sustain their productivity at work if they aren’t recognized enough.

Therefore, a company culture of recognition is key to organizations. Consciously try to inculcate one in your workplace as it helps your employees to see that their organization values their contribution.

Table of contents:-

  1. What is employee recognition?
  2. How do you ask an employee about recognition?
  3. What is recognition questionnaire?
  4. Importance of employee recognition survey
  5. Benefits of employee recognition surveys
  6. How employee recognition survey helps employee engagement efforts?
  7. How surveys help with employee recognition?
  8. Types of employee recognition programs
  9. How to implement employee recognition survey, the right way
  10. Employee recognition survey questions
  11. How to make use of employee recognition survey results?
  12. Conclusion

What is employee recognition?

Employees are cheering for success
What is employee recognition?

Employee recognition refers to the acknowledgment and appreciation of an individual's contributions, efforts, and achievements in the workplace.

It encompasses both formal and informal gestures of appreciation aimed at recognizing employees' hard work, dedication, and positive impact on the organization. Recognition can take various forms, including verbal praise, written commendations, awards, bonuses, public acknowledgment, and special events.

At its core, employee recognition serves as a powerful tool for reinforcing desired behaviors, motivating employees, and fostering a positive work culture. By recognizing and rewarding employees for their accomplishments, organizations can boost morale, enhance job satisfaction, and increase employee engagement and retention rates.

Effective employee recognition programs are built on the principles of fairness, transparency, and consistency. They are designed to be inclusive, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their role or level within the organization, have the opportunity to be recognized and appreciated for their contributions.

Ultimately, employee recognition is not just about rewarding exceptional performance; it is about creating a culture of appreciation and gratitude where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated to perform at their best.

When implemented effectively, employee recognition can have a profound impact on organizational success, driving productivity, innovation, and overall employee satisfaction.

How do you ask an employee about recognition?

Employee is listing to an employee
How do you ask an employee about recognition?

Asking an employee about recognition in a formal and structured manner is crucial for gaining valuable insights into their experiences and perceptions regarding recognition practices within the organization.

Surveys emerge as the best option for several reasons. Firstly, surveys provide a standardized and consistent approach to collecting feedback from a large number of employees, ensuring that all voices are heard and represented.

This method allows for anonymity, fostering an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their honest opinions without fear of repercussion or bias.

Moreover, surveys offer the flexibility to include a diverse range of questions that delve into various aspects of recognition, such as frequency, type, effectiveness, and fairness.

By utilizing a combination of quantitative and qualitative questions, surveys enable organizations to gather both numerical data and detailed insights into employees' thoughts, feelings, and suggestions for improvement.

Furthermore, surveys can be administered electronically, making them accessible and convenient for employees to complete at their own pace and convenience. This ensures maximum participation and engagement, leading to more comprehensive and reliable data collection.

What is recognition questionnaire?

Employees are filling out a survey
What is recognition questionnaire?

A recognition questionnaire is a structured tool designed to gather feedback from employees regarding their experiences, perceptions, and preferences related to recognition practices within an organization.

Typically administered in the form of a survey, the questionnaire comprises a series of questions aimed at assessing various aspects of recognition, such as frequency, type, effectiveness, and fairness.

Questions may cover topics such as the frequency of recognition received, the types of recognition preferred, satisfaction levels with existing programs, and suggestions for improvement.

By utilizing a recognition questionnaire, organizations can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their recognition efforts, identify areas for enhancement, and tailor recognition programs to better align with employees' needs and preferences.

This structured approach ensures that feedback is systematically collected, analyzed, and acted upon to foster a culture of appreciation and recognition within the workplace.

Importance of employee recognition survey

Well, we all know that employees are the backbone of any organization.

And the likelihood of an employee quitting increases when they feel unrecognized at work.

IBM’s WorkTrends study showed intention to quit is twice as high among employees who do not receive recognition (51%) compared to those who do (25%)

Matters only become more complex with the new hybrid work culture. Recognizing employees virtually is a new phenomenon for most organizations, one that most are only warming up to.

Another interesting point to note here is that employees don’t just look for top-down recognition from managers but also from their peers. In recent times, peer-to-peer recognition has gained momentum, and for good reason.

Not all employee recognition survey programs are effective. If you want to draw maximum value from employee recognition program, you need to also be able to understand how employees perceive and value your organization’s recognition program. So how can you do that?

By initiating frequent conversation with your employees about their recognition needs and know if they feel they are recognized enough or not. This is where the employee recognition survey comes into the picture.

