Measuring employee engagement metrics: A complete guide

31 min read
Employees are being happy in the workplace
Measuring employee engagement metrics: A complete guide

As a decision-maker, you know that the corporate world has come a long way in the past few decades—from being consumer-oriented to paying equal attention to their employees. The major shift was due to the realization of employees' role in the organization's growth.

One of the crucial outcomes of paying equal attention to employees was from the advent of employee engagement tools, as it helps one measure how employees feel about their workplace culture and provide an emotional and mental connection to the employees towards their teams and organization.

Engaged employees work harder,  care about their company's performance, are more productive and make sure their efforts make a difference. According to Forbes, 21% of highly engaged teams show greater profitability than others. So an engaged employee works more for the company's overall growth than a paycheck.

With that said, let’s dive deeper into how you can measure employee engagement and understand what are some of the crucial employee engagement metrics you have to factor in, while measuring engagement.

Table of contents:-

  1. What are employee engagement metrics?
  2. 13 Key employee engagement metrics to watch out for
  3. What are the 3 aspects of measuring employee engagement?
  4. What is the best KPI for employee engagement?
  5. How do you measure employee engagement?
  6. Why should you measure employee engagement metrics?
  7. Employee engagement key statistics
  8. Benefits of tracking employee engagement metrics
  9. How to measure employee engagement metrics?
  10. Why should you measure employee engagement metrics in hybrid work?
  11. Key employee engagement metrics for the hybrid work environment?
  12. What are employee satisfaction metrics?
  13. What to do after measuring the employee engagement metrics?
  14. What are employee engagement drivers?
  15. Tracking key engagement metrics: Automate your processes
  16. Conclusion
  17. FAQs

What are employee engagement metrics?

Employer is calculating the recent metrics
What are employee engageWhat are employee engagement metrics?ment metrics?

Employee engagement metrics are indicators that HR and people leaders use to measure and track to determine how engaged their workforce is at the workplace.

These measurements and metrics include a breakdown of an employees' emotions towards the organization and several other themes, including personal wellness, job satisfaction, workplace relationships, and employee recognition, into trackable numbers so that we can create an employee engagement strategy to take tangible actions to sustain or improve the overall workplace engagement.

But how do we measure all these complicated metrics and still arrive at an accurate score?

This is where strategies like sending employee engagement surveys comes into the picture.

Using employee engagement survey tools as a part of measuring employee engagement metrics helps one to provide insights more efficiently with science-backed analytics and templates.

And since the surveys are anonymous, employees can respond more transparently on how they feel about their team, manager, management and much more.

Harvard Business Review surveyed more than 500 business executives, where 71% agreed that employee engagement is crucial to achieving the company's overall goal, implying that engaged employees are likely to have a competitive advantage.

So, it is safe to say that employee engagement metrics of your organization is a proper indicator to understand the current state of employees at your organization and to take necessary actions and design suitable interventions.

Additionally, to ensure the accuracy of these metrics, it's important to regularly analyze and update them. Engaged employees contribute significantly to a positive workplace culture and overall organizational success.

Therefore, investing in the right tools and strategies to measure and enhance employee engagement is not just a choice but a necessity in today's competitive business landscape.

13 Key employee engagement metrics to watch out for

Have you ever been on a road trip without a map or GPS? It's a risky endeavor, right? Well, managing a workforce without tracking key employee engagement metrics is no different.

To keep your organization on the right track, you need a dashboard of metrics that reveal how engaged your employees are. Let's dive into the 13 key employee engagement metrics you should be watching out for.

  1. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS): This classic metric gauges employee satisfaction by asking the question: "How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?" It categorizes employees as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors, giving you a clear picture of overall engagement.
  2. Employee Satisfaction (ESAT): ESAT surveys gather insights into employee happiness, helping you identify areas that need improvement. Happy employees are engaged employees.
  3. Employee turnover rate: High turnover can signal problems with engagement. It's costly to replace employees, so monitoring this metric is crucial.
  4. Absenteeism rate: Frequent absenteeism often reflects disengagement or burnout. Keep an eye on this to ensure your employees are not overburdened.
  5. Employee retention rate: The flip side of turnover, this metric shows how well you're retaining your talent. Engaged employees are more likely to stick around.
  6. Productivity levels: An engaged workforce is a productive one. Track individual and team productivity to gauge engagement's impact.
  7. Employee burnout rate: High levels of stress and burnout can lead to disengagement. Monitor employee burnout to address it proactively.
  8. Employee happiness index: Similar to ESAT, this metric provides a numerical representation of overall employee happiness.
  9. Employee feedback response rate: A low response rate to feedback requests may indicate disengagement. Encourage participation to get a more accurate picture.
  10. Employee development participation: Engaged employees seek opportunities for growth. Monitor participation in training and development programs.
  11. Employee referral rate: Employees who refer friends and acquaintances are often engaged and proud of their workplace.
  12. Employee recognition frequency: How often are employees recognized for their efforts? Frequent recognition is a sign of engagement.
  13. Manager-employee one-on-one meeting frequency: Engaged employees often have regular check-ins with their managers. Ensure these meetings are happening consistently.

