50+ DEI survey questions to ask in 2024

Kailash Ganesh
22 min read
40+ Diversity and inclusion survey questions
Diversity and inclusion survey question

"Embrace diversity, or be prepared to face mediocrity!"

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward building a workplace that's truly inclusive, equitable, and bursting with belonging vibes? If your answer is a resounding "yes," you've come to the right place!

In this ever-evolving landscape of workplace dynamics, employee engagement has emerged as the mighty sword in the battle for success. And what better way to gauge the pulse of your organization and executive team's diversity, equity, inclusivity initiatives, and belonging (DEI&B) efforts than through a well-crafted survey?

If you're on a quest to foster a work environment where everyone can thrive, collaborate, and bring their authentic selves to the table, then we have the right tools for you!

We have come up with a collection of  DEI&B survey questions that will change the way you approach your organization's culture.

Our aim is to help you uncover actionable data for future performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately create the company's culture where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

So, let’s get started. This is one of the most important surveys the management team should take seriously.

Table of contents:-

What is diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI & B)?

Diversity efforts

Diversity is like a vibrant tapestry woven from the unique threads of different groups of people's identities, backgrounds, and experiences. It's all about embracing the beautiful mosaic of humanity and social and cultural background within your organization.

Think of it as a dazzling kaleidoscope of perspectives, talents, and ideas that come together to create something truly extraordinary.

Equity is the secret sauce that ensures that no one gets unfair treatment. It's about acknowledging that not all journeys are the same and providing the necessary support and resources to level the playing field.

Imagine a roller coaster ride where everyone can access the same exhilarating twists and turns; everyone is treated fairly, no matter their starting point.

Inclusion is like the warm, inviting hug that says, "You belong here." It's about creating an environment where people feel accepted, valued, and empowered to bring their whole selves to work. It's a space where ideas can flourish, collaboration can thrive, and creativity can run wild.

And last but not least, belonging is the ultimate treasure in the DEI&B chest. It's that magical feeling of being an integral part of something greater, a community where everyone feels connected and celebrated for who they are. It's the secret ingredient that transforms a group of individuals or minority groups into a unified powerhouse.

Remember that these concepts go beyond mere buzzwords. They can unlock your organization's true potential, and create a workplace where innovation, career growth, and happiness flourish while promoting the company's own diversity efforts.

Importance of DEI & B in the workplace

Importance of diversity and inclusion

Picture this: a workplace where everyone is celebrated for who they are, unique perspectives collide like cosmic fireworks, and the collective power of diverse minds propel the organization to new heights. That is the magic of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) in the workplace!

A survey by LinkedIn shows that companies with a DEI team were 22% more likely to be viewed as “an industry-leading company with high-caliber talent.”

Now, let me paint you a vivid picture of the significance of DEI. Imagine a team of brilliant minds, each with their own set of skills, experiences, and ideas. Now, imagine if all those minds were thinking alike, nodding in agreement, and echoing the same thoughts. Sounds a bit dull, doesn't it?

Here's the thing: Diversity brings a multitude of perspectives to the table, igniting a spark that fuels innovation and creativity. It's like a dazzling symphony, where each instrument plays a unique melody, harmonizing to create a masterpiece that leaves you in awe.

Inclusion is the secret ingredient that binds everything together. When individuals feel included and valued, they become fully engaged and committed. It's like a dance floor where everyone's grooving to their own rhythm, creating a vibrant atmosphere of collaboration and camaraderie.

Equity ensures that everyone has a fair shot at success. It's about removing barriers and providing equal opportunities for growth and development. When everyone gets a chance to shine, the whole team benefits and excellence becomes the new norm.

Belonging is the cherry on top. It's the sense of being part of something bigger, a tribe that celebrates diversity and cherishes each member. When employees feel like they belong, they bring their whole selves to work, unlocking their true potential and driving the organization forward.