Benefits of employee recognition surveys

Employees are working together to increase ROI
Benefits of employee recognition surveys

Recognition is key in encouraging employees to work hard and remain motivated. It creates a feeling of security and appreciation for their efforts which is especially important during times of growth or change within the organization.

It helps to build a sense of pride in their value to the company and reinforces the idea that their contributions are appreciated and valued.

This can be done in many different ways, from rewards and bonuses to verbal praise and recognition. Regardless of the method, it is important to recognize and reward employees for their hard work, as it increases job satisfaction and loyalty.

Here are some benefits of conducting employee engagement survey in the workplace.

Identifies areas for improvement

Employee engagement survey questions provide valuable insight into how employees perceive their work environment, their relationships with their colleagues, and the rewards they receive for their hard work.

By understanding the level of recognition employees are receiving and where they feel they are not being properly recognized, employers can take steps to ensure their employees feel valued and appreciated.

Increases employee engagement

Employee engagement surveys allow organizations to measure employee satisfaction and uncover any issues that may be preventing employees from being productive and happy.

They also provide insight into what motivates and inspires employees, enabling organizations to create a more engaging work environment.

By understanding employee needs and opinions, organizations can increase employee retention, engagement, and ensure their employees are truly engaged in their work.

Enhances employee morale and productivity

Employee engagement surveys help employee morale and productivity by understanding employee needs and wants; employers can create a workplace environment that encourages engaged employees.

The surveys also help employers identify potential areas of improvement and create solutions that increase employee satisfaction, and productivity.

Ultimately, employers can create a more positive workplace atmosphere and a more productive workforce by measuring employee engagement and sentiment.

Acknowledges recognition practices that work.

Surveys help to identify which acknowledgment and recognition practices are working and which need to be improved. They also provide insight into how employees feel recognized about the recognition they receive and how they feel valued as employees.

Promotes a culture of appreciation

They provide an opportunity for employers to understand the needs of their employees and to be able to recognize and reward individual and team accomplishments.

Surveys also allow employees to express their opinions and suggestions to improve the workplace. Employers can foster a more engaged and committed workforce by creating a company culture of appreciation and gratitude by working with their employees’ suggestions.

Improves communication

Through surveys, managers can gain insight into their employees' understanding of the company values and goals, as well as their feelings about their job and overall satisfaction.

This feedback can help managers identify areas for improvement in how they communicate with employees and help create an environment of trust and collaboration.

Encourages continuous feedback and improvement

Employee recognition surveys facilitate ongoing feedback loops between employees and employers.

By regularly soliciting feedback, organizations can identify trends and areas for improvement, leading to continuous enhancement of recognition practices and overall employee satisfaction.

Strengthens team cohesion and collaboration

Through recognition surveys, organizations can gauge how well teams are working together and how effectively they are acknowledging each other's contributions.

By fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation, teams can become more cohesive, collaborative, and supportive of one another, leading to improved productivity and morale.

Empowers employees and increases autonomy

Surveys empower employees by giving them a voice in shaping their work environment and recognition practices. When employees feel heard and valued, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and contribute to the organization's success.

Providing autonomy in how recognition is given can further enhance employee engagement and satisfaction.

Drives innovation and creativity

Employee recognition surveys can uncover insights into employees' ideas, innovations, and areas where they feel their creativity is recognized and valued.

By acknowledging and rewarding creative contributions, organizations can foster a culture of innovation and encourage employees to think outside the box, leading to improved problem-solving and business outcomes.

Strengthens employer branding and reputation

An effective employee recognition program, supported by regular surveys, can enhance an organization's employer branding and reputation. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to speak positively about their employer, both internally and externally.

This positive word-of-mouth can attract top talent and enhance the organization's reputation as an employer of choice within the industry.

How employee recognition survey helps employee engagement efforts?

Employees are working with an idea
How employee recognition survey helps employee engagement efforts?

Effective employee recognition survey helps to build positive relationships between employees and management team and leads to higher employee engagement and job satisfaction.

Employee recognition platform reinforce the desired behaviors and encourages employees to keep up the good work. It helps employees to feel valued and appreciated, builds trust and loyalty, and reinforces a positive work environment.

Employee recognition survey helps to foster a feeling of belonging among staff and contributes to a sense of purpose and accomplishment. It also encourages employees to strive for excellence and take ownership of their work.

When employees feel like their hard work is being recognized and appreciated, they are more likely to take risks and be innovative. This can lead to increased employee retention, creativity, engagement and productivity.

Recognition helps to build positive relationships, encourages collaboration, and creates a feeling of trust and respect. It also helps to foster a sense of accomplishment and encourages employees to take the initiative and strive for excellence

How surveys help with employee recognition?