But remember, these metrics are most powerful when used together. If, for example, your eNPS is low, but productivity is high, there may be deeper issues to address. The combination of these metrics helps you identify trends, isolate problems, and make data-driven decisions to enhance employee engagement.

What are the 3 aspects of measuring employee engagement?

Employer is discussing recent statistics with employees
What are the 3 aspects of measuring employee engagement?

Measuring employee engagement is crucial for any organization looking to create a thriving and motivated workforce. It's not just about keeping employees happy; it's about ensuring they are fully invested in their roles. So, let's delve into the three key aspects of measuring employee engagement that every savvy business should be aware of.

1. Surveys: The heartbeat of engagement measurement

Surveys are like the stethoscope that allows you to gauge the pulse of your organization. Regular employee engagement surveys are essential to gather valuable insights.

These surveys should ask a variety of questions, from satisfaction with work-life balance to whether employees feel their opinions are valued. The key here is to keep it anonymous, as this encourages honesty. Analyzing the responses will give you a clear picture of what's working and what needs improvement.

2. Employee feedback: open the communication floodgates

Effective two-way communication is vital. Encourage employees to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns openly. A culture of open feedback fosters trust and shows that you value their opinions.

Use regular one-on-one meetings, team discussions, and suggestion boxes to collect this valuable input. Remember, when employees feel heard, they feel more engaged and invested in the company's success.

3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): The numbers don't lie

Metrics don't just apply to sales and revenue; they apply to employee engagement too. Track KPIs like turnover rates, absenteeism, and productivity levels. High turnover and frequent absences could be red flags, while increased productivity indicates a highly engaged workforce.

These quantitative indicators provide a concrete measure of engagement's impact on your organization's bottom line.

What is the best KPI for employee engagement?

When it comes to measuring employee engagement, you want a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) that's like a compass guiding you through the organizational landscape. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, one KPI often stands out as the best: the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS).

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Think of eNPS as the "How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?" question. It's a simple yet powerful metric that provides a clear indication of your employees' engagement and satisfaction levels.

Here's how it works: Employees rate this question on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being "not likely at all" and 10 being "extremely likely." Then, they are categorized into three groups:

  • Promoters (Score 9-10): These are your engaged and enthusiastic employees who are likely to recommend your company as a great place to work.
  • Passives (Score 7-8): They're somewhat satisfied but not particularly enthusiastic. They're neutral and can swing either way.
  • Detractors (Score 0-6): These are the disengaged or unhappy employees who might not recommend your organization.

To calculate your eNPS, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The result is your eNPS score.

So, why is eNPS often considered one of the best KPIs for employee engagement? It's straightforward, easy to understand, and can be measured regularly. Plus, it provides actionable insights. If your eNPS is high, you're doing something right. If it's low, it's a clear signal that improvements are needed.

However, remember that eNPS should not be the sole KPI you rely on. It's most effective when used alongside other metrics, such as turnover rates, absenteeism, and productivity.

These combined KPIs offer a holistic view of your employees' engagement levels, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to enhance the workplace and boost engagement.

How do you measure employee engagement?

Employer shaking hands with employee
How do you measure employee engagement?

Measuring employee engagement is like trying to capture the wind – it's intangible but essential for your organization's success. So, how do you measure this elusive yet crucial factor that can make or break your workplace? Let's break it down.

  1. Employee surveys: Think of these as your engagement barometer. Regular surveys with questions about job satisfaction, work environment, communication, and more provide valuable insights. Use standardized scales to quantify responses, making analysis easier.
  2. Net Promoter Score (eNPS): Similar to the NPS used for customer satisfaction, eNPS asks one simple question: "How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work?" Responses help categorize employees as Promoters (engaged), Passives (neutral), or Detractors (disengaged).
  3. Pulse surveys: These are shorter, more frequent surveys designed to capture real-time employee sentiment. They provide snapshots of engagement levels throughout the year.
  4. 360-Degree feedback: This involves gathering feedback from an employee's peers, supervisors, and subordinates. It offers a comprehensive view of their engagement and performance.
  5. Exit interviews: When employees leave, their insights can be invaluable. Conducting exit interviews can reveal why they disengaged and provide data for improvements.
  6. Employee feedback sessions: Regular one-on-one meetings between employees and managers encourage open communication and allow engagement-related issues to surface.
  7. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Metrics like turnover rates, absenteeism, and productivity can indirectly indicate engagement levels. High turnover or absenteeism may signal issues.
  8. Employee behavior: Observing how employees behave at work can provide insights. Engaged employees are proactive, collaborative, and take ownership of their roles.
  9. Employee recognition programs: Tracking the frequency and impact of employee recognition can indicate engagement. Engaged employees often receive more recognition.
  10. Work-life balance: Monitor employees' ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. High engagement often correlates with better balance.
  11. Company culture: Assess the alignment of your company's culture with employee values and beliefs. A strong cultural fit often leads to higher engagement.
  12. Career development: Track participation in training, mentorship programs, and employee progression. Engaged employees typically seek growth opportunities.
  13. Employee well-being programs: Participation in programs promoting physical and mental well-being can reflect engagement levels.
  14. Innovation and idea sharing: Engaged employees are more likely to contribute ideas and innovations. Monitor idea generation and implementation.
  15. Leadership and managerial feedback: Collect feedback on managers and leaders to ensure they foster an engaged, motivated workforce.

