50+ Must-ask questions for your next workplace culture survey in 2024

Kailash Ganesh
30 min read
35+ Must-ask questions for your next workplace culture survey in 2024
50+ Must-ask questions for your next workplace culture survey in 2024

Gone are the days when workplace culture was just a buzzword. It's now recognized as the beating heart of any successful organization.

But how do you measure and improve your workplace culture? Well, that's where the power of surveys comes in.

These delve deep into the core of what makes your workplace tick. They will help you uncover the strengths and areas for improvement so that you can transform your workplace into a thriving hub of productivity and happiness.

Get your survey hats on, and let's understand how you can carry out your own workplace culture survey.

Table of contents:-

Why is it important to improve company culture?

Positive company culture.

Improving company culture is crucial for several reasons. A positive company culture fosters a more productive and engaged workforce.

In today's competitive job market, skilled professionals seek out organizations that prioritize employee well-being, growth opportunities, and a positive culture.

A healthy company culture and employee wellbeing also play a crucial role in customer and employee satisfaction, and loyalty. When employees are happy and engaged, they deliver exceptional customer service, resulting in higher customer and employee satisfaction levels.

Lastly, a strong company culture contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of an organization. By investing in improving company culture, leaders create a strong foundation for growth and resilience.

What is a workplace culture survey?

What is a workplace culture survey?

A workplace culture survey is a tool used by organizations to evaluate the overall culture and employee experience within the workplace.

It involves a series of survey questions to gather insights from employees regarding the company culture, values, leadership, communication, and work environment.

A typical workplace culture survey includes questions that cover a wide range of topics such as:

  1. Leadership and management: This includes assessing employees' perception of leadership effectiveness, managerial support, and decision-making processes.
  2. Communication: This category explores the effectiveness of internal communication channels, clarity of information, and opportunities for employees to provide feedback and be heard.
  3. Collaboration and teamwork: These questions gauge the level of collaboration and teamwork within the organization, including the extent to which employees feel supported and valued by their colleagues.
  4. Employee well-being: This section focuses on aspects related to work-life balance, stress levels, and overall employee well-being.
  5. Diversity and inclusion: These questions assess the inclusiveness and diversity practices within the organization, including employees' experiences of equity and fairness.
  6. Career development and growth: This category explores the opportunities for learning, growth, and advancement within the organization.
  7. Employee recognition and reward: This section evaluates how effectively employees feel recognized and rewarded for their contributions and achievements, encompassing both formal and informal recognition practices.
  8. Company values and mission alignment: These questions examine the extent to which employees understand and align with the company's values and mission, and how these are reflected in the daily work environment.

What is the purpose of a culture survey?

Employees working together effectively
What is the purpose of a culture survey?

In the bustling realm of modern business, understanding your organization's culture isn't a luxury; it's a strategic necessity. That's where the culture survey comes into play, a powerful tool designed to uncover the core values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape your company.

But what's its purpose, you ask?

  • Clarity amidst chaos: In today's diverse and dynamic workplaces, clarity is king. A Culture Survey helps bring order to the chaos, offering a bird's-eye view of the prevailing culture. It pinpoints the prevailing attitudes and shared norms that define your organization's identity.
  • Strategic decision-making: Armed with insights from a culture survey, leaders can make informed decisions about strategy, recruitment, and employee development. It empowers organizations to course-correct, innovate, and adapt in a rapidly changing world.
  • Enhancing performance: When employees feel aligned with the company culture, they tend to perform better, collaborate more effectively, and contribute to a healthier bottom line. A culture survey lays the foundation for boosting organizational performance.

What are the six major areas of cultural assessment?

Employees are working together
What are the six major areas of cultural assessment?

To understand and assess culture effectively, we need a structured approach. Enter the six major areas of cultural assessment, a roadmap that guides us through the intricate terrain of workplace culture.

  1. Values and beliefs: At the heart of every culture are its values and beliefs. What principles does your organization hold dear? Are they evident in daily operations and decision-making? A cultural assessment examines whether stated values align with lived experiences and whether they drive behavior within the company.
  2. Norms and behaviors: Culture isn't merely a set of ideals; it's a set of actions. This area delves into the unwritten rules and behaviors that govern the workplace. Are employees encouraged to innovate, take risks, or collaborate? Or does a more conservative, risk-averse approach prevail?
  3. Communication and language: How an organization communicates speaks volumes about its culture. A cultural assessment scrutinizes the communication channels, styles, and language used. Is communication open and transparent, or is there a hierarchical barrier that stifles the flow of information?
  4. Leadership and management: Leaders are torchbearers of culture. This area evaluates how leadership styles and practices align with the desired culture. Are leaders embodying the values and setting the right example? Are they approachable and supportive, or distant and authoritative?
  5. Employee engagement: An engaged workforce is often a reflection of a healthy culture. Assessing employee engagement involves gauging satisfaction, motivation, and commitment levels. Do employees feel connected to the company's mission? Are they enthusiastic about their work?
  6. Diversity and inclusion: In today's globalized world, diversity and inclusion are integral to culture. This area explores whether the organization is diverse in terms of demographics and perspectives. Are inclusion efforts tangible and effective, or is there room for improvement?