Employee recognition surveys help employers learn about the types of recognition that employees prefer and create rewards and recognition programs tailored to their needs.

Surveys can be used to identify the best ways to recognize every employee for their achievements, such as awards, bonuses, or other forms of recognition.

By collecting anonymous feedback from employees about their preferences, employers can create a rewards and recognition program that is more likely to be successful.

This also allows employers to ensure that their recognition program meets their employees’ needs and expectations.

Overall, surveys are an effective tool for recognizing employees and providing feedback that can help employers create an environment where employees feel appreciated and valued.

Employee surveys provide organizations with the necessary insight to create meaningful recognition and reward programs that will benefit both the employer and the employee.

Types of employee recognition programs

Employees are hi-fying each other
Types of employee recognition programs
  1. Verbal praise: One of the most effective ways to recognize employees is it provides immediate feedback and appreciation for a job well done. Such employee recognition survey results can help to boost morale and inspire employees to work harder.
  2. Written commendations: These can be sent out via email or even sent home with employees in the form of a thank you card.
  3. Awards and bonuses: These tangible rewards can be a great motivator and are often seen as a sign of respect and gratitude from the company.
  4. Public acknowledgment: This can be done in various ways, such as public recognition at a meeting, in a newsletter, or even on social media.
  5. Special events: These can be anything from a company picnic to a formal dinner, depending on the size of the organization.
  6. Celebratory lunches: A meal shared with colleagues, and management team can be a great reward and a great way to show appreciation.
  7. Extra time off: This can be anything from an extra day off to extended vacation time, depending on the level of recognition.
  8. Gift cards: These can be used for anything from a special dinner to a weekend getaway, allowing employees to enjoy their hard-earned rewards.
  9. Flexible scheduling: This could include allowing for flexible start times, longer lunch breaks, or even allowing for hybrid or remote work.
  10. Professional development opportunities: This could include courses, seminars, or even time off to attend relevant conferences.
  11. Team-building activities: Organizing team-building events such as retreats, workshops, or recreational outings can foster camaraderie among employees while providing a platform for recognition and appreciation.
  12. Personalized rewards: Tailoring rewards to match individual preferences and interests demonstrates a deeper level of appreciation and shows that the organization values each employee's unique contributions.
  13. Career advancement opportunities: Recognizing outstanding performance by offering opportunities for career growth, promotions, or challenging assignments can motivate employees to continue excelling in their roles.
  14. Peer-to-peer recognition programs: Implementing programs where employees can recognize and appreciate their colleagues' contributions can create a culture of mutual respect and support within the organization.
  15. Community involvement initiatives: Recognizing employees for their involvement in community service or charitable activities not only acknowledges their contributions outside of work but also reinforces the organization's commitment to social responsibility.

How to implement employee recognition survey, the right way

Employers are discussing on an idea
How to implement employee recognition survey, the right way

Organizations can improve morale, strengthen team engagement, dynamics, and boost productivity by gathering feedback and recognizing employees for their contributions.

Here are 7 steps for effectively implementing employee recognition surveys.

Understand the purpose of employee recognition survey question

Employee recognition surveys are a great way to gauge employees' satisfaction with their work environment and recognize their efforts. By collecting information from employees, companies can better understand their workforce and create effective strategies to address issues that may arise.

Identify the questions

When creating an employee recognition survey, it’s important to identify the right questions. The types of questions you ask should focus on the employee’s experience and feelings of recognition and appreciation. Consider asking questions related to the following:

• How valued do you feel in your role?

• Are you given enough recognition for your work?

• What do you think are the most rewarding aspects of your job?

Determine the frequency

The frequency of employee recognition surveys should be determined based on the company’s needs. Surveys can be conducted quarterly, bi-annually, or annually. It’s important to ensure that employees feel comfortable taking the survey and that their responses are not used against them.

Set up a rewards system

Setting up a rewards system for employees who participate in recognition surveys can help to motivate them to take part. Rewards can include gift cards, extra vacation days, or other types of recognition.

Communicate the survey

Once the survey is created, it is important to communicate it to all employees. This can be done through email, internal newsletters, or other forms of communication. It’s important to make sure that all employees are aware of the survey and have the opportunity to take part.

Analyze the results

Once the survey has been completed, it’s important to analyze the results. Look for trends in the responses and use this information to change the work environment or create new recognition programs.

Take action

Once you’ve analyzed the results, it’s time to take action. Use the survey insights to identify areas of improvement and recognize employees for their hard work.

Employee recognition survey questions

Employee recognition survey questions
Employee recognition survey questions

Asking questions to your employees in the form of a survey helps collect insights into their recognition needs.