Why should you measure employee engagement metrics?

A meter that shows engagement is at 200%
Why should you measure employee engagement metrics?

Measuring employee engagement metrics is essential to track and improve your employees’ performance and improve their retention; since engagement and productivity is directly related to each other.

Creating an environment where your workforce is happy empowers them to contribute more towards the organization. Thus measuring and improving engagement with various activities will positively impact the company's:

  • Profit
  • Customer experience
  • Innovation level
  • Productivity
  • Employee well-being and retention

According to Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), only 34% (of 57,022 part-time and full-time employees) feel engaged at the workplace, while 16% agreed that they are actively disengaged.

Thus, it's safe to say that  measuring employee engagement metrics and taking actions based on that to improve your engagement score is essential for an organization's success.

According to HRDIVE, disengaged employees can cost up to $550 billion to companies annually.

Companies must use data-driven insights that complement the engagement surveys and enable the managers to play an active role in improving employees' satisfaction, well-being, and engagement.

In today's dynamic work landscape, where competition is fierce and talent retention is a significant concern, measuring employee engagement is no longer just a choice; it's a strategic imperative.

Engaged employees not only enhance the bottom line but also serve as brand ambassadors, attracting top talent and fostering a positive workplace culture.

Therefore, organizations must prioritize the measurement and improvement of employee engagement metrics as a core driver of their long-term success.

Employee engagement key statistics

Employees are discussing in the workplace
Employee engagement key statistics
  • Gallup's State of the Global Workplace 2023 report reveals that employee engagement has reached a record high of 23%, marking a significant increase since tracking began in 2009.
  • Hubspot's research highlights that 69% of employees express a willingness to increase their work effort when they perceive their contributions are adequately acknowledged.
  • As per The Conference Board's study on workplace engagement within the United States, disengaged employees contribute to an annual financial loss ranging between $450 billion to $550 billion for organizations.
  • According to Korn Ferry, 33% of employees who opt to change jobs attribute their decision to a desire for fresh challenges and an escape from workplace monotony.
  • McKinsey & Company's findings emphasize that an overwhelming 82% of employees believe that an organization's sense of purpose holds significant importance in their work environment.

Benefits of tracking employee engagement metrics

Employer is working on the laptol
Benefits of tracking employee engagement metrics

Employee engagement metrics – they may sound like just another task on your already overflowing HR to-do list. But trust me, tracking these metrics can be a game-changer for your organization. Let's dive into the incredible benefits of monitoring employee engagement metrics.

  • Improved employee retention: High turnover rates can be a real headache (and budget-breaker). Tracking engagement metrics helps identify issues early, reducing turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training new employees.
  • Enhanced productivity: Engaged employees are more productive. When you measure engagement, you gain insights into what motivates your team and can adjust strategies to boost productivity.
  • Increased employee satisfaction: Happy employees are engaged employees. Monitoring engagement metrics allows you to pinpoint areas where satisfaction can be improved, leading to a happier workforce.
  • Better company culture: A positive culture is a magnet for top talent. By tracking engagement metrics, you can actively shape and nurture a culture that attracts and retains the best.
  • Enhanced recruitment: When your current employees are engaged and satisfied, they become your best recruitment advocates. They'll refer talented candidates, making your hiring process easier and more effective.
  • Higher profitability: Engaged employees contribute to the bottom line. They're more innovative, customer-focused, and committed, which can result in increased profitability.
  • Stronger employee loyalty: Engaged employees tend to be more loyal. By measuring engagement, you can build a team that sticks around for the long haul.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Engaged employees are more likely to provide exceptional customer service. Satisfied customers lead to repeat business and referrals.
  • Enhanced innovation: Engaged employees are more likely to think creatively and suggest improvements. Tracking engagement metrics can help you identify and foster a culture of innovation.
  • Reduced absenteeism: Engaged employees are less likely to call in sick or take unnecessary time off. Lower absenteeism rates save your organization money and keep projects on track.
  • Better employee well-being: Engagement metrics can reveal stress or burnout patterns. By addressing these issues proactively, you can improve employee engagement, well-being and reduce health-related absences.
  • More efficient onboarding: Understanding what engages your team helps streamline the onboarding process. New hires can become engaged and productive more quickly.
  • Enhanced leadership development: Identifying and nurturing highly engaged employees can help you identify future leaders within your organization.
  • Better performance management: Engagement metrics provide a basis for setting performance goals and evaluating progress.
  • Regulatory compliance: Some industries require organizations to track and report employee engagement. Monitoring these metrics ensures compliance with regulations and avoids potential penalties.

In essence, tracking employee engagement metrics isn't just about numbers and statistics; it's about creating a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and eager to contribute their best.

It's about fostering an environment where your team can thrive, grow, and achieve remarkable results. And it's about ensuring your organization remains competitive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

How to measure employee engagement metrics?

Employer is shaking hands with employee in the workplace
How to measure employee engagement metrics?

Certain things are easily quantifiable, like how many miles you would walk daily or how many glasses of water you drink daily, but measuring employee engagement can be complex. It combines employees' satisfaction, commitment, happiness, and motivation, which are more challenging to measure.