A comprehensive cultural assessment covers all six areas, providing a holistic view of your organization's culture. It's not just about identifying strengths and weaknesses; it's about aligning culture with strategic goals, fostering a more inclusive and productive workplace, and ultimately driving success.

What is toxic culture in the workplace?

Employees feeling down
What is toxic culture in the workplace?

A toxic workplace culture is detrimental to both employees and the organization as a whole. It is characterized by behaviors, policies, and practices that undermine the health, well-being, and productivity of the workforce.

Understanding the signs and implications of a toxic culture is crucial for organizations aiming to foster a positive and productive work environment. Here are key aspects that define a toxic workplace culture:

  • Lack of respect and inclusivity: Incidents of bullying, harassment, and discrimination are common, leading to an atmosphere of fear and mistrust. Diverse perspectives are neither valued nor encouraged, resulting in a lack of inclusivity and feelings of isolation among employees.
  • Poor communication: Information is often unclear or withheld, creating confusion and misunderstanding. There is no constructive feedback, and open dialogue between employees and management is discouraged.
  • Micromanagement and lack of autonomy: Employees are excessively monitored, leaving little room for independence or creativity. There is a pervasive lack of trust in employees' abilities, leading to low morale and job dissatisfaction.
  • High levels of stress and burnout: Excessive workloads and unrealistic targets contribute to chronic stress and burnout. There is minimal support for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, with employees often expected to be available outside of regular working hours.
  • Lack of recognition and reward: Employees' contributions and achievements are rarely recognized or rewarded. Career development opportunities are absent, leading to frustration and a lack of motivation.
  • Office politics and favoritism: Decision-making is influenced by office politics and favoritism rather than merit and performance, creating an environment of unfairness and resentment. Favoritism breeds resentment and a sense of injustice among employees.
  • Resistance to change: New ideas and innovation are discouraged, leading to a stagnant and outdated work environment. Employees feel their suggestions and feedback are ignored, stifling creativity and growth.
  • High turnover rates: A toxic culture often results in high employee turnover as workers seek healthier work environments. Constant turnover disrupts productivity and morale among remaining employees.
  • Poor leadership: Leaders fail to model positive behaviors or uphold organizational values, contributing to a toxic atmosphere. There is a lack of transparent and effective leadership, leading to a sense of instability and uncertainty.
  • Negative impact on mental health: The overall environment contributes to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems among employees. There is little to no support for mental health, exacerbating the problem.

Benefits of conducting workplace culture survey

Benefits of conducting workplace culture survey

To truly understand the pulse of their workforce and drive meaningful change, more and more companies are turning to workplace culture surveys.

Let’s discuss how they foster a thriving and inclusive work environment.

Employee engagement and satisfaction

It acts as a powerful tool for gauging satisfaction levels. By providing employees with a platform to voice their opinions and concerns, organizations can demonstrate that they value their employees' perspectives.

Identifying strengths and areas for improvement

Organizations gain valuable insights into their strengths and identify areas for improvement. The employee survey questions provide a clear picture of what aspects of the organizational culture are working well and which ones may need attention.

Enhancing communication and transparency

Workplace culture surveys catalyze open and transparent communication. They create an avenue for employees to share their thoughts and concerns, facilitating a dialogue between management and employees.

Talent attraction and retention

Candidates actively seek out organizations that prioritize employee well-being and offer a positive work environment. According to a survey, almost 46% of job seekers prefer companies with a positive and nourishing work culture.

By conducting regular company culture surveys, companies can demonstrate their commitment to fostering a supportive, inclusive, and strong company culture.

Driving organizational growth and innovation

By understanding employee perspectives on areas such as collaboration, leadership, and career development, companies can implement targeted initiatives to fuel innovation and encourage cross-functional collaboration.

Measuring the impact of culture initiatives

Workplace culture surveys serve as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of these initiatives. By comparing survey results over time, organizations can measure the impact of their efforts and make data-driven decisions to refine their strategies and create a positive work culture.

Boosting employee morale and motivation

Regularly conducting these surveys and acting on the feedback can significantly boost employee morale and motivation. Employees feel valued and heard, leading to increased enthusiasm and commitment to their work.

Supporting diversity and inclusion efforts

Surveys can highlight the state of diversity and inclusion within the organization. By addressing the issues and promoting inclusivity, companies can create a more equitable and supportive work environment for all employees.

What are the 4 aspects of corporate culture?

What are the 4 aspects of corporate culture?

Corporate culture encompasses various elements that shape any company's core values.

While there are different models and frameworks used to describe corporate culture, one commonly recognized framework highlights four key aspects:

1. Values and beliefs

They serve as a compass for decision-making and influence behaviors, defining what is considered important and acceptable within the organization.

