25 Best employee engagement software in 2024

32 min read
25 Best employee engagement software in 2024
25 Best employee engagement software in 2024

If you've ever found yourself wondering how to boost your team's morale, increase job satisfaction, and turn your workplace into a bubbling cauldron of positive vibes, then you're in for a treat today.

We're diving headfirst into the magical world of employee engagement software!

But why? According to Gallup, in 2022, only 32% of full and part-time employees are actively engaged in the workplace, while 18% of employees are actively disengaged (which is an increase of four percentage points from 2020), so this is not something that should be taken lightly.

As the famous author and businesswoman Arianna Huffington once said, "When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute." And that's where employee engagement software comes in - fostering emotional investment and a sense of purpose in your team.

Now, if you're scratching your head to find these mystical tools of employee engagement, fear not!

We've scoured the enchanted forest of employee engagement solutions and conjured up a list of the top 25 employee engagement software options.

So grab your wizard hat, tighten your suspenders, and get ready to unlock the secrets of a truly engaged workforce. Let's dive in!

To skip to the good part that you are looking for ;)

What is an employee engagement software?

Employer is working with a employee engagement software
What is an employee engagement software?

Picture this: you're the master of ceremonies, the conductor of the engagement orchestra, and still, this software is your trusty baton. But what exactly is it?

Employee engagement software is like a magical potion brewed specifically to boost employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall happiness in the workplace. It's a digital employee engagement toolkit packed with features that help you connect with your team, understand their needs, and create an environment where they can thrive.

With these wondrous employee engagement tools at your disposal, you can wave goodbye to those ancient, soul-sucking offline employee surveys and chatbots that no one bothered to fill out. Instead, a holistic employee engagement solution offers pulse surveys that capture real-time feedback in a flash.

It's like conducting a quick lightning round of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," but you win valuable insights into your team's thoughts and feelings instead of cash.

But hold onto your broomsticks, because that's not all! Employee engagement software also helps you with a delightful array of employee recognition and reward features.

Remember when your elementary school teacher gave you a gold star for acing your spelling test? Well, these software solutions take that concept to a whole new level through employee feedback. It's like having a never-ending supply of gold stars to hand out, and who doesn't love being the bearer of good vibes?

So there you have it, employee engagement software is the secret recipe for creating a workplace where employees are motivated, connected, and happy as a cat in a cardboard box.

Now, let’s actually dive into what you are looking for.

Table of contents:-

  1. CultureMonkey
  2. Lattice
  3. Vantage Circle
  4. Officevibe
  5. Qualtrics
  6. Quantum Workplace
  7. Culture Amp
  8. TINYpulse
  9. 15five
  10. Workday Peakon
  11. Empuls
  12. BambooHR
  13. WorkTango
  14. Bonusly
  15. Jotform
  16. SurveySparrow
  17. Glint
  18. Leapsome
  19. HiBob
  20. QuestionPro
  21. Workvivo
  22. Betterworks
  23. Perceptyx
  24. Zonka Feedback
  25. Reflektive

25 Best employee engagement software

Best employee engagement software
25 Best employee engagement platform that you should look out for.

Now that you're armed with the knowledge of what employee engagement software is, it's time to reveal the crème de la crème, the top-notch choices that'll make your team swoon with delight!

We scoured and listed the absolute best employee engagement software options.

These are the ones that will transform your workplace into a utopian paradise where employees are engaged, happy, and productive. Drumroll please…

1. CultureMonkey


Now, hold onto your hats because of what we've stumbled upon in the employee engagement software. Meet CultureMonkey, a true sorcerer of engagement. Let's explore its top enchanting features that will work wonders for your organization's employee engagement journey.

CultureMonkey is a leading employee engagement software that empowers organizations to listen to their employees and create a positive workplace culture. With a range of survey options, including eNPS and pulse surveys, CultureMonkey helps measure and improve employee engagement levels.