The post-pandemic world has changed employees' preferences towards their organization ever since companies' have started inculcating hybrid working.

These factors lead to changes in their engagement with their organization, where employees could have been highly committed to their jobs, but also be burnt out, or be satisfied with the job but have yet to receive feedback from their manager and peers about their work.

Holistically, if you see this scenario, it's all about the internal communication, which got affected due to this hybrid work setup. And if and if we miss measuring this employee engagement metric about internal communication, we can’t improve it and create a great experience for your employees.

So, no single employee engagement metric can tell everything about your employees. To prepare a good dashboard to measure your employee engagement, you will require a handful of metrics to learn more about employees and to conclude informed decisions.

CultureMonkey's employee engagement software helps a people leader like you to scale your business and provides your employees with the opportunity to reflect and share their feedback, which will allow you,  to measure the employees' pulse, evaluate their survey results, and take required action based on their feedback, all within one engagement tool.

CultureMoneky's employee engagement surveys are research-oriented and also 100% customizable, allowing you to add your own voice to every employee survey question.

Pro Tip : Looking to run employee surveys to measure the engagement metrics of your remote/hybrid employees? Try our 50+ professionally built employee engagement survey templates and get started with your first survey today.

Now let's look at the top 9 employee engagement metrics, that you need to measure in 2022 :-

Annual engagement surveys

Annual engagement surveys will help gain feedback and track your organizations’s employee engagement, performance, and morale as it measures your employees' commitment, passion, and motivation for their job responsibilities in your company.

These annual surveys are long but widely used, despite how many HR professionals try to break them down.

According to Business Insider, 73% of 2,099 respondents who answered regarding their employment plans are considering leaving the organization, and more than a quarter of Americans said they would feel comfortable quitting without a new job lined up.

So, the popular format of distributing annual employee engagement metrics would help you obtain a macro, data-driven and detailed understanding of your workplace engagement.

Pulse survey

The pulse survey is a short and specific and quick survey format containing a very specific set of questions sent to employees on a regular basis to gain their views on work-life balance, workplace relationships, communication, and the overall work environment.

Pulse surveys can help an organization in multiple ways; for starters, they are more frequent than annual employee engagement surveys. The pulse survey can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly, making them a standalone or a specific learning guide to prepare the yearly surveys.

According to PointerPro, the average survey response is just 30%, which is quite challenging for employers when creating a survey. Here's where the pulse survey comes in handy.

The pulse survey is effective mainly because it is short, so the employees will be able to handle the questions and allow you to take necessary actions and prepare engaging surveys.

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Employee net promoter score is an easy-to-implement system that helps track employee engagement metrics and measure their impact on the company culture.

The employee net promoter score displays how the employees feel about your company, similar to NPS, which measures customers' satisfaction.

Since eNPS is less complex, with a 0–10 scale for the questions, the participation rate for the survey will be higher and measuring E-nps would also help you to find out how likely are your current employees in referring their friends or family to your organization, thereby cutting down your hiring costs.

Professional development

The sole purpose of professional development is to obtain information regarding the growth expectations of  your employees in the workplace. These employee engagement metrics will help employers guide or plan future actions for both the company and the employees.

According to LinkedIn's Workplace Learning Report, 94% of employees will stay longer with their company if it invests in their careers, which is fair to ask.

So, with the help of a professional development survey, an organization can upskill their employees' while retaining them to attain the business goals.

Work-life balance

Work-life balance is all about how good your employees are able to manage their professional and personal life. As an employer, it's your responsibility to ensure that your colleagues maintain a healthy work-life balance and consider it seriously as a significant metric amongst your employee engagement metrics, no matter how excited and involved they are about their work.

Conducting work-life balance surveys generally helps you to reduce employees' stress and prevents workplace burnout, as you give them a chance to open up about their issues and assure them that they’ll be resolved promptly.

Chronic stress is one of the primary health issues in the workplace, leading to consequences like chronic aches, hypertension, digestive troubles, and heart problems.

According to Apollo Technical, 72% of Americans consider work-life balance while searching for a job.

Thus, a company that prioritizes work-life balance helps employees from physical health issues, makes employees heard, and attracts new hires, which is a win-win-win!


Employee recognition is one of the most important employee engagement metrics directly linked to retention. When you recognize your employees, you make them see that their company values their contribution, making them feel heard by the management.

These gestures will help you build an emotional connection with your employees and motivate them to stick with you for a long time. According to Glassdoor, 53% of employees admit that they will stay longer with their company if they feel more appreciation from their boss. So, employee recognition is an excellent source of uplifting them and will play a critical role in employee retention.

Survey participation rate

The survey participation rate represents the percentage of the respondents to the employee survey sent by the management. While distributing new surveys, employers often want to know the approximate response rate, but typically, the response rates are highly influenced by multiple factors that are challenging to forecast.

But, being aware of recent survey participation rate metrics and the key influencing factors will help to establish some simple and realistic expectations for knowing the employee engagement metrics.


1-on-1 meetings are a vital component of a successful feedback model and is an employee engagement metric that has a significant influence on your overall employee engagement score.

