What is staff engagement: Top KPIs, best practices to keep your employee productive

Kailash Ganesh
11 min read
What is staff engagement: Top KPIs, best practices to keep your employee productive
What is staff engagement: Top KPIs, best practices to keep your employee productive

An engaged employee is like a secret weapon in your arsenal. They'll willingly go the extra mile, offer innovative solutions, and stick around for the long haul. They're not just here for the paycheck; they're here because they love what they do.

Remember what legendary author Mark Twain once said, "Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life." However, According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace, only 15% of employees are engaged in the workplace.

So, it's easier said than done, right? Well, don't worry! We've got your back. We will ensure that your organization is full of highly engaged employees and their productivity levels are really high.

In this blog, we will explore activities that can be used to engage employees, KPIs to track the same, an action plan to get you started, and much more.

What are staff engagement activities?

Employees working effectively together
What are staff engagement activities?

Staff engagement activities are initiatives, programs, and events designed to improve employee engagement and boost employee morale, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

These activities aim to create a positive and enjoyable work environment, strengthen team dynamics, and improve the overall employee experience. Here are a few activities that you can include in your employee engagement strategy to foster a more motivated and connected workforce:

  1. Team building exercises: These engagement exercies can range from trust falls to escape room challenges. The goal is to encourage collaboration, build trust, and strengthen the bonds among team members.
  2. Wellness programs: Health and wellness activities, such as yoga classes, on-site gym facilities, or meditation sessions, can help employees reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.
  3. Recognition and awards: Regularly acknowledging and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can boost morale and motivation. This can include employee of the month awards, spot bonuses, or public recognition in team meetings.
  4. Professional development workshops: Offering opportunities for skill development and career growth through workshops, seminars, and training programs can demonstrate your commitment to your employees' growth.
  5. Social events: Organizing social gatherings, such as team lunches, happy hours, or holiday parties, can provide a relaxed atmosphere for employees to connect outside of work.

What does a staff engagement action plan mean?

Employer working on the workplace engagement action plan
What does a staff engagement action plan mean?

The action plan serves as a structured roadmap that outlines the specific actions, initiatives, and goals aimed at maintaining employee engagement. It is the result of a thoughtful analysis of the organization's current engagement levels and the identification of areas that require improvement.

This analysis often involves surveys, feedback collection, and data analysis to understand the existing strengths and weaknesses in the workplace environment.

One of the key elements of a staff engagement action plan is the establishment of clear and measurable objectives. These objectives are aligned with the organization's broader mission and values, ensuring that the engagement initiatives are in harmony with the overall corporate goals.

The plan includes actionable strategies, such as training programs, communication improvements, team-building activities, or changes in workplace policies, that will be implemented to achieve these objectives.

A well-crafted action plan also includes a defined timeline, with specific deadlines and milestones for each engagement initiative. It designates responsibilities, assigning roles and ownership to individuals or teams accountable for the successful execution of each strategy.

The allocation of necessary resources, both in terms of budget and personnel, is another crucial aspect of the plan.

How do you measure staff engagement at work?

How do you measure staff engagement at work?
How do you measure staff engagement at work?

Measuring staff engagement at work is essential for understanding the level of commitment and satisfaction of employees within an organization. Here are several methods and tools that can be employed to gauge employee engagement effectively:

1. Employee surveys

Conducting regular surveys is one of the most common and direct methods to measure staff engagement. These surveys typically include questions that assess job satisfaction, work-life balance, relationships with colleagues and supervisors, and alignment with the company's mission and values.

The responses to the engagement survey are then analyzed to identify trends and areas that require improvement.

2. Pulse surveys

Short and frequent pulse surveys can provide real-time insights into employee engagement. They often consist of just a few questions and are administered more frequently, allowing organizations to react swiftly to emerging issues.

3. 360-degree feedback

Collecting feedback from not only employees but also their peers, supervisors, and subordinates can offer a comprehensive view of an individual's engagement and performance. This multi-perspective approach helps identify areas for improvement.

4. Employee net promoter score (eNPS)

Adapted from the Net Promoter Score used for customer feedback, eNPS measures the likelihood of employees recommending their organization as a great place to work. It is a straightforward way to assess overall employee satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Performance metrics

Reviewing performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) can indirectly indicate employee engagement. A drop in productivity, increased absenteeism, or higher turnover rates may suggest issues with engagement.

