5 Ways to keep employees engaged and productive in 2023

Kailash Ganesh
5 min read
Ways to motivate employees for leading a successful business

In this time and age, especially with the advent of newer generations like Genz and the upcoming Gen Alpha, it has become extremely difficult for managers and leaders for keeping employees engaged and productive at the same time while growing as an organization.

Gen Z is 77% more likely to click on a job opening that mentions “flexibility” than one that doesn’t, according to Axios.

With that said, with the evolution of generations in the workplace, it is essential that the workplace also evolves with its workforce.

In this article, let’s see what are the modern and non-boring methods to achieve workplace productivity at the same time engaging your diverse workforce.

Table of contents:-

How is employee engagement linked to employee productivity?

Is employee engagement important?

Employee engagement and productivity are closely interconnected. When employees stay engaged, they are more likely to be motivated, committed, and invested in their work. This sense of engagement directly impacts their productivity levels in several ways:

Enhanced focus: Engaged employees tend to be more focused on their tasks. They have a clear understanding of their role, responsibilities, and how their work contributes to the overall company's vision. This focus helps them prioritize their work effectively and avoid distractions, resulting in increased productivity.

Increased initiative: Engaged employees exhibit a higher level of proactivity and initiative. They take ownership of their work, seeking opportunities to contribute beyond their core responsibilities. Their enthusiasm and willingness to go the extra mile lead to increased productivity as they actively seek ways to improve employee engagement and achieve better outcomes.

Improved job satisfaction: Engaged employees are more satisfied with their work and feel a sense of fulfillment. They derive meaning from their roles and feel valued by the organization. This job satisfaction positively influences their attitude and motivation, driving them to perform at their best and consistently deliver high-quality work.

Stronger collaboration: Employee engagement fosters a positive environment at work where collaboration and teamwork thrive. Engaged employees are more likely to actively participate in team activities, share knowledge, and support their colleagues. Effective collaboration leads to better problem-solving, streamlined processes, and ultimately, improved productivity.

Lower turnover: Engaged employees are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. They have a higher level of loyalty and commitment to the organization. By reducing turnover, employee engagement helps maintain a stable workforce, avoiding the productivity losses associated with constantly onboarding and training new employees.

In summary, employee engagement positively impacts productivity by improving focus, fostering initiative, boosting job satisfaction, encouraging collaboration, and reducing turnover. Creating a culture of engagement in the workplace is crucial for maximizing employee productivity and overall organizational successful outcomes.

5 Ways to keep employees engaged and productive

Measure employee engagement to keep them engaged and productivity

1) Create psychological safety

Psychological safety is crucial for employee engagement and productivity. It refers to a work environment where individuals feel safe to express their ideas, take risks, and share their concerns without fear of judgment or negative consequences. To create psychological safety:

Encourage open communication: Foster a culture that values open and honest communication. Encourage employees to voice their opinions, ask questions, and provide feedback without fear of retribution.

Lead by example: Demonstrate vulnerability and humility as a leader. Admit mistakes, seek input, and show that it's safe to make and learn from errors.

Foster trust: Build trust by honoring confidentiality, maintaining transparency, and following through on commitments. Trust allows employees to feel secure and confident in taking initiative.

2) Recognize and appreciate

Recognition and appreciation are powerful motivators that contribute to employee engagement and productivity. Acknowledge employees' contributions and achievements:

Provide timely feedback: Offer specific and constructive feedback regularly to let employees know their efforts are recognized and valued.

Celebrate milestones: Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements, whether big or small. This can be through public announcements, awards, or appreciation events.

Encourage peer recognition: Foster a culture where employees appreciate and recognize each other's accomplishments. This promotes a positive and supportive work environment.

3) Empower your employees

Empowering employees gives them a sense of ownership and autonomy, leading to increased engagement and productivity:

Delegate responsibility: Assign meaningful tasks and projects that allow employees to stretch their skills and make decisions.

Encourage innovation: Foster a culture that supports creativity and idea generation. Provide platforms for employees to share their innovative ideas and implement them.

Offer professional and personal development opportunities: Provide training, mentorship, and resources that enable employees to grow professionally and enhance their skills.

4) Implement a continuous listening mechanism

Actively listening to employees' feedback, concerns, and suggestions is vital for engagement and productivity:

Conduct regular surveys: Use employee surveys to gauge satisfaction levels, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement.

Hold skip-level meetings: Encourage open dialogue by organizing skip-level meetings where employees can express their thoughts directly to higher-level managers.

Establish an open-door policy: Create a safe space for employees to voice their concerns, seek guidance, and offer suggestions.

5) Invest in employee growth

Investing in the growth and professional development of employees demonstrates your commitment to their success:

Offer learning opportunities: Provide access to training programs, workshops, and conferences to help employees acquire new skills and expand their knowledge.

Support career advancement: Create clear pathways for career progression and provide guidance to help employees achieve their professional goals.

Provide mentorship and coaching: Pair employees with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and help navigate their career journey.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can foster a culture of engagement, enhance productivity, and retain talented employees who feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.


How can creating psychological safety benefit employee engagement?

Creating psychological safety in the workplace allows employees to feel comfortable expressing their ideas, taking risks, and sharing concerns. This fosters trust, encourages open communication, and promotes a collaborative environment, all of which contribute to higher levels of employee engagement.

How does recognition and appreciation impact employee engagement?

Recognition and appreciation play a vital role to increase employee engagement. When employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions, it boosts morale, motivation, and a sense of belonging, ultimately leading to increased engagement and productivity.

How can organizations empower their employees to enhance engagement?

Empowering employees involves delegating responsibility, encouraging innovation, and offering development opportunities. When employees have a sense of ownership, autonomy, and opportunities for growth, they become more vital in keeping employees and every individual team engaged, motivated, and productive.

Why is implementing a continuous listening mechanism important for employee engagement?

Implementing a continuous listening mechanism, such as surveys and skip-level meetings, shows that the organization values employee feedback and perspectives. These create a culture of open communication, allow for timely improvements, and boost employee engagement by making them feel heard and valued.

What are the benefits of following these strategies in 2023 specifically?

In 2023, the workplace is evolving rapidly, and new generations, such as Gen Z, are entering the workforce. By implementing these strategies, organizations can adapt to the changing landscape, address the unique needs of the newer generations, and create a positive work environment that promotes engagement and productivity in the context of the year 2023.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.