Values often reflect the organization's mission, vision, and long-term objectives.

2. Norms and behaviors

They define how individuals interact, communicate, collaborate, and solve problems within the organization.

Norms and behaviors contribute to the overall organizational climate and can significantly influence the employee experience.

4. Symbols and rituals

They can include logos, slogans, artifacts, physical spaces, and specific rituals or traditions that are unique to the organization.

These symbols and rituals act as visual and experiential cues, reinforcing the organization and company's values, and fostering a sense of identity.

5. Communication and language

It involves not only the content but also the style, tone, and channels of communication within the organization.

The way information is shared, the employee feedback that is given, and the decisions that are communicated influences the transparency, trust, and inclusivity of the company's work culture.

How measuring employee engagement can help you improve workplace culture?

How measuring employee engagement can help you improve workplace culture?

Measuring employee engagement is not just about collecting data; it's a powerful tool that can help organizations and employees thrive.

Here's how measuring employee engagement can drive positive change and improve workplace culture:

Identifying areas of improvement

Employee engagement surveys provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the workplace culture.

Organizations can pinpoint specific areas that need improvement like communication, recognition, or career development.

Fostering open communication

Measuring employee engagement encourages open and transparent communication. When employees are allowed to share their opinions, concerns, and suggestions through surveys or feedback mechanisms, it creates a culture of listening and responsiveness.

Driving employee empowerment

Engaged employees feel a sense of empowerment and ownership in their work.

By understanding what drives employee engagement, organizations can design programs and initiatives that empower employees, enabling them to take ownership of their work and contribute to a positive and inclusive company culture.

Enhancing employee well-being

Engagement surveys often include questions related to employee work-life balance and stress levels.

By addressing these concerns, organizations can further employee benefits and create an environment that supports employee well-being, leading to higher levels of employee engagement surveys, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Strengthening leadership and management

Measuring employee engagement provides insights into the effectiveness of leadership and management practices. It highlights areas where leaders may need additional support or development.

Promoting continuous improvement

Regularly measuring employee engagement allows organizations to track employee well-being and progress over time and evaluate the positive impact of culture-building initiatives.

This promotes a culture of continuous improvement, where employee feedback is valued and employee insights are used to drive positive changes in the workplace.

Health awareness topics for employees

Employees in a meeting
Health awareness topics for employees

Promoting health awareness among employees is crucial for fostering a productive and engaged workforce. Here are key health awareness topics that organizations should prioritize:

  • Mental health and stress management: Educate employees on recognizing signs of stress, anxiety, and depression. Offer workshops on coping mechanisms and stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness and meditation. Provide access to mental health resources, including Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and counseling services.
  • Physical activity and fitness: Encourage regular physical activity by organizing fitness challenges, providing gym memberships, or offering on-site exercise classes. Promote the benefits of a sedentary lifestyle and educate on simple exercises that can be done at the desk.
  • Nutrition and healthy eating: Offer educational sessions on the importance of a balanced diet and how to make healthy food choices. Provide healthy snacks in the workplace and create a culture that supports nutritious eating habits.
  • Workplace ergonomics: Conduct ergonomic assessments to ensure workstations are designed to minimize strain and injury. Educate employees on proper posture and ergonomics, especially for those who spend long hours at a desk.
  • Sleep hygiene: Highlight the importance of good sleep hygiene and its impact on overall health and productivity. Share tips on creating a sleep-friendly environment and maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
  • Preventive health care: Encourage regular health check-ups and screenings to catch potential health issues early. Provide information on vaccinations, including flu shots, and other preventive measures.
  • Substance abuse awareness: Educate employees on the risks associated with substance abuse and provide resources for those seeking help. Promote a drug-free workplace policy and support programs for employees struggling with addiction.
  • Chronic disease management: Offer resources and support for employees managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Provide educational materials on managing these conditions through lifestyle changes and medication adherence.
  • Work-life balance: Promote policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible working hours and remote work options. Encourage employees to take breaks and use their vacation time to avoid burnout.
  • Emergency preparedness and first aid: Train employees in basic first aid and emergency response procedures. Ensure that first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are accessible in the workplace.

How do you create a corporate culture survey?

How do you create a corporate culture survey?

Creating a corporate culture survey involves careful planning and consideration to ensure the survey effectively captures the desired information.