Now, as organizations navigate the complex landscape of the modern workplace, DEI&B is not just a choice; it's a necessity. It's the compass that guides companies toward fostering an environment where diversity thrives, equity is unwavering, inclusion is genuine, and belonging is deeply felt.

In today's competitive business world, embracing DEI&B isn't just a feel-good move; it's a strategic advantage that attracts top talent, fuels innovation, and drives long-term success.

So, the next time you hear about DEI&B initiatives in a workplace, remember that it's not just about policies and programs; it's about creating a workplace where every individual's unique qualities are not just embraced but celebrated, and where the symphony of diversity produces a harmony that resonates with success.

What is a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging survey?

diversity survey and Inclusion surveys

The Equity, Belonging, Diversity, and Inclusion survey is a powerful tool in our quest to create an inclusive workplace!

Think of the DEI&B and inclusion survey questions as a magical map that guides you through the uncharted territories of your workplace culture. It's carefully crafted and designed to capture valuable insights, gather perceptions, and uncover hidden gems within your teams.

With the DEI&B survey questions, you can measure the pulse of your organization's own diversity and inclusion initiatives and assess the effectiveness of inclusion initiatives.

It also helps you measure diversity, understand how employees feel, and gauge the level of belonging experienced by your team members. It's like having a magical mirror that reflects your workplace's true state, revealing its strengths and areas for improvement.

But here's the best part: the inclusion survey questions are not a one-time enchantment. It's a recurring ritual that allows you to track progress, adapt strategies, and continuously nurture a workplace culture of equity, belonging, diversity, and inclusion.

It's a commitment to growth and a testament to your dedication to building a workplace where everyone can thrive.

It lets you listen to the voices of your employees, embrace their perspectives, and let the insights help you improve your DEI objectives. Now, let's summon the magic of the DEI&B survey and unlock the doors to a more inclusive and harmonious workplace. Are you ready? Let's make some survey magic happen!

How to create a DEI & B survey?

Diversity and inclusion survey

Now that we've established the significance of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) in survey questions, it's time to discover the steps of creating your own survey.

1) Define your objectives

Determine the purpose of your DEI&B survey. Are you seeking to assess the current state of diversity initiatives, measure inclusion, gather feedback on inclusion efforts, or measure the sense of belonging with the underrepresented groups in your organization? Clear objectives will shape the survey questions you ask.

2) Craft thought-provoking questions

Remember, we're not aiming for dull and mundane here. We want employee survey questions that will ignite meaningful conversations. Create queries that delve into personal experiences, uncover biases, and explore the effectiveness of existing policies and programs.

3) Foster inclusivity

Ensure that your survey is accessible and inclusive to all participants. Use inclusive language, provide options for more diverse groups and identities, and consider multiple perspectives. You want everyone to feel valued and comfortable sharing their thoughts.

4) Consider anonymity and confidentiality

To encourage honest responses, provide the option for anonymity. Assure participants that their responses will be kept confidential, creating a safe space for open and candid feedback.

5) Engage your team

Involve employees from different backgrounds and levels in the survey creation process. Their insights will ensure that the survey questions resonate with the diverse workforce, capturing a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds to bring a diversity of perspectives.

6) Test and iterate

Before launching the survey, pilot-test it with a small group to identify any glitches or areas for improvement. Fine-tune the survey questions and format based on feedback, ensuring clarity and relevance.

7) Communicate and encourage participation

Inform your employees about the survey's purpose, importance, and timeline. Share how the survey results will be used to drive positive change and emphasize the value of their participation.

8) Analyze and take action

Once the responses are in, analyze the data keenly. Look for patterns, trends, and areas that require attention. Translate the insights into actionable strategies and initiatives, demonstrating your commitment to fostering an inclusive company culture.

9) Regularly follow up

Create a culture of ongoing feedback by conducting DEI&B employee surveys periodically. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and ensures that your organization stays on the path of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

10) Share results and progress

Transparency is vital in DEI&B initiatives. Share the survey results and action plans with your employees. This not only demonstrates your commitment but also keeps everyone informed and engaged in the journey toward a more inclusive workplace.