The platform provides real-time, anonymous feedback, allowing companies to address concerns and focus on areas that impact employee satisfaction.
Now let’s dwell in to some of the key features of CultureMonkey’s employee engagement software -

Pulse survey

With CultureMonkey's 100+ anonymous pulse survey templates, you can gather real-time feedback from your employees in a flash. These bite-sized surveys are quick and easy, capturing valuable insights into employee sentiments, challenges, and suggestions. It's like having a magical crystal ball that reveals the pulse of your workforce.

Lifecycle Surveys

From onboarding to exit interviews, CultureMonkey covers the entire employee life cycle. You can conduct surveys at different stages to gather insights, identify pain points, and continuously improve employee retention and experience. It's like having a magical time-travelling device that allows you to shape the employee journey at every turn.

User-friendly interface

No spells required! CultureMonkey's user-friendly interface makes launching surveys a breeze. You don't need to be a tech wizard to navigate the platform and gather valuable employee feedback while increasing the survey participation rates.

Multilingual survey questions

CultureMonkey understands the importance of inclusivity. With its multilingual survey questions (including life cycle surveys, employee engagement surveys, pulse surveys, eNPS, onboarding surveys, exit surveys, and more), you can break language barriers and ensure that all employees, regardless of their native language, can participate and provide feedback.

Anonymous employee feedback

Sometimes, employees need a safe space to share their thoughts anonymously. CultureMonkey allows you to transform anonymous feedback into anonymous conversations, fostering open dialogue without revealing identities. It's like having a magic cloak that protects employees' anonymity while encouraging honest conversations.

Engagement score heat map

Prepare to be mesmerized by the engagement score heat map. CultureMonkey visualizes engagement data, allowing you to identify patterns, hotspots, and areas that require attention. It's like having a magical map that guides you towards pockets of engagement and areas that need nurturing.

Employee feedback sentiment analysis

CultureMonkey employs sentiment analysis to analyze employee feedback. By harnessing the power of AI, it can determine the sentiment behind employee responses, giving you a deeper understanding of their emotions and experiences. It's like having a magical translator that deciphers the true meaning behind their words.

Manager effectiveness surveys

Good leadership is key to engagement, and CultureMonkey recognizes that. Its manager effectiveness surveys enable you to assess the impact of managers on employee engagement solutions, providing valuable insights into areas of improvement and development opportunities.

AI-powered recommendations

Prepare to be astounded by the power of artificial intelligence! CultureMonkey provides actionable insights through AI-powered recommendations. It analyzes data and offers practical suggestions on improving employee engagement, like having a wise sage guiding you towards the most effective engagement strategies.

Integration with HRMS tools

CultureMonkey seamlessly integrates with leading HRMS tools, including Darwinbox, Zoho People, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Okta, SAP, Keka, and much more. This integration streamlines processes, making it effortless to gather feedback, track engagement, and enhance communication within your existing HR ecosystem.

In-depth reporting and manager dashboard

CultureMonkey's in-depth reporting features provide a comprehensive view of engagement data. Coupled with the manager dashboard, it empowers leaders to monitor progress, track trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Tailored support for optimal engagement

CultureMonkey's Customer Success team provides with personalized support. Beyond implementation, they prioritize industry-leading time-to-value, ensuring swift adoption and immediate impact. With personalized engagement insights, they guide organizations in optimizing their employee engagement strategies for maximum effectiveness every step of the way.

Learn more about CultureMonkey!

2. Lattice


Lattice is a employee engagement tool designed to enhance workplace engagement and unleash the full potential of your workforce. Let's explore its top features and how each one contributes to enhancing employee engagement within organizations.

Performance management

Lattice offers a robust performance management system that empowers organizations to set clear goals, provide continuous feedback, and conduct meaningful performance reviews. By aligning employee objectives with company goals and fostering ongoing conversations, Lattice helps create a culture of transparency and growth, ultimately boosting employee engagement.

360° feedback

With Lattice's 360° feedback feature, organizations can gather comprehensive insights from multiple perspectives. By soliciting feedback from peers, managers, and direct reports, Lattice enables a holistic view of an employee's performance, strengths, and areas for development. This promotes a collaborative and developmental approach, leading to increased engagement and personal growth.