Here are the key steps to create a corporate workplace culture survey question:

  1. Define the objectives: Determine what specific aspects of the corporate culture you want to assess, such as employee engagement, communication, leadership, diversity, inclusion, or work-life balance.
  2. Select the survey format: Decide on the format that best suits your organization's needs. Online surveys are often more convenient, and cost-effective, and provide efficient data collection and analysis capabilities. Choose a user-friendly survey platform that allows customization and easy distribution to the target audience.
  3. Design the survey questions: Ensure that the questions are clear, concise, and relevant to the objectives of the survey. Use a combination of closed-ended (multiple-choice, Likert scale) and open-ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.
  4. Pilot test the survey: Before distributing the survey organization-wide, conduct a pilot test with a small group of employees. This helps identify any issues with the survey design, question clarity, or response options.
  5. Determine timing and frequency: Decide on the timing and frequency of your corporate culture survey. Will it be an annual, biannual, or quarterly assessment? Establishing a consistent schedule ensures that you can track changes over time.
  6. Engage stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders, such as HR professionals, department heads, and employee representatives, in the survey creation process. Their input can help ensure that the survey aligns with organizational goals and addresses specific departmental or employee concerns.
  7. Anonymity and confidentiality: Clearly communicate the level of anonymity and confidentiality that participants can expect. Assure employees that their responses will be kept confidential to encourage honest and candid feedback.
  8. Data analysis and action planning: Prepare a plan for analyzing survey results and translating them into actionable initiatives. Identify responsible parties for addressing specific issues or implementing improvements based on the feedback received.
  9. Analyze and act on the results: Once the survey responses are gathered, it's crucial to analyze the data carefully. Look for patterns, trends, and areas of concern within the results. From there, develop actionable plans to address any issues or areas for improvement that arise.
  10. Foster a culture of transparency and accountability: Transparency about the survey results demonstrates a commitment to listening and acting on feedback. Additionally, hold leaders and teams accountable for implementing changes and improvements based on the survey findings. Encourage ongoing dialogue and updates to keep employees informed about progress and next steps.

What does a good company culture look like?

What does a good company culture look like?

Good company culture is characterized by several key elements that create a positive and engaging work environment.

  1. Clear vision and values: A good company culture is built on strong core values that define the organization's beliefs and principles. These values are not merely words on a wall but are actively practiced and integrated into the daily operations and decision-making processes.
  2. Open and transparent communication: There is an emphasis on clear and effective communication channels that enable employees to share ideas, concerns, and feedback.
  3. Respect and inclusivity: A study by the Statista Research Department, highlighted how almost 72% of Americans preferred working in a diverse environment. Thus a good work culture should consist of a diverse workforce and actively promotes equity and inclusion.
  4. Supportive leadership: Leaders inspire and motivate employees, providing guidance and support to help them reach their full potential. They lead by example, embodying the organization's values and fostering a positive work environment.
  5. Employee development and growth: It provides opportunities for learning, training, and advancement, allowing employees to continually develop their skills and knowledge.
  6. Collaboration and teamwork: The organization promotes a culture of cross-functional teamwork, where employees are encouraged to work together, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.
  7. Recognition and rewards: There are mechanisms in place to acknowledge and appreciate employee efforts, whether through formal recognition programs, or performance-based incentives.
  8. Work-life balance: The organization encourages employees to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance between work and personal life.
  9. Social responsibility: The organization actively participates in philanthropic initiatives, environmental sustainability efforts, and community engagement.
  10. Continuous improvement: The organization values learning from mistakes and encourages a growth mindset that embraces new ideas and approaches.

What is culture questionnaire?

Employees are celebrating their latest achievement
What is culture questionnaire?

Picture this: Your company's culture is like the DNA of your organization, influencing everything from employee morale to customer satisfaction. But how can you pinpoint its essence? That's where this questionnaire comes in.

The "What is Culture Questionnaire" is your treasure map to the soul of your company. It's not your average survey; it's a deep dive into the values, beliefs, and behaviors that make your organization unique. By asking thought-provoking company culture survey questions, it unveils the hidden gems of your culture.

Imagine discovering that your company's culture thrives on innovation and risk-taking. Or perhaps it's rooted in tradition and stability. Maybe it's a blend of both! Whatever the case, this questionnaire will reveal it all.

But it's not just about understanding your culture; it's about shaping it. Armed with the insights from this questionnaire, you can align your company's values with its actions, fostering a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Top 50+ workplace culture survey questions