6. Absenteeism and turnover rates

Frequent absenteeism and high turnover rates can be indicative of low employee engagement. In fact, According to a 2021 study, 73% of employees would consider leaving their jobs for the right offer, even if they wouldn’t be looking for a job at the moment.

It shows when employees are disengaged, they are more likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

7. Exit interviews

Conducting thorough exit interviews with departing employees can offer valuable insights into why they are leaving and whether low engagement played a role in their decision.

What are staff engagement drivers, and why does it matter?

Employees connecting with each other effectively
What are staff engagement drivers, and why does it matter?

Staff engagement drivers are the key factors or elements that influence and motivate employees to be more committed, satisfied, and productive in their roles within an organization.

They play a crucial role in shaping the overall employee experience and can significantly impact the success and performance of an organization. Understanding and addressing these key drivers is essential for fostering a positive and engaged workforce.

Common drivers of employee engagement

  • Effective leadership: Strong and empathetic leadership is a significant driver of employee engagement. When leaders are approachable, provide clear guidance, and support their teams, employees are more likely to feel motivated and connected to their work.
  • Recognition and appreciation: Employees need to feel that their efforts are acknowledged and valued. Regular recognition and feedback for their contributions can boost morale, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Career development: Opportunities for growth and advancement within the organization are vital for engagement. When employees see a clear path for professional development and skill enhancement, they are more likely to be committed to their current role.
  • Work-life balance: A healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being. Organizations that support and encourage this balance help employees manage stress, avoid burnout, and maintain a high level of engagement.
  • Collaborative work environment: A culture that fosters teamwork, cooperation, and open communication can enhance employee engagement. Employees are more likely to feel connected and motivated when they can collaborate effectively with their peers.

Why does staff engagement matter?

  • Higher productivity: Engaged employees tend to be more focused and productive, contributing positively to an organization's bottom line. In fact, Gallup reports that a highly engaged workforce can result in 21% more profitability.
  • Retention: They are less likely to leave their jobs, reducing turnover costs and maintaining institutional knowledge, which is beneficial in the long run..
  • Innovation: Engaged employees lead the path in terms of innovation and are more likely to offer creative solutions and suggestions, driving innovation within the organization.
  • Customer satisfaction: When your employees feel like they are part of the workplace, they often provide better customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Positive workplace culture: These employees contribute to a positive and inclusive workplace culture, attracting and retaining top talent.

5 Staff engagement KPIs you should keep in mind

5 Staff engagement KPIs you should keep in mind
Staff engagement KPIs you should keep in mind

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for assessing employee engagement in your organization. These KPIs provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your employee engagement initiatives. Here are the top 5 staff engagement KPIs to keep in mind:

1. Employee engagement score

This is a composite metric that assesses overall employee engagement. It is typically measured through employee surveys or questionnaires that cover various aspects of engagement, such as job satisfaction, commitment, and motivation. The score can provide a snapshot of the organization's engagement level and is often used as a baseline to track changes over time.

2. Retention rate

A high employee turnover rate can be an indicator of low staff engagement. By tracking the percentage of employees who remain with the organization over a specified period, you can assess the effectiveness of your engagement efforts. A lower turnover rate suggests higher benefits of employee engagement, satisfaction, and commitment.

3. Employee Satisfaction Score (ESS)

Employee satisfaction is a key component of engagement. This KPI involves surveys or assessments specifically focused on measuring employee engagement satisfaction with various aspects of their job, including compensation, work-life balance, company culture, and career development. A higher ESS indicates greater employee contentment and, often, higher engagement.

4. Employee referral rate

The number of employee referrals can be a strong indicator of staff engagement. When employees are engaged and satisfied, they are more likely to refer friends and colleagues to job openings within the organization. A higher referral rate can be a sign of positive engagement.

5. Peer recognition and collaboration

Tracking the extent to which employees recognize and appreciate their peers' contributions can provide insights into the collaborative and engagement culture within the organization. High levels of peer recognition often indicate a positive and engaged work environment.

12 Staff engagement best practices to follow in 2023

Employees are happy with their recent achievement
12 Staff engagement best practices to follow in 2023

Staff engagement is an ongoing process that requires a strategic and proactive approach. Here are 12 staff engagement best practices to follow in 2023 and beyond.

1. Leadership support

Engage senior leaders and managers to champion the cause of employee engagement. Leaders should set an example by actively participating in engagement initiatives and fostering a positive workplace culture.

2. Regular feedback and surveys

Conduct regular employee surveys to gauge their satisfaction and collect feedback. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

3. Open and transparent communication

Foster a culture of open and transparent communication. Ensure that employees are well-informed about company goals, changes, and decisions. Encourage two-way communication through regular town halls, feedback channels, and team meetings.