But why use employee surveys?

With the limited bandwidth that HRs have, sitting with each employee individually to get their feedback is nearly impossible. An employee survey is a faster way to get employee feedback and also act on them!

That is why, at CultureMonkey, we’ve curated these employee recognition survey questions for you. With these questions, you could get relevant responses from your employees about how they view recognition in the workplace.

You can use these questions either in a standalone employee recognition survey, an annual survey or you can even include these in your regular pulse survey in a frequency that you think is appropriate for you to take action on the employee feedback received.

  1. Do you feel that you’re recognized fairly for the work you do?
  2. Do you have a clear understanding of what you can do to progress or see an increased recognition for your work?
  3. Do you feel that employees are recognized when they go above and beyond for your organization?
  4. If I do great work, I know that it will be recognized by my team. (On a scale of 1 to 5)
  5. Have you felt recognized for your work in the last 30 days?
  6. Do you feel you get meaningful recognition from your manager?
  7. Do you feel like you are a valued employee of your organization?
  8. What kind of achievements deserves recognition in your eyes?
  9. Do you think every employee in the organization is recognized without any bias?
  10. What do you think we can do to improve employee recognition program in our organization?
  11. How satisfied are you with the frequency of recognition you receive?
  12. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is employee recognition to you?
  13. Do you feel that recognition at work positively impacts your motivation and job satisfaction?
  14. Are there any specific colleagues or teams you feel deserve more recognition for their contributions?
  15. In what ways do you prefer to receive recognition (verbal praise, written commendations, awards, etc.)?
  16. Do you believe that recognition should be tied to specific achievements or should it be more spontaneous?
  17. How effectively do you think recognition is integrated into the company culture?
  18. Do you believe that peer-to-peer recognition is as important as recognition from management?
  19. Have you ever witnessed a colleague being recognized for their work and felt inspired by it?
  20. Do you feel comfortable giving recognition to your colleagues?
  21. What impact do you think recognition has on teamwork and collaboration within the organization?
  22. Do you believe there are any barriers to effective recognition in our organization?
  23. How transparent do you think the recognition process is within the organization?
  24. Do you feel that recognition should be more public or private?
  25. What role do you think managers should play in employee recognition?
  26. Have you ever received recognition that felt insincere or forced?
  27. Do you believe that non-monetary recognition is as effective as monetary rewards?
  28. How do you think the organization can better celebrate team achievements?
  29. Do you believe there are any generational differences in how employees prefer to be recognized?
  30. How do you think remote work impacts employee recognition and appreciation?
  31. Would you like to be involved in planning or organizing employee recognition events?

How to make use of employee recognition survey results?

Employer planning next steps with survey results
How to make use of employee recognition survey results?

Utilizing employee recognition survey results effectively is paramount for fostering a positive work environment, enhancing employee engagement, and optimizing organizational performance.

These surveys provide valuable insights into employees' perceptions, preferences, and areas for improvement in recognition practices. Here are five key strategies for leveraging employee recognition survey results:

  • Data analysis and interpretation: Begin by thoroughly analyzing survey data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of concern related to employee recognition. Look for common themes in responses to gain a comprehensive understanding of employees' sentiments and experiences regarding recognition in the workplace.
  • Action planning: Based on survey findings, develop actionable plans to address any gaps or areas for improvement in the organization's recognition practices. This may involve revising existing recognition programs, implementing new initiatives, or providing additional training for managers on effective recognition techniques.
  • Communication and feedback: Transparently communicate survey results to employees, highlighting key findings and outlining planned actions to address identified issues. Encourage open dialogue and feedback from employees regarding proposed changes to ensure their voices are heard and valued in the process.
  • Continuous improvement: Recognize that employee recognition is an ongoing process and commit to continuously monitoring, evaluating, and refining recognition efforts based on feedback and evolving employee needs. Regularly revisit survey data to track progress and identify any emerging challenges or opportunities for enhancement.
  • Celebrate successes: Acknowledge and celebrate successes and improvements in employee recognition efforts, both internally and externally. Recognize individuals and teams who have contributed to positive changes and share success stories to inspire and motivate further engagement in recognition initiatives.


Recognizing the significance of employee recognition surveys in 2024 is paramount for fostering a positive workplace culture. As we've explored their importance in boosting morale, engagement, and productivity, CultureMonkey emerges as the ultimate solution.

With its user-friendly platform and robust survey features, CultureMonkey empowers organizations to gather meaningful insights into employee recognition needs.

From customizable survey templates to real-time analytics and reporting features, CultureMonkey provides everything organizations need to effectively measure, track, and improve employee recognition efforts.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.