Continuous learning

Lattice recognizes the importance of ongoing learning and development. Its learning management feature provides a platform for employees to access resources, training materials, and personalized learning paths. By investing in continuous learning opportunities, organizations foster a culture of growth and empower employees.

Goal tracking and OKRs

Lattice enables organizations to set, track, and align goals using the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) framework. By cascading goals across teams and individuals, Lattice promotes clarity, accountability, and a sense of purpose. This systematic approach to goal management helps employees understand how their contributions contribute to the bigger picture and drive engagement.

3. Vantage Circle

Vantage Circle
Vantage Circle

Now, let's uncover the wonders of Vantage Circle, an employee engagement platform that takes measuring employee engagement to new heights. With its array of features, Vantage Circle is a great employee engagement platform when it comes to nurturing thriving and engaged employees. Let's explore its top features and how each one contributes to organizational success.

Employee rewards and recognition

Vantage Circle offers a comprehensive rewards and recognition program that celebrates employees' achievements and contributions. By providing a platform for peer-to-peer recognition, milestone rewards, and customizable incentives, Vantage Circle fosters a company culture of appreciation and boosts employee morale

Employee benefits

With Vantage Circle's employee benefits feature, organizations can provide a wide range of perks and discounts to their employees. From exclusive deals on shopping, travel, healthcare, and wellness, to financial assistance and lifestyle benefits, the platform enhances employee well-being and satisfaction.

Employee surveys

Vantage Circle enables organizations to conduct employee engagement surveys to gauge employee sentiment, gather feedback, and measure engagement levels. By listening to the voice of their employees, organizations can identify areas for improvement and address concerns.

Corporate communication

Vantage Circle offers a seamless communication platform that facilitates transparent and effective communication across the organization. Whether it's sharing company updates, announcements, or important information.

4. Officevibe


With its innovative features, Officevibe helps people leaders foster a culture of engagement within organizations. Let's uncover its top features and see how each one contributes to organizational success.

Employee feedback

Officevibe empowers organizations to gather valuable feedback from their employees through pulse surveys and open-ended questions. By providing a safe and anonymous space for employees to express their thoughts and concerns, the employee engagement platform enables organizations to identify areas for improvement and take proactive measures to enhance engagement.

Team collaboration

Officevibe's team collaboration feature encourages seamless communication and collaboration among team members. It provides a platform where employees can share ideas, recognize their peers, and foster a sense of camaraderie. This feature promotes a positive work environment, fosters teamwork, and increases employee engagement.

Manager check-ins

With Officevibe's manager check-ins, organizations can ensure regular and meaningful conversations between managers and their direct reports. This feature facilitates one-on-one discussions, goal setting, and feedback exchanges. By promoting effective manager-employee relationships, Officevibe strengthens engagement, boosts employee performance, and supports professional growth.

Analytics and insights

Officevibe offers powerful analytics and insights that provide organizations with a deep understanding of employee engagement trends and sentiments. With data-driven insights, organizations can identify patterns, track progress, and make informed decisions to improve employee retention and engagement strategies.

5. Qualtrics


Qualtrics is an employee engagement software that offers a range of features designed to enhance employee engagement and drive organizational success.

Employee experience management

Qualtrics enables organizations to design and implement employee experience programs. By capturing feedback at every touchpoint, organizations can gain valuable insights and take targeted actions to improve engagement.

Pulse surveys

With Qualtrics, organizations can easily conduct pulse surveys to gather real-time feedback from employees. This feature allows for frequent check-ins, giving organizations the agility to address concerns and make data-driven decisions.

Action planning

Qualtrics provides robust action-planning capabilities. It helps organizations translate feedback into actionable insights, empowering them to identify areas of improvement and develop strategic plans to enhance employee engagement.

Performance management

Qualtrics supports organizations in creating a performance management framework that aligns with employee engagement. Organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth by streamlining goal setting, feedback collection, and performance reviews.

6. Quantum Workplace

Quantum Workplace
Quantum Workplace

Quantum Workplace is one of the best employeee engagement software in the market  with when it comes to empowering organizations to drive employee engagement. Let's explore its top features and see how each one contributes to organizational success.