11) Accountability and responsibility

Assign clear responsibilities to individuals or teams for implementing the action plans derived from the survey results. Hold them accountable for progress and regularly review the status of these initiatives.

12) Training and education

Consider providing DEI&B training and resources to employees based on the survey findings. This can help address gaps in awareness and understanding and further promote a culture of inclusion.

13) Celebrate successes

When positive changes occur as a result of your DEI&B efforts, celebrate them! Acknowledge milestones, recognize employees who have contributed, and use these successes as a foundation for further improvement.

14) Seek external expertise

Engage with external consultants or DEI&B experts who can provide additional insights and guidance. Their expertise can help you navigate complex issues and ensure your survey and subsequent initiatives are grounded in best practices.

15) Monitor and evaluate impact

Continuously monitor the impact of your DEI&B initiatives over time. Evaluate whether the changes implemented are achieving the desired outcomes and adjust your strategies as needed to ensure sustained progress.

Remember that creating a DEI&B survey is just the first step. The true magic lies in acting upon the insights gained, shaping a workplace where diversity is celebrated, equity is championed, inclusion is embraced, and a sense of belonging permeates every corner.

How do you conduct a DEI survey?

Conducting diversity and inclusion surveys

Companies should approach the DEI survey with a clear purpose and commitment. They should understand the significance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace and strive to create positive change.

This entails using inclusion survey questions, aligning the survey's objectives with the organization's DEI goals, and ensuring the questions are meaningful and impactful.

To conduct a DEI survey successfully, companies must prioritize inclusivity. This means involving employees from diverse backgrounds and levels in the survey creation process. By including diverse perspectives, employee experience, and insights, the survey can accurately capture the sentiments and needs of the entire workforce.

Additionally, using inclusive language, offering options for multiple identities, and creating a safe space for sharing opinions will ensure that all employees feel valued and encouraged to participate.

Transparency and clear communication are also vital throughout the survey process. Companies should openly communicate the purpose of the survey, its timeline, and how the results will be used to drive positive change.

This way, employees feel more motivated to participate and share their honest opinions by fostering trust and demonstrating a genuine commitment to improvement.

Maintaining confidentiality and providing the option for anonymity is also crucial. Employees should be assured that their survey responses will be kept confidential, encouraging them to share their true thoughts and experiences without fear of repercussions.

Once the DEI survey is conducted, companies must analyze the data diligently. This involves identifying patterns, trends, and areas of concern or opportunity. The thorough analysis enables organizations to develop actionable strategies and initiatives that address the identified gaps, improve diversity and inclusion efforts, and foster a greater sense of belonging within the workplace.

Finally, the most crucial step is taking action. The survey serves as a starting point, but true progress lies in implementing meaningful changes based on the insights gained.

Companies should be prepared to allocate resources, revise policies and procedures, offer inclusion training and development opportunities, and create an inclusive culture that values and embraces diversity.

How to frame the perfect diversity and inclusion survey template?

Employer and employees strategizing together
How to frame the perfect diversity and inclusion survey template?

In the ever-evolving world of business, embracing diversity and inclusion (DEI) isn't just a buzzword; it's a strategic imperative. But how can you ensure your DEI efforts are on track and truly making an impact?

The answer lies in creating the perfect diversity and inclusion survey template that will uncover valuable insights and drive positive change in your organization.

Step 1: Define your objectives

Before diving into survey creation, clearly define your objectives. What do you want to achieve with this survey? Are you aiming to assess the current state of diversity and inclusion, gather feedback on specific initiatives, or pinpoint areas for improvement? Having a clear goal will guide your survey's structure.

Step 2: Choose the right questions

Crafting the perfect survey questions is an art. Start with demographic questions to understand the composition of your workforce. Then, delve into more detailed queries that measure inclusivity, such as "Do you feel your ideas are valued in the workplace?"

Include questions that touch on equity, like "Do you believe promotions are based on merit rather than bias?" And always allow space for open-ended responses to capture unique perspectives.