Top 50+ workplace culture survey questions
  1. How would you rate the clarity of the organization's vision and mission?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you feel your work aligns with the organization's goals?
  3. Do you believe your contributions are recognized and appreciated within the organization?
  4. How would you rate the overall communication within the organization?
  5. Are you satisfied with the level of transparency in decision-making processes?
  6. Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions and ideas in the workplace?
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the level of teamwork and collaboration in your department?
  8. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for growth and career development within the organization?
  9. Do you feel your skills and expertise are utilized effectively in your current role?
  10. How supported do you feel by your immediate supervisor or manager?
  11. Do you believe the organization values and promotes diversity and inclusion?
  12. How well does the organization support work-life balance for its employees?
  13. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the organization's efforts in employee well-being and employee support programs?
  14. How well does the organization promote a positive and inclusive work environment?
  15. How would you rate the organization's recognition and rewards programs?
  16. How comfortable do you feel sharing concerns or raising issues without fear of negative consequences?
  17. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this organization as a great place to work?
  18. How well does the organization support remote work and flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs?
  19. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective is the onboarding process for new employees in helping them assimilate into the company culture?
  20. Do you feel that the organization fosters a sense of innovation and encourages employees to contribute creative ideas?
  21. How well does the organization handle conflict resolution and address interpersonal issues among employees?
  22. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well does the organization provide opportunities for skill development and continuous learning?
  23. Are you satisfied with the level of recognition and feedback provided for your performance on a regular basis?
  24. How would you rate the organization's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives?
  25. Do you feel the organization promotes a healthy work-life integration, including policies for mental health and well-being support?
  26. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are the diversity and inclusion training programs offered by the organization?
  27. Are you aware of and comfortable with the organization's ethics and compliance policies and reporting mechanisms?
  28. How well does the organization respond to and address concerns related to workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  29. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the organization's efforts to create a safe and harassment-free workplace environment?
  30. Do you feel that the organization's leadership exemplifies the values and behaviors it expects from employees?
  31. How well does the organization support employees in times of personal or family emergencies?
  32. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are the organization's efforts in promoting cross-cultural understanding and awareness among employees?
  33. How well does the organization support employees in times of personal or family emergencies?
  34. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are the organization's efforts in promoting cross-cultural understanding and awareness among employees?
  35. How would you rate the effectiveness of the organization's communication channels in keeping employees informed about important updates and changes?
  36. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the level of autonomy and decision-making authority you have in your role?
  37. Are you satisfied with the accessibility and responsiveness of the organization's HR department in addressing employee concerns and inquiries?
  38. How well does the organization encourage and facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration among different departments or teams?
  39. On a scale of 1 to 10, how supported do you feel in maintaining a healthy work-life balance by your direct supervisor or manager?
  40. How well does the organization provide resources and support for professional development and continuing education?
  41. Do you feel that the company effectively addresses employee suggestions and implements feasible ideas?
  42. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the technological tools and resources available to perform your job effectively?
  43. How well does the organization foster a culture of respect and integrity?
  44. Are you satisfied with the organization’s efforts to recognize and celebrate diversity-related events and milestones?
  45. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are the company's mental health resources and support systems?
  46. Do you feel that the organization provides adequate opportunities for social interaction and team-building activities?
  47. How well does the organization ensure that employees' workloads are manageable and realistic?
  48. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective are the organization's initiatives in supporting community engagement and volunteerism?
  49. Are you satisfied with the transparency and communication regarding the organization's strategic goals and plans?
  50. How well does the organization provide feedback and performance reviews that help you grow professionally?
  51. Do you feel the organization’s policies and procedures are fair and consistently applied?
  52. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the overall morale and job satisfaction among your colleagues?
  53. Are you satisfied with the organization’s initiatives to ensure employee physical health and safety?
  54. On a scale of 1 to 10, how effectively does the organization implement changes based on employee feedback?

Remember to customize and adapt these employee survey questions to fit your organization's specific needs and culture.

How can you use company culture survey results?

Employees are filling out a survey from remote setup
How can you use company culture survey results?

Company culture survey results offer valuable insights into the perceptions, experiences, and sentiments of employees within an organization.

Let's explore some ways in which companies can leverage these survey results to drive positive change and enhance organizational effectiveness.

  1. Identify strengths and weaknesses: Company culture survey results provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your organization's culture. Analyze the data to identify areas where the company excels and where improvements are needed. This understanding is essential for fostering a positive work environment and addressing any underlying issues.
  2. Inform strategic decision-making: Use survey results to inform strategic decision-making processes. For example, if the survey reveals a lack of communication or collaboration among teams, consider implementing initiatives to improve communication channels or team-building activities. Aligning strategic decisions with survey findings ensures that organizational changes are targeted and effective.
  3. Drive employee engagement: Employee engagement is closely linked to company culture. Survey results can help identify factors that contribute to employee engagement, such as recognition programs, professional development opportunities, or work-life balance initiatives. By addressing these factors, you can boost employee morale, productivity, and retention rates.
  4. Enhance leadership effectiveness: Assessing leadership effectiveness is a crucial aspect of company culture surveys. Evaluate feedback on leadership styles, communication skills, and employee satisfaction with management. Use this information to provide targeted leadership training and development programs to enhance managerial skills and foster a positive leadership culture.
  5. Promote diversity and inclusion: Company culture surveys can shed light on the organization's diversity and inclusion efforts. Analyze survey data to assess the inclusivity of policies, practices, and workplace environments. Take proactive steps to promote diversity and inclusion, such as implementing diversity training programs, establishing diversity committees, and fostering a culture of respect and belonging for all employees.
  6. Monitor progress over time: Continuously monitor company culture survey results over time to track progress and identify trends. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of cultural initiatives allows you to make adjustments as needed and ensure ongoing improvement. By monitoring progress over time, you can demonstrate a commitment to cultivating a positive and inclusive work culture.
  7. Communicate findings and take action: Finally, communicate survey findings transparently with employees and stakeholders. Share insights from the survey and outline actionable steps that will be taken based on the feedback received. Encourage open dialogue and collaboration to ensure that employees feel heard and valued in the process of shaping the company's culture.