They allow employers to have uninterrupted time to review performance, discuss projects, remove blockers, and make employees feel heard on a personal level.

As per Hyper Context's survey with 200+ managers across 30+ industries, 94% of managers are conducting 1-on-1s, where 75% discuss the growth and development of the company.

With proper preparation and a collaborative agenda, 1-on-1s encourage employees to feel engaged, energized, and better equipped to perform their jobs well.

Professional relationships quality

Professional relationship quality is one among the most critical but essential employee engagement metrics. It is a connection between two or more people in a workplace that is typically more formal than relationships outside work.

Professional relationships build diversity, respect, trust, mindfulness, interrelatedness, effective communication, and varied interaction. These characteristics help to have a better chance of operating a successful business.

Feedback and recognition frequency

The frequency of feedback and recognition plays a pivotal role in shaping employee engagement levels within an organization. Regular acknowledgement of employees' efforts and providing constructive feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and motivation.

The key here is not just the occasional praise but a consistent and meaningful feedback loop. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, driving personal and professional growth. These interactions can also identify and address any concerns or challenges faced by employees, enhancing their overall job satisfaction.

Effective feedback and recognition mechanisms, whether through formal performance evaluations or informal appreciative gestures, are essential for creating a positive workplace culture that encourages engagement and loyalty among employees.

Career development opportunities

Measuring the availability of career development opportunities is a critical aspect of employee engagement. Employees who see a clear path for growth and development within the organization are more likely to be engaged and committed to their roles.

Career development opportunities encompass various aspects, including training and upskilling programs, mentorship initiatives, and the potential for advancement. Surveys and feedback mechanisms focused on career aspirations and the perceived potential for growth can provide valuable insights into this metric.

Organizations that prioritize and actively support their employees' professional growth not only retain top talent but also benefit from a workforce that is highly motivated, skilled, and ready to take on new challenges. Career development opportunities are a win-win, benefiting both employees and the organization's long-term success.

Diversity and inclusion index

The diversity and inclusion index is a vital metric that gauges the extent to which an organization values and promotes diversity and inclusion within its workforce. Diverse and inclusive workplaces tend to have higher levels of employee engagement.

This metric can be assessed through surveys and feedback mechanisms that explore employees' perceptions of diversity and inclusion within the organization. Employees' experiences and feelings regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion are crucial factors in determining their engagement levels.

Moreover, a diverse and inclusive work environment fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among employees. It promotes collaboration and creativity, which are essential for driving innovation and achieving organizational goals.

As a result, organizations should actively track and improve their diversity and inclusion metrics to enhance overall employee engagement and organizational success.

Why should you measure employee engagement metrics in Hybrid work?

Employee is working remotely on the lap, with a dog sitting on the side
Why should you measure employee engagement metrics in Hybrid work?

"People are more productive working at home than people would have expected. Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn't. And a lot of people are actually saying that they're more productive now."Mark Zuckerberg

Let's keep it real; with increasing video communication and awareness of work-life balance, the hybrid workplace model seems here to stay for a long time. Still, employee engagement is a core for every business's success, and the event of employees' engagement dropping off is the biggest nightmare for your growth as an organization.

The concept of employee engagement reflects the emotional commitment of employees to their organization and its goals. And now, employees are starting to love the hybrid work culture due to the convenience that allows them to perform at a high level of engagement.

However, not every organization experiences the same; according to McKinsey & Company states, 58% of executives report employee productivity improvements, but some feel the productivity has not changed.

So, to stay on top of all your preparations and keep the hybrid nightmare events to a minimum, you need to keep monitoring the employee engagement metrics for the hybrid.

Key employee engagement metrics for the hybrid work environment

Employees are having a video conference with employees who are working from home
Key employee engagement metrics for the hybrid work environment

The hybrid model combines the flexibility of working from home and the benefits of an on-site environment for the employees, but you need to ensure that your staff will be as productive in remote work as they are in the physical office.

According to Upwork, 37% of employees might consider looking for a new job if they can't work remotely, so changing the hybrid to entirely on-site is not an option.

The following four employee engagement metrics would help you monitor your engagement for better hybrid work productivity of your employees -

Leadership effectiveness indicators

The leader’s effectiveness in communicating with their teams has a significant impact on their team’s ability towards attaining the company's goal. Thus, the organization's leaders should pay equal and close attention to hybrid employees through key employee engagement metrics.

According to Business Wire, 71% of employees are more productive when they feel well-connected to their colleagues. It's similar to when the engine stops working and the wheels won't move forward. With no effective and empathetic leadership, the organization will cease to move.

Employee behavior indicators

Employee behavior indicators help managers and employers assess employees' competencies in hybrid.

Competencies are key roles that include teamwork, responsibilities, commercial awareness, decision-making, communication, and more, which eventually lead to employee engagement.

As per Gallup's report, 51% of employees are disengaged and are psychologically unattached to their company and work. So, it's crucial for leaders to often use behavioral indicators as employee engagement metrics for identifying the presence or absence of employees' competency.

Early outcome metrics

Early outcome metrics measure the business and operational outcomes that reflect the organizational impact and performance to provide a site of calculating possible results. Early outcome metrics help to make informed business decisions, fundamentally informed guesses, and risks involving relying on past methods and data.

