Double-barreled survey question: A guide to writing effective employee survey questions

Kailash Ganesh
8 min read
Double-barreled survey question: A guide to writing effective employee survey questions
Double-barreled survey question: A guide to writing effective employee survey questions

Employee surveys are invaluable tools for gauging sentiment, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering a positive work environment. However, poorly constructed questions can skew results and lead to misinterpretations. One of the survey creator most common pitfalls? Double-barreled questions.

Imagine asking your employees, "How satisfied are you with the office environment and the workload?" This single question packs two separate topics into the one answer, forcing respondents to choose an answer that might not accurately reflect their individual feelings.

Perhaps they love the office space but struggle with the workload, or vice versa. A "very satisfied" answer could mask underlying concerns.

This is the essence of a double-barreled question: it conflates two distinct issues into one, making it impossible to interpret a single answer reliably. But fear not, fellow survey creators! We're here to guide you through crafting clear, impactful, double barreled questions examples that avoid this common misstep.

In this blog, we'll delve deeper into the complexities of double-barreled questions, equipping you with the knowledge and practical strategies to identify and dismantle them in your employee surveys.

By following these steps, you'll ensure your surveys gather accurate, actionable feedback that paves the way for a more informed and engaged workforce.

What are double barreled survey questions in an employee survey?

Employees holding thumbs up and down symbol
What are double barreled survey questions in an employee survey?

Double-barreled survey questions, also known as double-barreled items or double-barreled statements, are questions that ask about two separate issues or concepts within a single question.

This can lead to confusion or inaccurate responses because respondents may agree or disagree with one part of the question while having a different opinion on the other part.

In an employee survey context, double-barreled questions might look like: "Are you satisfied with your salary and job responsibilities?"

In this example, the double direct question combines two distinct issues: salary satisfaction and job responsibilities satisfaction. A respondent might be satisfied with their salary but dissatisfied with their job responsibilities, or vice versa.

Answering this question accurately becomes challenging because the respondent's feelings about one aspect may not align with their feelings about the other.

To avoid double-barreled and ambiguous questions used in an employee survey, it's important to break down complex issues into separate questions that address each aspect individually. This allows for more accurate survey results and clearer insights into employees' opinions and experiences.

How to avoid writing double-barreled questions?

Employer saying "no"
How to avoid writing double-barreled questions?

To avoid double-barreled questions, it is crucial for obtaining accurate and meaningful responses in a survey. Here are nine tips on how to avoid writing double-barreled questions:

1. Focus on a single issue

Ensure that each question addresses only one issue or concept. If your question involves multiple elements, consider a compound question or breaking it down into separate questions.

2. Be clear and specific

Clearly define the subject of the question and avoid vague or ambiguous question language. Make sure respondents understand exactly what is being asked.

3. Use separate questions for multiple concepts

Instead of combining multiple concepts into one question, create separate questions for each aspect you want to explore. This allows respondents to provide specific and unambiguous answers to absolute questions.

4. Test your questions

Before finalizing your survey, test your questions with a small sample of individuals to identify any confusion or ambiguity. Their feedback can help you refine your questions and eliminate any double-barreled elements.

5. Avoid "And" or "Or" connectors

Be cautious when using connectors like "and" or "or" in a question, as they can signal the presence of multiple ideas. If you find yourself using these connectors, it may be an indication that your question is double-barreled.

6. Separate positive and negative statements

If a positive answer to your question includes both positive and negative elements, consider splitting them into separate questions. For example, instead of asking, "Do you enjoy your work, and do you find it stressful?" ask two separate questions: one about enjoyment and another about stress.

7. Use multiple questions if necessary

If a complex issue requires exploration, it's better to use a series of related questions to answer options, rather than trying to cover everything in one. This allows for a more in-depth understanding of each aspect.

8. Maintain consistent format

Keep the format of your questions consistent throughout the survey. This helps respondents understand the structure and expectations of leading question, reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation.

9. Review and revise

Regularly review your survey questions and revise them as needed. As you follow up questions and gain more insights into your target audience, you may identify areas where questions can be improved for clarity and precision.