Work culture survey vs. employee engagement survey

Work culture survey vs. employee engagement survey

A work culture survey and an employee engagement survey are two different types of employee surveys that focus on different aspects of the workplace. Here's how they differ:

Work culture survey

It assesses the overall culture, values, and norms within an organization. The aim of this is to identify the areas that need improvement, and alignment with the organization's mission and values.

The questions in a work culture survey may cover topics such as communication, collaboration, leadership, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance, and organizational values.

Employee engagement survey

It measures the level of engagement and commitment of employees within the organization. The focus is on factors such as job satisfaction, motivation, loyalty, productivity, and intention to stay with the organization.

These surveys often include questions related to the employee's relationship with their immediate supervisor, opportunities for growth and development, recognition and rewards, work-life balance, and the overall work environment.

How often should you run company culture surveys?

How often should you run company culture surveys?

It is generally recommended to conduct company culture surveys at least once a year to maintain a pulse on the organization's culture and track progress over time.

Here are some factors to consider when determining the frequency of company culture surveys:

Organizational changes: If there have been significant changes within the organization, such as mergers, acquisitions, leadership transitions, or major strategic shifts.

Culture improvement initiatives: If the organization is actively working on culture improvement initiatives, running more frequent employee engagement surveys, can provide insights into the impact of those initiatives.

Resource allocation: Consider using shorter pulse surveys or targeted surveys on specific culture dimensions between annual surveys to keep a pulse on critical areas of focus.

Employee feedback loop: Establish an ongoing feedback loop that encourages employees to share their thoughts and concerns regularly. If you have mechanisms for continuous feedback, such as suggestion boxes, regular team meetings, or an open-door policy.

Market and industry dynamics: Monitor the external environment, including changes in your industry and market. If your industry is experiencing rapid changes, competitive pressures, or shifts in customer expectations, more frequent organizational culture surveys may be necessary.

Geographical and departmental differences: Consider the geographical dispersion of your workforce and the potential variations in culture across different departments or locations.

Benchmarking and comparisons: If your organization places a strong emphasis on benchmarking and comparing its culture to industry standards or competitors, you may need to run culture surveys more frequently to stay updated.

How do you measure culture survey?

Employees are discussing in a meeting
How do you measure culture survey?

Culture, often intangible and ever-evolving, is the soul of an organization. Measuring it might seem like trying to capture the wind, but with the right approach, you can gauge the pulse of your culture survey effectively. Here's how:

  1. Customized surveys: Begin by designing culture-specific surveys tailored to your organization's unique values and goals. These surveys should encompass various aspects of culture, including values, behaviors, communication, and leadership.
  2. Clear objectives: Define what you want to achieve with the culture survey. Are you assessing alignment with company values, identifying areas for improvement, or measuring the impact of recent culture initiatives? Setting clear objectives will guide your measurement efforts.
  3. Quantitative data: Use quantitative questions with Likert scales to gather numerical data. These questions can help you assess the prevalence of specific cultural attributes and trends over time.
  4. Qualitative insights: Supplement quantitative data with open-ended questions. These allow employees to share their thoughts, experiences, and suggestions, providing rich qualitative insights into the culture.
  5. Regular pulse checks: Conduct culture surveys regularly, whether annually, biannually, or quarterly. Consistency allows you to track trends, identify changes, and measure the effectiveness of culture-related initiatives.
  6. Comparative analysis: Compare survey results over time to identify shifts or patterns. Look for correlations between cultural factors and key performance indicators (KPIs) like employee turnover, customer satisfaction, and profitability.
  7. Employee feedback: Act on the insights gathered. Engage in dialogue with employees about the survey results and involve them in co-creating solutions to address identified issues or reinforce positive aspects of the culture.
  8. Continuous improvement: Treat culture measurement as an ongoing process. Continuously refine your surveys based on feedback, industry best practices, and changing organizational needs.
  9. External benchmarks: Benchmark your culture against industry peers or organizations known for their strong cultures. This external perspective can provide valuable context.
  10. Technology tools: Utilize advanced survey and data analysis tools to streamline the measurement process, automate data collection, and generate actionable insights.

What are some signs that it may be time for an organization to conduct a culture survey?

Employees are having miscommumication
What are some signs that it may be time for an organization to conduct a culture survey?

In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping employee experiences, driving performance, and fostering innovation.

Recognizing the importance of a healthy and thriving culture, many organizations turn to culture surveys as a means to assess and understand their current cultural climate.

By identifying key indicators and signs that prompt the need for a culture survey, organizations can proactively address challenges and cultivate a culture that aligns with their values and objectives.