Step 3: Ensure anonymity and confidentiality

Employees must feel safe and secure when responding to DEI surveys. Assure anonymity and confidentiality to encourage honest, unfiltered feedback. When employees know their voices won't be traced back to them, they're more likely to share their true employee experiences.

Step 4: Pilot test your survey

Before launching the survey organization-wide, conduct a pilot test with a small group of employees. This helps identify any confusing or misleading questions and ensures the survey flows smoothly. Use the pilot feedback to make necessary adjustments.

Step 5: Launch and analyze

When you're confident in your survey's design, launch it to your entire workforce. Promote participation and communicate the survey's importance. Once responses start pouring in, analyze the data with a focus on identifying trends, areas for improvement, and success stories.

Step 6: Take action

The most critical step is taking action based on the survey results. Share the findings transparently with your team, create an action plan, and implement changes that foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Step 7: Follow up and review

Regularly review the impact of the changes you've implemented. Conduct follow-up surveys to gauge progress and gather ongoing feedback. This continuous loop of assessment and action ensures your DEI initiatives remain effective and responsive to employee needs.

Step 8: Involve leadership

Ensure that leaders at all levels are actively involved in the DEI efforts. Leadership commitment and accountability are crucial for driving systemic change and demonstrating the organization's dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment.

DEI survey examples

Employees are working together
DEI survey examples

DEI surveys are not just your run-of-the-mill questionnaires; they are the compass that guides your organization toward a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. These surveys allow you to collect valuable insights from your employees, gauge the effectiveness of your DEI initiatives, and identify areas for improvement.

One example of a DEI survey question might be: "Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions and ideas without fear of discrimination or bias?" This question provides a window into the psychological safety of your workplace, a key indicator of inclusivity.

Another question might be, "Have you witnessed or experienced any form of discrimination in the workplace?" This can help you pinpoint specific incidents or patterns that need immediate attention.

DEI surveys are not just about data collection; they're about fostering an environment where all employees feel valued, heard, and respected. The insights gained from these surveys empower organizations to make informed decisions, implement targeted interventions, and ultimately create a workplace where diversity is celebrated, equity is a reality, and inclusion is second nature.

So, if you're committed to building a workplace that thrives on diversity, equity, and inclusion, consider DEI surveys as your trusted allies on this transformative journey.

DEI & B survey best practices

Best practices for conducting diversity and inclusion surveys

Here are 17 best practices that companies must always follow while conducting DEI &B surveys.

  1. Clearly define objectives aligned with DEI goals and commitment.
  2. Prioritize inclusivity by involving diverse employees in the survey creation process.
  3. Use inclusive language and provide options for diverse identities.
  4. Foster trust and encourage participation through transparent communication.
  5. Ensure confidentiality and offer the option for anonymous responses.
  6. Analyze survey data diligently, identifying patterns and areas for improvement.
  7. Develop actionable strategies and initiatives based on survey insights.
  8. Allocate resources to implement meaningful changes and improvements.
  9. Continuously monitor progress and revisit the survey periodically.
  10. Actively involve leadership in supporting and driving DEI&B efforts.
  11. Provide regular updates and communicate progress to employees.
  12. Offer training and development programs to promote understanding and awareness.
  13. Create a culture of accountability and responsibility for DEI&B.
  14. Regularly assess and adjust DEI&B initiatives based on feedback and evolving needs.
  15. Celebrate successes and recognize efforts toward building an inclusive workplace.
  16. Seek external expertise to validate and enhance your DEI&B strategies.
  17. Incorporate diverse communication channels to ensure all voices are heard and considered.