Early outcome metrics help to make informed business decisions, fundamentally informed guesses, and risks involving relying on past methods and data. According to Forbes, data has limitless potential for delivering better outcomes, agility, business transformation, and faster decisions.

So, "knowledge is power" when it comes to knowing potential data, and it's crucial to maintaining a thriving data culture. The following are some ways to calculate the early outcome metrics.

  • Using the data of productivity tools.
  • Calculating employee participation in development opportunities.
  • Estimating the number of escalation challenges compared with self-directed solutions.
  • Frequent distribution of promotions to figure out whether there is a different distribution than before.
  • Well-being of employees through engagement surveys that need more frequent pulse surveys.

Lagging results impact metrics

Lagging indicators in employee engagement metrics take time to measure the long-term trends, and in many cases, the lagging metrics are the best to assess the impact of the efforts since it takes time for the changes to take effect.

They are hard to alter since lagging indicators often are high-level metrics like revenue that impact multiple departments within a company, and small projects might not make a measurable impact. Though a lagging indicator might be the best to measure the outcome of your effort, sometimes it can be problematic.

According to Economic Times, 78% of companies monitor their employees through software to track their online activities and performance. But lagging indicators won't be able to track and make any ongoing adjustments.

So monitor your organizational performance through leading outcome metrics, as they can measure—productivity, profitability, revenue, retention, and absenteeism to identify trends and patterns to keep you on track so that you hit the company's strategic objective.

Mental health and well-being support

In the hybrid work environment, organizations must prioritize the mental health and well-being of their employees. This key element involves providing access to resources, counseling services, and creating a stigma-free environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of mental health support. Many employees have faced increased stress and isolation while adapting to remote or hybrid work arrangements. Therefore, measuring the effectiveness of mental health support programs and the well-being of employees through surveys and metrics is crucial.

Organizations that prioritize mental health support demonstrate their commitment to employee welfare and can significantly impact engagement, productivity, and retention.

Technology infrastructure and accessibility

In the hybrid work model, seamless access to technology and digital tools is paramount. This key element involves assessing the organization's technology infrastructure, including network connectivity, software applications, and hardware availability.

Employees must have equitable access to technology resources, whether they work from the office or remotely. Tracking metrics related to technology accessibility, such as the reliability of remote access systems, the availability of necessary software, and the effectiveness of IT support, helps ensure that employees can perform their tasks efficiently.

A robust technology infrastructure enhances employee engagement by reducing frustrations related to technical issues and enabling smooth collaboration in a hybrid setting.

Work-life integration metrics

Work-life integration has become a focal point in the hybrid work environment. It involves striking a balance between professional responsibilities and personal life. Companies measure employee engagement to integrate work and life effectively.

Metrics in this area may include tracking overtime hours, the use of flexible work arrangements, and the prevalence of burnout symptoms. Understanding how employees manage their work and personal life in a hybrid work setting is crucial for promoting well-being and engagement.

Organizations that support work-life integration can improve employee satisfaction and retention, as employees feel empowered to manage their responsibilities effectively.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) metrics

Maintaining a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential in a hybrid work environment. Measuring DE&I metrics helps organizations ensure that their workplace is inclusive and that all employees have equal opportunities and support.

These metrics may include tracking diversity in hiring, promotion rates among different demographic groups, and surveying employees on their perceptions of the organization's commitment to DE&I. It is important to identify areas where improvements are needed and to take proactive steps to create a more inclusive workplace.

Organizations that prioritize DE&I metrics contribute to a more equitable and engaged workforce, fostering a sense of belonging and trust among employees.

Training and development effectiveness

In a hybrid work environment, providing training and development opportunities is essential to help employees adapt to new ways of working and enhance their skills. This key element involves measuring the effectiveness of training programs and their impact on employee engagement and performance.

Metrics related to training and development may include tracking participation rates in training sessions, assessing the application of newly acquired skills in the workplace, and gathering feedback on the relevance and quality of training programs.

Investing in training and development not only equips employees with the skills they need but also demonstrates a commitment to their growth and career advancement, contributing to higher engagement and retention rates.

So monitor your organizational performance through leading outcome metrics, as they can measure—productivity, profitability, revenue, retention, and absenteeism to identify trends and patterns to keep you on track so that you hit the company's strategic objective.

What are employee satisfaction metrics?

Employee's drawing a smiley symbol
What are employee satisfaction metrics?

Employee satisfaction metrics are the key to unlocking this valuable insight. Let's take a closer look at what employee satisfaction metrics are all about.

Employee satisfaction metrics: The happiness barometer

Imagine you're driving a car, and the dashboard shows you the fuel gauge – that's a metric indicating how much fuel you have left. Employee satisfaction metrics are like the fuel gauge for your organization's workforce. They measure how content, happy, and fulfilled your employees are in their roles.

These metrics typically involve surveys, questionnaires, or feedback mechanisms that ask employees to rate various aspects of their job and work environment. Questions could cover job satisfaction, work-life balance, relationships with colleagues, career development opportunities, and more.

The data collected from these surveys provides a quantitative measure of overall employee satisfaction. It offers insights into what's working well and what areas need improvement within your organization.