4. Recognition and rewards

Implement a structured recognition and rewards program to acknowledge and appreciate employees' contributions. Tailor rewards individual preferences and provides both public and private recognition.

5. Professional development opportunities

Provide clear paths for career development and growth within the organization. Offer training, mentorship, and opportunities for advancement to keep employees engaged and motivated.

6. Work-life balance

Promote a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, supporting remote work, and encouraging employees to take regular breaks and vacations to prevent burnout.

7. Health and well-being initiatives

Invest in employee well-being through wellness programs, mental health support, and initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle. This can include gym access, stress management resources, and mental health days.

8. Empowerment and autonomy

Provide employees with a degree of autonomy in their roles, allowing them to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Empowered employees are more engaged and feel a sense of pride in their contributions.

9. Team-building activities

Organize team-building activities and events to strengthen relationships among team members. Encourage collaboration, trust, and a sense of belonging within the team.

10. Diversity and inclusion

Promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Encourage a culture of respect and equality, where all employees feel valued and included, regardless of their background or identity.

11. Continuous learning

Support ongoing learning and skill development by providing access to training, workshops, and resources. Encourage employees to stay updated with industry trends and acquire new skills.

12. Innovative engagement initiatives

Conduct employee engagement research and stay up to date with innovative practices, such as gamification, digital platforms, and mobile apps designed to enhance the employee experience. Experiment with new technologies and trends in the HR and employee engagement software space.

What is a staff engagement platform, and how can it help you with employee retention?

What is a staff engagement platform, and how can it help you with employee retention
What is a staff engagement platform, and how can it help you with employee retention

A staff engagement platform is a comprehensive software solution designed to facilitate and enhance employee engagement within an organization. It serves as a central hub for various employee engagement surveys, other initiatives, and tools, providing a systematic and organized approach to fostering a positive workplace culture.

Such platforms offer several features, including employee surveys, recognition and rewards programs, communication tools, performance management, feedback mechanisms, and data analytics. They enable HR professionals and managers to measure employee engagement, identify areas of improvement, and implement strategies to boost it.

By helping with employee retention, staff engagement platforms play a crucial role in reducing turnover rates. They provide a means to assess and address employee satisfaction continuously, recognize outstanding contributions, and create an environment where employees feel valued and connected to their work.

When employees are engaged with new hires and content, they are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing the costs and disruptions associated with high turnover.


Staff engagement is a vital driver of productivity, retention, and overall organizational success. By implementing best practices, using the right tools, and continually fostering a positive workplace culture, companies can create an environment where employees feel motivated, satisfied, and connected to their work.

Prioritizing staff engagement in 2023 and beyond is not just a smart business strategy; it's a commitment to building a thriving workforce that fuels innovation and long-term success.


1) What's the difference between staff engagement and employee satisfaction?

Staff engagement is more profound than employee satisfaction. While satisfaction focuses on contentment with job conditions, engagement delves into emotional commitment and a sense of purpose. Engaged employees are enthusiastic and contribute actively to the organization, driving productivity and innovation for better business outcomes.

2) How can I measure the ROI of staff engagement initiatives?

To measure ROI, compare the costs of engagement initiatives to the financial benefits they bring, such as increased productivity, reduced turnover, or higher customer satisfaction. It's crucial to establish clear metrics and continuously track changes over time for an accurate assessment.

3) Can staff engagement efforts be overdone, leading to burnout?

Yes, it is possible to overdo engagement efforts. Striking a balance is essential. Ensure that initiatives support work-life balance, reduce burnout, foster employee engagement, and don't overwhelm employees with too many demands on their time and energy, as excessive engagement can lead to exhaustion and reduced job satisfaction.

4) What role does technology play in staff engagement?

Technology plays a significant role in streamlining staff engagement efforts. Platforms for surveys, recognition, and communication make it easier to implement and manage initiatives. Data analytics enable organizations to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that their engagement strategies remain effective and aligned with employee needs.

5) Is staff engagement the sole responsibility of HR departments?

Staff engagement is a shared responsibility, not limited to HR. While HR plays a vital role in designing and implementing engagement strategies, leaders, managers, and employees themselves also contribute. A culture of team engagement is built collectively, with everyone playing their part in fostering a motivated, positive, and innovative workforce.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Content Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He has written 200+ blogs on employee experience, company culture and is a huge employee engagement evangelist.