50+ Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging survey questions

Diversity questions, survey question

These thought-provoking questions are designed to delve deep into the heart of your organization. From exploring perceptions of diversity to assessing the effectiveness of inclusion initiatives, these questions will guide you on a transformative journey towards the company's diversity and building a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

Diversity survey questions

1. How would you rate our organization's representation of diverse backgrounds and identities?
2. Does our organization make you feel comfortable with your sexual identity?
3. Are there any barriers or challenges you have experienced related to diversity within the workplace?
4. Have you witnessed or experienced bias or discrimination based on diversity within our organization?
5. Do you feel diverse perspectives are actively sought and valued in decision-making?
6. How well do you believe our organization promotes diversity in recruitment and hiring practices?
7. Are there any suggestions or initiatives you would recommend to help your organization bring diversity?
8. How effectively do you think our organization promotes a culture of inclusion and belonging?
9. In your opinion, how transparent is our organization in addressing diversity and inclusion issues?
10. Are there any specific diversity and inclusion training or programs you feel would benefit our employees?
11. Do you believe our organization actively supports and accommodates individuals with disabilities?
12. How comfortable do you feel discussing diversity and inclusion issues with your colleagues and supervisors?
13. Do you feel that our organization's leadership reflects a commitment to diversity and inclusion?
14. Are there employee resource groups or networks that you can join to support diversity initiatives?
15. How effective is our organization in addressing and resolving complaints related to diversity and inclusion?
16. Do you think our organization's policies and practices effectively prevent harassment and discrimination?

Equity survey questions

1. Rate from strongly agree to strongly disagree that there are opportunities for growth and advancement distributed fairly among all employees
2. Have you witnessed or experienced instances where the organization didn't treat employees fairly?
3. Have you observed any barriers or inequities regarding access to resources, training, or mentorship opportunities?
4. How well do you believe our organization addresses and responds to pay equity and salary transparency issues?
5. Do you feel that the promotion and evaluation process of your organization is unbiased and equitable?
6. From 1 to 10, how would your rate your organization's equity initiative? Are there any suggestions or strategies you would recommend?
7. Have you ever felt that your voice or contributions were not valued or considered due to factors such as gender, race, or other identities?
8. How would you rate the accessibility and availability of professional development opportunities for all employees, irrespective of their background or identity?
9. Do you think our organization effectively monitors and addresses disparities in compensation, benefits, and rewards based on diversity factors?
10. Have you ever felt that certain employees receive preferential treatment or advantages based on factors unrelated to merit or performance?
11. In your opinion, how transparent is our organization in disclosing information about salary ranges and compensation structures to all employees, regardless of their background or identity?
12. How confident are you that your performance reviews are conducted impartially and fairly?
13. Do you feel that all employees have equal access to leadership opportunities and roles within the organization?
14. Have you observed any practices or policies that contribute to inequities in the workplace? If so, please describe.
15. How effectively does our organization handle complaints or grievances related to equity issues?
16. Do you believe that our organization provides adequate support and resources to ensure equitable treatment for all employees?

Inclusion survey questions

1. Do you feel a sense of belonging and inclusion within our organization?
2. How comfortable do you feel expressing your opinions and ideas in team meetings or discussions?
3. Have you observed or experienced instances where certain individuals or groups were excluded or marginalized?
4. What inclusivity initiative has been taken by your organization recently?
5. Are there any initiatives or practices you believe could help overcome inclusion challenges within our organization?
6. How well do you feel your individual strengths and talents are recognized and utilized within the organization?
7. Have you encountered any barriers or challenges to portraying your sexual orientation openly?
8. Do you believe our organization actively encourages and supports employee resource groups and affinity networks to foster a sense of belonging?
9. How effective do you think our organization is in creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued, regardless of their background or identity?
10. Are there any specific diversity and inclusion events or activities you'd like to see implemented within our workplace?
11. Do you feel that our organization promotes cross-cultural understanding and collaboration among employees effectively?