  1. Decreased employee morale: A noticeable decline in employee morale can be an indicator of underlying issues within the organizational culture. If employees seem disengaged, demotivated, or dissatisfied, it may be time to conduct a culture survey to identify the root causes of their discontent.
  2. High turnover rates: A sudden increase in turnover rates or difficulty retaining top talent could signal cultural challenges within the organization. Conducting a culture survey can help uncover factors contributing to employee turnover, such as lack of career development opportunities, poor leadership, or a toxic work environment.
  3. Communication breakdowns: Persistent communication breakdowns or misalignment between teams or departments may indicate a need to assess the organization's communication practices and overall cultural climate. A culture survey can identify communication barriers and help implement strategies to improve collaboration and transparency.
  4. Stagnant innovation: If the organization is experiencing a lack of innovation or creativity, it may be a sign that the current culture is hindering employees' ability to think creatively and take risks. Conducting a culture survey can reveal barriers to innovation, such as fear of failure or resistance to change, and enable the organization to foster a more innovative culture.
  5. Increased conflict or tension: Rising levels of conflict or tension among employees or between departments may indicate underlying cultural issues, such as lack of trust, poor conflict resolution skills, or unhealthy competition. A culture survey can identify sources of conflict and help implement strategies to promote collaboration, respect, and teamwork.
  6. Poor performance or productivity: Declines in organizational performance or productivity could be linked to cultural factors such as low employee engagement, ineffective leadership, or unclear goals and expectations. Conducting a culture survey can uncover barriers to performance and enable the organization to implement initiatives that enhance productivity and drive results.
  7. Lack of alignment with organizational values: If there is a disconnect between the organization's stated values and the actual behaviors and practices exhibited in the workplace, it may be time to reassess the organizational culture. A culture survey can gauge employees' perceptions of the company's values and help align cultural norms with organizational goals and objectives.

5 Best culture assesment tools in 2024

1. CultureMonkey

CultureMonkey - An employee engagement survey tools

CultureMonkey is a cutting-edge employee pulse survey software that revolutionizes the way organizations assess and improve their workplace culture and employee engagement. Here's an overview of the key features and benefits offered by CultureMonkey:

  1. User-friendly interface: CultureMonkey boasts an intuitive interface that empowers organizations to effortlessly create and deploy employee pulse surveys. This ease of use encourages higher participation rates and ensures that feedback is collected efficiently.
  2. Personalized surveys: With CultureMonkey, organizations can tailor their surveys by adding personalized questions related to specific employee engagement drivers, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of their culture.
  3. Diverse pulse survey templates: CultureMonkey provides access to a vast library of over 100 research-backed pulse survey templates. These templates serve as a launchpad for organizations looking to kickstart their feedback collection process.
  4. Seamless integration: CultureMonkey integrates seamlessly with leading HRMS tools like Darwinbox, Zoho People, Okta, and Keka, offering a comprehensive employee feedback experience. This integration streamlines data collection and analysis.
  5. Multilingual surveys: The platform accommodates multilingual survey questions, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their background, can conveniently provide feedback.
  6. Social and professional integration: CultureMonkey extends its reach by integrating with popular communication channels like Slack, Teams, and WhatsApp. This integration boosts participation rates and encourages open communication.
  7. Anonymous conversations: CultureMonkey encourages open and honest dialogue between employees and management by transforming anonymous feedback into anonymous conversations. This promotes transparency and trust within the organization.
  8. Comprehensive reporting: The platform offers an engagement score heat map, industry benchmark comparisons, and customizable survey reports. These features enable organizations to measure the most critical employee engagement metrics and identify areas for improvement.

Learn more about CultureMonkey

2. Culture Amp

Culture Amp
  1. Tailored insights: Culture Amp offers the flexibility to craft customized surveys that align with your unique organizational goals. From measuring employee engagement to gauging the impact of culture initiatives, this tool delivers tailored insights that drive actionable change.
  2. Seamless integration: Embracing the digital age, Culture Amp seamlessly integrates with various HR systems, ensuring a smooth flow of data. It empowers organizations to leverage existing tech stacks for a comprehensive culture assessment.
  3. Advanced analytics: Unlock the power of data with Culture Amp's advanced analytics. Dive deep into the nuances of your culture, and with industry benchmarks, gain the competitive edge by identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  4. Actionable feedback: Beyond data collection, Culture Amp focuses on driving meaningful change. It transforms feedback into action plans, ensuring that organizations not only measure culture but actively shape it for a brighter, more engaged future.