Employee surveys

Quantum Workplace offers powerful employee survey capabilities that allow organizations to gather comprehensive feedback from their workforce. By conducting surveys on various aspects of the employee experience, Quantum Workplace enables organizations to identify areas for improvement, measure engagement levels, and make data-driven decisions to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

Performance management

With Quantum Workplace's performance management feature, organizations can streamline goal setting, performance evaluations, and development planning. Quantum Workplace empowers organizations to enhance employee performance, foster growth, and ultimately drive engagement by aligning individual goals with organizational objectives and facilitating ongoing performance conversations.

Recognition and rewards

Quantum Workplace recognizes the importance of recognition in boosting employee engagement. Its recognition and rewards feature enables organizations to create a company culture of appreciation and celebration. Quantum Workplace fosters a positive work environment, enhances employee morale, and increases engagement by providing a platform for peer-to-peer recognition, rewards and incentives.

Real-time feedback

Quantum Workplace offers real-time feedback capabilities that allow for continuous communication and coaching between managers and employees. This feature enables timely feedback exchanges, constructive conversations and supports ongoing development. By promoting regular feedback loops, Quantum Workplace helps organizations build strong relationships, drive performance, and cultivate a culture of engagement.

7. Culture Amp

Culture Amp
Culture Amp

With its array of features, Culture Amp empowers organizations to create a culture of continuous feedback, growth, and development. Let's explore its top four features and see how each one contributes to business success.

Employee feedback and surveys

Culture Amp's employee feedback and survey capabilities enable organizations to gather valuable insights from their workforce. By conducting pulse surveys, engagement surveys, and more. This data-driven approach helps organizations identify strengths, areas for improvement and take proactive measures to enhance engagement.

Performance management

Culture Amp's performance management feature enables organizations to set clear goals, provide ongoing feedback, and conduct performance evaluations. By aligning individual goals with company objectives and fostering regular performance conversations.

Employee experience

Culture Amp understands the importance of the overall employee experience. Its employee experience feature allows organizations to measure and improve various touchpoints throughout the employee journey, from onboarding to exit. By addressing pain points, enhancing employee well-being, and creating positive experiences, Culture Amp helps organizations foster a culture of engagement and satisfaction.

People analytics

Culture Amp's people analytics capabilities provide organizations deep insights into their workforce. By analyzing engagement, performance, diversity, and more data, Culture Amp enables organizations to make data-driven decisions to drive employee engagement initiatives. This feature helps organizations uncover trends, identify opportunities, and create tailored strategies to enhance engagement.

8. TINYpulse


TINYpulse empowers organizations to create a culture of continuous feedback, recognition, and growth. Let's explore its top features and see how each one contributes to organizational success.

Employee feedback

TINYpulse offers a robust employee feedback feature that enables organizations to gather real-time feedback from their workforce. By providing a platform for anonymous pulse surveys and open-ended questions, TINYpulse encourages honest and candid feedback, empowering organizations to address concerns and boost engagement

Peer recognition

TINYpulse's peer recognition feature allows employees to appreciate and recognize their colleagues for their hard work and achievements. By fostering a culture of appreciation and gratitude, TINYpulse strengthens employee morale, fosters positive relationships, and enhances overall engagement within the organization.

Employee sentiment analysis

TINYpulse utilizes sentiment analysis to analyze employee feedback and identify trends and patterns. By uncovering sentiment trends, organizations gain insights into the overall employee experience, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance engagement and satisfaction.

Employee onboarding

TINYpulse's employee onboarding feature streamlines the onboarding process and helps new hires feel welcome and supported from day one. By providing a structured and engaging onboarding experience, TINYpulse ensures that new employees quickly integrate into the company culture, fostering a sense of belonging and accelerating productivity.

9. 15five


15five is an employee engagement software that helps organizations connect with their employees. With its top features, 15five empowers organizations to foster a culture of continuous feedback, growth, and recognition.