Belonging survey questions

1. Do you feel a sense of connection to our organization's mission and values?
2. Are there opportunities for you to be your authentic self within the workplace?
3. Have you ever felt isolated or disconnected from the larger organization or specific teams?
4. Do you feel that our organization recognizes and appreciates your contributions and achievements?
5. How well do you believe our organization fosters a supportive and inclusive community for all employees?
6. Are there any initiatives or practices you suggest to enhance the sense of belonging within our organization?
7. Rate from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Does your organization provides you with the necessary support and resources to thrive and succeed?
8. Do you feel that your unique skills and talents are valued and integrated into the organization's overall mission and goals?
9. Have you ever encountered instances where you felt like an outsider within specific workgroups or teams?
10. What actions or behaviors from colleagues or leadership have made you feel more connected and valued within the organization?
11. In your opinion, how effectively does our organization facilitate opportunities for employees to build meaningful relationships and networks with their peers, irrespective of background or identity?

Remember, these questions can be customized to fit your organization's needs and context. Framing them right and getting actionable feedback would help you build workplace equity, work on employee diversity, promote gender identity, and be among the top, diverse companies

How can technology help you in conducting DEI surveys?

With digital platforms, survey administration becomes effortless, reaching all your employees and eliminating manual data entry. Additionally, advanced analytics provide valuable insights, uncovering trends and guiding targeted strategies.

Technology streamlines the entire process, maximizing efficiency and accuracy. Embracing technology empowers organizations to drive positive change, take equity initiatives, and boost diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging with the least effort.

One great example of such a survey software is CultureMonkey, which allows you to listen to and engage with your employees more effectively via its employee engagement survey.

You can customize the survey per your organization's needs and take anonymous feedback that will help you come up with insights to help build a work culture that promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

CultureMonkey has been recognized as a High-Performer Enterprise by G2 for Winter 2024. It is also being used by more than 500K+ employees globally.

What to do with your employees DEI & B feedback to improve employee retention?

Inclusion questions 

When improving employee retention through DEI&B feedback, your employees' voices are the key to unlocking success. Here are three essential steps to leverage their feedback effectively:

1) Listen and validate

Start by genuinely listening to your employees' DEI&B feedback. Create a safe space where employees feel heard and valued. Validate their experiences and perspectives, acknowledging the importance of their input. This step builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.

2) Analyze and prioritize

Thoroughly analyze the feedback received, identifying recurring themes and areas for improvement. Prioritize the issues that significantly impact employee retention and align with your organization's DEI&B goals. This analysis will help you understand the root causes of any challenges and inform targeted action plans.

3) Take action and communicate

Implement tangible and meaningful changes based on the feedback. Develop initiatives that address identified gaps, enhance inclusion, and further promote equity and belonging. Communicate these actions transparently to your employees, emphasizing how their feedback has shaped the decision-making process. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement shows that their voices matter and their feedback is valued.

4) Establish accountability mechanisms

Create clear accountability structures within your organization to ensure that the proposed changes are effectively implemented. Assign responsible individuals or teams to oversee specific initiatives and monitor progress. Regularly track and report on the status of these initiatives to maintain transparency and trust.

5) Provide ongoing education and training

Consider offering DEI&B training and workshops for employees and leadership. These programs can help raise awareness, increase empathy, and equip your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Ongoing education ensures that your organization remains proactive in addressing DEI&B issues.

6) Encourage employee resource groups (ERGs)

Support the formation and activities of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) focused on various aspects of diversity and inclusion. These groups provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and drive positive change within the organization. Encourage ERGs to actively participate in DEI&B initiatives.

7) Measure progress and adapt

Regularly assess the impact of your DEI&B efforts on employee retention. Collect data on retention rates, and employee engagement levels. Use this information to make necessary adjustments to your strategies and initiatives. Continuously adapt and refine your approach to ensure that it remains effective in retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce.

What is a good example of a DEI statement?

Employees are in a meeting, discussing
What is a good example of a DEI statement?

A stellar example of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement is the one from Microsoft. They say, "We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work."

What makes this statement stand out is its clarity and inclusivity. It explicitly mentions the commitment to diversity and inclusion and goes beyond that by emphasizing the importance of employees feeling valued and empowered to be themselves.

A great DEI statement should not be just a mere formality but a genuine expression of a company's dedication to creating a more equitable and diverse workplace. It should resonate with employees, stakeholders, and the wider community.