By tracking employee satisfaction metrics, you can:

  • Identify issues: Discover pain points that may be affecting your team's happiness and performance.
  • Improve retention: Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with your company, reducing turnover.
  • Boost productivity: Happy employees are often more productive and engaged in their work.
  • Enhance company culture: Create a positive, inclusive, and motivating workplace environment.
  • Increase employee engagement and loyalty: Satisfied employees are more likely to be loyal advocates for your organization.

In essence, employee satisfaction metrics are your window into the emotional well-being of your workforce. They help you gauge whether your employees are fueled by contentment and enthusiasm or running on empty.

By regularly measuring and addressing satisfaction levels, you can create a workplace where employees are not just satisfied but thriving, contributing their best to the success of your organization.

What to do after measuring the employee engagement metrics?

Employees and an employer clapping hands in a meeting
What to do after measuring the employee engagement metrics?

Measuring employee engagement metrics is only the first step. You must commit to continuously improving engagement as a people leader. After measuring the employee engagement metrics, it's time for you to communicate and work to improve things irrespective of the workforce is on-site or hybrid.

Be more transparent

Organizational transparency matters as it helps the best people be more engaged. Keeping things secretive in a company makes employees less trusting, and they probably are less likely to stick around.

According to Forbes, 50% of employees feel there is a lack of company-wide transparency. But when an organization is more transparent, it encourages employees' engagement, promotes company culture, and fosters a type of comfort where employees can freely communicate.

Improve for employees

Companies must often innovate and evolve to stay on the trend, which also goes for employers. In order to stay relevant and sharp, employers must constantly grow to meet the employees' necessary needs and valuable feedback.

According to Lorman, 34% of employees left their previous job due to a lack of career development opportunities.

So, making results of employee engagement metrics a priority within your company culture ensures your teams are well-informed on industry trends and best practices and equipped with new skills.

Repeat the process

Employee engagement metrics are just the beginning, as they outline the company culture. Improving employee engagement is always an ongoing process with no endpoint. As the company grows, so do its operations and workforce complexity.

So after sharing, discussing, and implementing the action plan, use the data and repeat the process.

Recognition and appreciation

Recognition and appreciation play a vital role in maintaining and enhancing employee engagement. It's crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of employees. Implementing recognition programs, both formal and informal, can significantly boost engagement levels.

Recognition programs can include Employee of the Month awards, peer-to-peer recognition, and public acknowledgment of accomplishments. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain engaged and motivated.

Clear communication channels

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving workplace. Establishing clear and open communication channels is essential after measuring employee engagement metrics. It ensures that employees have a platform to voice their concerns, share ideas, and receive updates on organizational changes.

Organizations should regularly assess the effectiveness of their communication methods, such as team meetings, internal newsletters, and collaboration tools. Transparent and timely communication fosters trust and keeps employees informed and engaged.

Flexible work arrangements

In a hybrid work environment, providing flexible work arrangements is essential for accommodating the diverse needs of employees. After analyzing engagement metrics, organizations should consider how to further enhance flexibility.

Flexible work arrangements can include options like remote work, flexible hours, and compressed workweeks. These arrangements empower employees to manage their work-life balance effectively, contributing to their overall engagement and well-being.

Employee development plans

Investing in employee development is an ongoing commitment. Organizations should use the insights from engagement metrics to create personalized development plans for employees. These plans can include training opportunities, mentorship programs, and career advancement pathways.

Employees are more likely to stay engaged when they see a clear path for growth within the organization. Providing them with the tools and resources for professional development not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the organization's talent pool.

Employee feedback loop

Establishing a continuous feedback loop is essential for sustaining employee engagement. Encourage employees to provide feedback on the engagement initiatives and improvements implemented. Actively seek their opinions on what is working and what can be enhanced.

Regular feedback surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one discussions help organizations understand the evolving needs and expectations of their workforce. This feedback loop ensures that engagement strategies remain relevant and adaptable over time, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

What are employee engagement drivers?

Employees are shaking hands
What are employee engagement drivers?

Employee engagement isn't a mysterious, elusive concept—it's all about understanding what drives your team to give their best every day. Let's dive into the fascinating world of employee engagement drivers.

1. Leadership and management

Imagine having a manager who inspires you, guides you, and genuinely cares about your growth. That's a key driver of employee engagement. Leadership sets the tone for the entire organization. When leaders lead by example, communicate clearly, and provide regular feedback, they create an environment where employees feel valued and motivated.

2. Recognition and appreciation

Remember the last time someone acknowledged your hard work? It feels pretty darn good, right? Recognizing and appreciating employees' efforts is a potent engagement driver. Whether it's a simple "thank you" or a formal recognition program, showing appreciation boosts morale and makes employees feel that their contributions matter.

3. Career development opportunities

No one wants to feel stuck in a dead-end job. Career development opportunities are a significant driver of engagement. When employees see a clear path for growth within the organization, they're more likely to stay committed and motivated. Offering training, mentorship, and advancement prospects not only benefits employees but also strengthens your workforce.

4. Work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance is essential for keeping employees engaged. When people are overworked and stressed, their engagement levels plummet. Encouraging flexible schedules, promoting self-care, and respecting personal boundaries can go a long way in maintaining that balance.