Objectives and key results (OKRs)

15five's OKRs feature enables organizations to align individual and team goals with the company's objectives. By setting clear objectives and tracking progress, 15five helps employees understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture, fostering a sense of purpose and engagement.

Continuous feedback

15five facilitates ongoing feedback between managers and employees. This feature allows employees to regularly share their successes, challenges, and ideas while providing managers with valuable insights to provide timely support and guidance. By nurturing a feedback-rich environment, 15five promotes open communication and strengthens employee engagement.

Weekly check-ins

15five's weekly check-ins feature promotes regular one-on-one conversations between managers and employees. These check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss progress, address challenges, and provide support. By fostering meaningful connections, 15Five enhances trust, engagement, and growth within teams.

High fives and recognitions

15five's high fives feature enables employees to celebrate their colleagues' accomplishments and express appreciation. This fosters a culture of recognition and gratitude, boosting employee morale and reinforcing positive behaviors.

10. Workday Peakon

Workday Peakon
Workday Peakon

Let's explore the dynamic world of Workday Peakon, an employee engagement platform that helps organizations elevate their employee experience. With its top features, Workday Peakon empowers organizations to listen, understand, and take action on employee feedback, ultimately driving engagement and success.

Pulse surveys

Workday Peakon allows organizations to conduct regular pulse surveys to gather real-time feedback from employees. These surveys provide valuable insights into employee sentiment, engagement levels, and areas of improvement. By understanding the pulse of their workforce, organizations can proactively address concerns, make data-driven decisions, and enhance employee engagement.

Actionable insights

Workday Peakon's platform provides actionable insights based on employee feedback. Through advanced analytics and reporting, organizations can uncover patterns, trends, and correlations to identify key drivers of engagement. These insights enable organizations to prioritize areas for improvement and implement targeted initiatives that have a direct impact on employee engagement.

Employee feedback channels

Workday Peakon provides multiple feedback channels, including surveys, conversations, and comments. This allows employees to express their opinions, share ideas, and provide feedback in a way that suits their preferences. By offering diverse feedback channels, Workday Peakon ensures that every employee has a voice, fostering a culture of inclusion and engagement.

11. Empuls


Enter the world of Empuls, one of the  comprehensive employee engagement platforms that empowers organizations to create a thriving workplace culture. With its top features, Empuls revolutionizes the way organizations engage and motivate their employees, fostering a sense of connection and purpose.

Social recognition

Empuls enables organizations to foster a culture of appreciation and recognition through its social recognition feature. Employees can give and receive recognition for their achievements, fostering a positive work environment, boosting morale, and enhancing employee engagement.

Rewards and benefits

Empuls offers a rewards and benefits feature that allows organizations to implement rewards programs and perks. The platform motivates employees, increases job satisfaction, and reinforces a culture of excellence by providing tangible incentives for exceptional performance, loyalty, and milestones.

Surveys and feedback

Empuls facilitates regular pulse surveys and feedback collection to gauge employee sentiment and gather insights. This enables organizations to understand the pulse of their workforce, address concerns, and make informed decisions to enhance engagement and employee experience.

Communication and collaboration

Empuls provides a robust communication and collaboration platform that connects employees, teams, and leaders. This feature enables seamless communication, knowledge sharing, and collaboration, fostering a sense of belonging, teamwork, and engagement within the organization.

12. BambooHR


BambooHR is a cloud-based HR software suite that helps organizations of all sizes manage their employee data, benefits, payroll, and more. It's known for its user-friendly interface and robust features, which can help organizations improve employee engagement in a number of ways.

Here are four of BambooHR's top features that can help organizations boost employee engagement:

Employee self-service portal

BambooHR's employee self-service portal gives employees easy access to their HR information, including pay stubs, benefits enrollment, and time-off requests. This can help employees feel more empowered and in control of their work-life balance, which can lead to increased engagement.

Performance management

BambooHR's performance management module helps managers set goals, provide feedback, and conduct performance reviews with their employees. This can help employees feel more valued and appreciated, and it can also help them develop their skills and grow their careers.