3. Officevibe

  1. Pulse surveys for continuous insights: Officevibe empowers organizations to capture the heartbeat of their culture through regular pulse surveys. These bite-sized, real-time assessments provide continuous insights, ensuring that organizations stay agile and responsive to evolving employee needs.
  2. Actionable feedback: Beyond data collection, Officevibe focuses on driving action. It not only identifies areas for improvement but also provides actionable recommendations to help organizations address issues and bolster strengths.
  3. Employee well-being: Officevibe places a strong emphasis on employee well-being. It gauges factors like stress, workload, and healthy work-life balance, enabling organizations to create a supportive environment that fosters physical and mental health.
  4. Integration and analytics: Seamlessly integrating with popular collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, Officevibe ensures that collecting feedback is frictionless. It also offers robust analytics and reporting tools.

4. Qualtrics XM

Qualtrics XM
  1. Tailored culture surveys: Qualtrics XM offers unparalleled flexibility in crafting culture surveys. Tailor your assessments to align precisely with your organization's unique goals, from measuring employee engagement to tracking the impact of culture-enhancing initiatives.
  2. 360-Degree insights: Beyond employee surveys, Qualtrics XM takes a holistic approach. It leverages feedback from employees, customers, and other stakeholders to provide a comprehensive view of your organization's culture and its impact on business outcomes.
  3. Powerful analytics: Dive deep into culture analytics with Qualtrics XM's advanced reporting tools. Uncover hidden trends, benchmark against industry standards, and gain a competitive edge by making data-driven decisions.
  4. Real-time action plans: Qualtrics XM doesn't just stop at measurement—it excels in driving change. Transform feedback into actionable strategies with personalized action plans, ensuring that your organization not only understands its culture but actively shapes it for success.

5. TINYpulse

  1. Pulse surveys for real-time insights: TINYpulse empowers organizations to capture real-time feedback through pulse surveys. These short, frequent check-ins provide continuous insights, ensuring that organizations stay agile and responsive to evolving employee needs.
  2. Peer recognition with cheers: TINYpulse fosters a culture of appreciation with its Cheers feature, allowing employees to recognize and celebrate each other's contributions. This promotes a positive and inclusive workplace culture.
  3. Actionable feedback: Beyond data collection, TINYpulse is committed to driving actionable change. It doesn't just identify areas for improvement but provides actionable recommendations to help organizations address issues and strengthen their culture.
  4. TINYhr insights and analytics: TINYpulse offers a robust analytics suite with TINYhr Insights. Dive deep into culture analytics, uncover trends, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive data.

How an employee engagement platform like CultureMonkey can help you improve your workplace culture?

With its innovative features and user-friendly interface, employee engagement platforms like CultureMonkey provides a comprehensive solution to foster a positive and engaging work environment.

One of the key benefits of using this platform is the ability to gather real-time feedback from employees through pulse surveys and anonymous polls.

Overall, CultureMonkey empowers organizations to actively listen to their employees, make meaningful changes, and cultivate a workplace culture where employees feel valued, motivated, and inspired to give their best.


1. Why should a company conduct a work culture survey?

A company should conduct a work culture survey to gain insights into the employee experience and identify areas for improvement. It helps in understanding employee satisfaction, engagement, and perceptions of the workplace environment. By addressing the feedback received, companies can foster a positive culture, boost productivity, and reduce turnover, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and motivated workforce.

2. What is the purpose of a culture survey?

A culture survey aims to gauge employees' perceptions, attitudes, and experiences within the organization. It helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the organizational culture. By understanding employee perspectives, organizations can foster a sense of belonging, improve employee engagement, and align cultural initiatives with employee needs and values.

3. How often should organizations conduct organizational culture surveys?

Organizations should conduct culture surveys regularly to track changes in the cultural climate and address emerging issues. While the frequency may vary depending on organizational needs and resources, conducting surveys annually or biennially is common practice. Regular surveys ensure that organizations stay informed about employee sentiments and can proactively address cultural challenges.

4. How do organizational culture surveys differ from other types of employee surveys?

Organizational culture surveys focus specifically on assessing the cultural climate and values within the organization. Unlike other employee surveys that may cover a range of topics such as job satisfaction, benefits, or performance feedback, culture surveys delve deeper into employees' perceptions of the organization's values, norms, and overall cultural environment.

5. How does remote work or distributed teams impact the effectiveness of organizational culture surveys?

Remote work and distributed teams can pose challenges to the effectiveness of organizational culture surveys. Communication barriers, lack of face-to-face interaction, and feelings of isolation may affect employees' perceptions of the organizational culture. To address these challenges, organizations can adapt culture surveys to include questions specifically tailored to remote work experiences, foster virtual team-building activities, and prioritize communication and transparency to maintain a strong sense of employee belonging and connection.

6. How can employee participation in a work culture survey be increased?

To increase employee participation in a work culture survey, ensure anonymity and confidentiality to make employees feel safe sharing honest feedback. Communicate the importance and benefits of the survey clearly. Provide convenient access and enough time to complete the survey. Additionally, demonstrate commitment to acting on the feedback by sharing results and outlining planned improvements, thus building trust and encouraging participation.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Content Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He has written 200+ blogs on employee experience, company culture and is a huge employee engagement evangelist.