Other common survey question errors to watch out for

Employers are having a discussion
Other common survey question errors to watch out for

In addition to avoiding double-barreled questions, there are several other common survey question errors that researchers should watch out for to ensure the reliability and validity of the survey results. Here are some of these errors:

  • Leading questions: These questions unintentionally guide respondents towards a particular answer by framing the question in a way that implies a preferred response. For example, "Don't you agree that the new policy is beneficial?"
  • Loaded questions: Similar to leading questions, loaded questions include emotionally charged or biased language that may influence respondents' answers. It's important to use neutral language to avoid introducing bias.
  • Ambiguous or vague language: Questions should be clear, specific, and easily understood. Ambiguous or vague language can lead to confusion and varied interpretations, impacting the reliability of responses.
  • Negatively worded questions: Questions with negative phrasing can confuse respondents and lead to response errors. For instance, "I don't dislike the new system" might be misinterpreted as a positive response.
  • Assumption of knowledge: Avoid assuming that respondents have specific knowledge about a topic. If the survey requires certain background information, provide it beforehand to ensure accurate responses.
  • Overly complex questions: Complex questions with multiple clauses or technical jargon can overwhelm respondents. Keep questions simple, concise, and at an appropriate reading level for your target audience.
  • Lack of response options: Ensure that your survey provides a comprehensive set of response options. Failing to include all possible choices may force respondents to select an option that doesn't accurately represent their views.
  • Inconsistent response scales: If using a Likert scale or other response format, maintain consistency across all questions. Inconsistent scaling can confuse respondents and affect the validity of the data.
  • Double negatives: Avoid using double negatives in questions, as they can be confusing. For example, "Don't you think it's not unfair?" can be difficult to interpret.
  • Boring or repetitive questions: Monotonous or repetitive questions can lead to respondent fatigue and may result in less thoughtful or accurate responses. Keep the survey engaging and varied.

Avoid these things when creating an employee survey

Employer providing employee with a survey
Avoid these things when creating an employee survey

Creating an employee survey is a valuable tool for gathering feedback and insights, but it's essential to approach the process carefully to ensure the survey is effective and yields meaningful results. Here are some things to avoid when creating an employee survey:

Insufficient frequency

Don't conduct employee surveys infrequently. Regular feedback is essential for understanding evolving concerns and assessing the impact of changes over time. Aim for a balanced frequency to capture ongoing sentiments.

Failure to segment results

Avoid treating all employees as a homogenous group. Segment survey results based on factors such as department, tenure, or job role to identify specific areas of improvement for different employee segments.

Rigid survey structure

Steer clear of rigid survey structures that limit flexibility. Incorporate open-ended questions or qualitative sections to allow employees to express themselves beyond the constraints of predefined response options.

Overlooking positive aspects

Don't make survey respondents solely focus on identifying problems. Include questions that highlight positive aspects of the workplace, such as recognition programs or team achievements, to foster a balanced view of the organizational culture.

Be attentive to emerging trends or shifts in employee sentiments. Ignoring changes over time may result in overlooking critical issues or failing to acknowledge positive transformations within the organization.

Inadequate training for survey administrators

Ensure that individuals administering the survey are well-trained to handle potential queries and support employees throughout the process. Inadequate training can result in misunderstandings and hinder the survey's effectiveness.

Not aligning with organizational goals

Avoid creating survey questions that do not align with the broader organizational goals. Ensure that the survey outcomes directly contribute to addressing key challenges and enhancing the overall work environment.

Failure to communicate results transparently

Once the survey is complete, avoid keeping the results confined to upper management. Communicate the findings transparently to all employees, fostering a sense of inclusivity and accountability in the organization's improvement efforts.

Double barreled survey question examples

Employer thinking of executing an idea
Double barreled survey question examples

Here are 10 examples of double-barreled survey questions:

  1. "Do you feel satisfied with your salary and the opportunities for career advancement?"
  2. "How would you rate the effectiveness of your team's communication and collaboration?"
  3. "Are you comfortable with the workload and the management style of your supervisor?"
  4. "Do you agree that the training programs provided are both comprehensive and easy to understand?"
  5. "How satisfied are you with the work-life balance and the flexibility of your working hours?"
  6. "Do you believe that the company values your contributions and provides fair compensation?"
  7. "Are you confident in your ability to meet deadlines and the effectiveness of the project management tools provided?"
  8. "How would you rate the clarity of company policies and the responsiveness of the HR department?"
  9. "Do you feel supported in your professional development and satisfied with the communication channels within the organization?"
  10. "Are you happy with the recognition you receive for your achievements and the overall team dynamics?"


Crafting an effective employee survey demands careful consideration to avoid common pitfalls. Steering clear of double-barreled questions is crucial, as they can introduce confusion and compromise the accuracy of responses.

It's essential to maintain a clear purpose for the survey, involve employees in the design process, and communicate transparently about the survey's objectives.

Lengthy surveys, biased questions, and a lack of anonymity assurance should be avoided to ensure optimal participation and genuine feedback.

Furthermore, acknowledging the diversity of the workforce, providing consistent and clear communication of results, and implementing action plans based on feedback are key components of a successful survey strategy.

By avoiding these pitfalls and adhering to best practices, organizations can harness the power of employee surveys to foster a positive workplace culture, address concerns effectively, and drive continuous improvement within the organization.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.