5. Company culture

Company culture is the collective personality of your organization. A positive, inclusive, and vibrant culture is a massive engagement driver. It fosters a sense of belonging and pride among employees. Investing in building a strong culture pays dividends in terms of engagement and retention.

6. Feedback and communication

Effective communication and feedback mechanisms are crucial. Employees want to be heard and know that their opinions matter. Regular feedback sessions, surveys, and open-door policies create an atmosphere where ideas flow freely, driving engagement.

7. Workplace environment

A comfortable, well-designed workspace can significantly impact engagement. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating an environment that promotes collaboration, creativity, and overall well-being.

Tracking key engagement metrics: Automate your processes

Have you ever tried to juggle a dozen balls at once? It's challenging, right? Well, tracking key engagement metrics in your organization can feel a bit like that. But fear not, because there's a nifty solution: automating the process with employee engagement survey tools.

Why automate your tracking process?

Imagine manually sending out surveys, collecting responses, and trying to make sense of the data. It's time-consuming and prone to errors. Automation, on the other hand, streamlines the entire process, making it more efficient and accurate.

Here's how it can help:

  • Efficiency: Employee feedback tools automate survey distribution and data collection. You can set up surveys to go out at regular intervals, reducing the administrative burden on your HR team.
  • Real-time data: With automation, you can collect data in real-time. No more waiting for manual data entry and analysis. This means you can respond to engagement issues promptly.
  • Customization: These tools often allow you to customize surveys to fit your organization's specific needs. Tailor questions to gather the insights that matter most to you.
  • Data analysis: Many tools come with built-in analytics features that transform raw data into actionable insights. You can spot trends, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.
  • Employee privacy: Automation tools ensure data security and anonymity for employees, fostering honesty in responses.
  • Consistency: Automated surveys ensure that all employees receive the same questions and have equal opportunities to provide feedback.
  • Scalability: As your organization grows, so does the volume of data. Automation scales effortlessly to handle a larger workforce and more data points.
  • Feedback loops: Some tools facilitate feedback loops by sending automated responses or actions based on survey results. This can include follow-up surveys or alerts for HR to address specific issues.
  • Time savings: By automating surveys and data analysis, your HR team can invest their time in developing engagement strategies rather than managing administrative tasks.
  • Report generation: Many tools generate comprehensive reports that make it easy to communicate survey results to leadership and employees.

In a nutshell, annual employee engagement survey tool or frequent employee engagement survey tools take the complexity out of tracking key metrics. They make the process more efficient, accurate, and actionable, allowing you to create a workplace where employees are engaged, motivated, and thriving.

So, if you're juggling those engagement metrics like a pro, it might be time to let technology lend a hand and make your life easier.


Modern employee engagement has changed tremendously in recent years due to environmental complexities and technology-aided workplaces.

So, it's up to you! As engaged and motivated employees are more productive. Adapting and boosting their engagement levels through employee engagement metrics and other modern engagement methods will help to spot and resolve issues early.

With CultureMonkey's employee engagement survey software, you can make your employees' voices heard, value your employees' productivity, increase workplace engagement, reduce attrition, maximize business outcomes, and improve workplace culture.

So, as a people leader, boost and adapt to modern employee engagement and here is where CultureMonkey's research-oriented employee onboarding survey stands tall.

CultureMonkey's employee engagement platform enables you to send relevant and personalized survey questions per your specific and individual requirements.

Make sure you strategically approach your employees working across locations and benefit from the deep insight that emerges as you add layers to your employee engagement through multiple employee engagement metrics.


What are the key employee engagement metrics to track?

Key employee engagement metrics to track include Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), Employee Satisfaction (ESAT), turnover rates, absenteeism, productivity levels, 360-degree feedback, employee recognition frequency, career development participation, work-life balance, and company culture alignment.

How do I measure employee engagement in my organization?

To measure employee satisfaction and engagement, you can employ methods such as employee surveys, Net Promoter Score (eNPS) surveys, pulse surveys, 360-degree feedback, exit interviews, key employee performance indicators (KPIs) like turnover and employee absenteeism rate, and regular one-on-one meetings between employees and managers. These methods gather data on job satisfaction, work environment, communication, and more.

Which tools can help automate the tracking of employee engagement metrics?

Several tools can automate employee engagement metric tracking, including survey software, performance management systems, and HR analytics platforms. These tools streamline survey distribution, data collection, and analysis, making the process more efficient and enabling real-time tracking.

What are some best practices for analyzing and improving employee engagement metrics?

Best practices for analyzing and improving employee engagement metrics include setting clear goals, benchmarking against industry standards, involving employees in the process, addressing issues proactively, fostering a positive company culture, providing career development opportunities, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and maintaining open lines of communication.

Can we measure employee engagement without surveys?

Employee engagement surveys are the best way to measure employees' engagement as they provide structured, quantifiable data that reveals trends and areas for improvement. While some informal methods like feedback sessions and observation can offer insights, surveys offer a comprehensive and reliable measurement approach.



Santhosh is a Sr. Content Marketer with 2+ years of experience. He loves to travel solo (though he doesn’t label them as vacations, they are) to explore, meet people, and learn new stories.