Microsoft's statement sets a high standard by making it clear that they're not just talking the talk; they're walking the walk when it comes to DEI. It's a great model for any organization looking to craft an impactful DEI statement.

What are the DEI survey topics?

Employees are happy in the workplace
What are the DEI survey topics?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) surveys are powerful tools for organizations to gauge the pulse of their workplace culture and identify areas for improvement. To create a comprehensive DEI survey, you'll want to consider a range of topics to cover. Here are nine key DEI survey topics:

  1. Demographics: Start with the basics. Ask about age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, and other key demographic information to understand your workforce's composition.
  2. Inclusion and belonging: Dive into the sense of belonging among your employees. Ask questions like, "Do you feel like you belong at this organization?" or "Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions?"
  3. Microaggressions and discrimination: Inquire about experiences with microaggressions or discrimination. This could include questions like, "Have you witnessed or experienced any form of discrimination at work?"
  4. Equity and fairness: Probe into perceptions of fairness. Ask about opportunities for advancement, promotions, and pay equity.
  5. Company culture: Explore how employees perceive your organization's culture regarding DEI. Are your stated values reflected in everyday work life?
  6. Management and leadership: Assess the effectiveness of your leadership in promoting diversity and inclusion. Questions might include, "Do you believe your managers actively promote DEI?"
  7. Training and development: Inquire about DEI training and development programs. Are they accessible and effective?
  8. Accessibility and accommodations: If relevant, ask about accommodations for individuals with disabilities or other accessibility concerns.
  9. Suggestions and open-ended feedback: Provide an opportunity for open-ended employee feedback. Encourage employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on improving DEI efforts.

How to interpret your DEI survey results?

Employees working with the recent survey results
How to interpret your DEI survey results?

Interpreting your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) survey results is like deciphering a map to more diverse and inclusive workplaces. Here are five key steps to help you navigate through the data and turn insights into action:

  1. Review the data holistically: Start by looking at the big picture. Identify trends and patterns in the responses. Are there specific areas where employees consistently express satisfaction or concern? This bird's-eye view will guide your focus.
  2. Spotlight key findings: Highlight the most significant findings. What are the standout issues or strengths? Pay attention to both quantitative (scores and percentages) and qualitative (comments and suggestions) data.
  3. Benchmark against goals: Compare your survey results to your initial DEI goals and industry benchmarks. Are you on track to achieve your objectives? Where do you fall short or exceed expectations?
  4. Engage stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders, including employees, managers, and leadership, in the interpretation process. Collaboratively discuss the findings, solicit input, and collectively identify actionable steps for improvement.


1) How can DEI&B feedback contribute to improving employee retention?

DEI&B feedback provides valuable insights into employees' experiences, highlighting areas where improvements are needed. By addressing these concerns and creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace, employees feel valued and are more likely to stay with the organization.

2) What should I do if the DEI survey questions reveal systemic organizational issues?

If systemic issues are identified, it is crucial to take immediate action. This may involve revisiting policies, procedures, and practices to remove biases and barriers.

3) How can I ensure employees feel heard and valued when collecting DEI&B feedback?

Creating a safe and inclusive environment is key. Encourage open and honest dialogue, provide anonymous feedback options, and demonstrate active listening.

4) What if employees disagree on different DEI&B initiatives?

Having a contrary opinion is common in DEI&B discussions. It is important to approach these situations with empathy and seek to understand the underlying reasons for differing perspectives. Encourage constructive dialogue and consider multiple viewpoints to find balanced solutions that address the needs of your diverse workforce.

5) How can I measure the impact of DEI&B initiatives on employee retention?

Tracking key metrics, such as employee satisfaction, engagement levels, and retention rates, can help gauge the impact of DEI&B initiatives. Conduct regular follow-up surveys to assess changes in employee perceptions and experiences.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Content Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He has written 200+ blogs on employee experience, company culture and is a huge employee engagement evangelist.