Employee recognition

BambooHR's employee recognition module makes it easy for managers to recognize and reward their employees for their hard work. This can help employees feel more motivated and engaged, and it can also help to create a more positive and supportive work environment.

Reporting and analytics

BambooHR's reporting and analytics module provides organizations with insights into their employee engagement levels. This information can be used to identify areas where improvement is needed and to develop targeted initiatives to boost engagement.

13. WorkTango


WorkTango is a cloud-based performance management platform that helps organizations of all sizes improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Here are four of WorkTango's top features that can help organizations enhance employee engagement:

Continuous feedback and recognition

WorkTango enables managers to provide continuous feedback and recognition to their employees throughout the year. This can help employees feel more valued and appreciated, and it can also help them improve their performance.

Goal setting and tracking

WorkTango helps employees to set and track their individual and team goals. This can help employees stay motivated and focused on their work, and it can also help them to develop their skills and grow their careers.

Employee engagement surveys

WorkTango provides organizations with the ability to conduct employee engagement surveys on a regular basis. This data can be used to identify areas where employee engagement is lacking and to develop targeted initiatives to improve it.

People analytics

WorkTango's people analytics capabilities provide organizations with insights into their workforce data. This information can be used to make informed decisions about how to improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

14. Bonusly


Bonusly is a cloud-based employee recognition platform that helps organizations of all sizes recognize and reward their employees for their hard work and contributions. It offers a variety of features that can help organizations improve employee engagement, including:

Peer-to-peer recognition

Bonusly allows employees to recognize and reward their peers for their hard work, even if it's something small. This can help employees to feel more valued and appreciated, and it can also help to create a more positive and supportive work environment.

Manager recognition

Bonusly also allows managers to recognize and reward their employees for their hard work. This can help managers to show their appreciation for their employees' contributions and to motivate them to continue to perform at a high level.


Bonusly offers employees a variety of rewards that they can redeem for their recognition points. These rewards can include gift cards, merchandise, and even travel experiences. This can help employees to feel more appreciated for their hard work and to get excited about being recognized.


Bonusly provides organizations with analytics that show them how their employees are using the platform and how it's impacting employee engagement. This data can be used to identify areas where improvement is needed and to develop targeted initiatives to boost engagement.

15. Jotform


Jotform is a cloud-based form builder that allows organizations to create and manage online forms for a variety of purposes, including employee surveys, performance reviews, feedback forms, and more. Here are four of Jotform's top features that can help organizations boost employee engagement:

Employee surveys

Jotform makes it easy to create and distribute employee surveys to collect feedback on a variety of topics, such as employee satisfaction, engagement levels, and areas for improvement. This feedback can be used to identify areas where employee engagement is lacking and to develop targeted initiatives to improve it.

Performance reviews

Jotform can be used to create and manage performance reviews for employees. This can help managers provide their employees with regular feedback on their performance, set goals, and identify areas for development. This process can help employees to feel more valued and appreciated, and it can also help them to develop their skills and grow their careers.

Feedback forms

Jotform can be used to create and manage feedback forms for employees to provide feedback on their work, their managers, and the company as a whole. This feedback can be used to improve the employee experience and to create a more positive and productive work environment.


Jotform integrates with a variety of other HR software solutions, such as BambooHR, Workday, and SAP SuccessFactors. This allows organizations to streamline their HR processes and to automate tasks, such as sending employee surveys and generating performance reviews.

16. SurveySparrow


SurveySparrow is a cloud-based survey platform that helps organizations of all sizes create and conduct engaging surveys to collect feedback from employees on a variety of topics, such as employee satisfaction, engagement levels, and areas for improvement. Here are four of SurveySparrow's top features that can help organizations boost employee engagement:

Conversational surveys

SurveySparrow's conversational surveys are designed to be more engaging and interactive than traditional surveys. They use a chat-like interface to ask questions one at a time, and they can be customized to match the organization's branding and culture.

Pulse surveys

SurveySparrow's pulse surveys allow organizations to collect frequent feedback from employees on a variety of topics. This feedback can be used to identify and address employee concerns early on and to track employee engagement levels over time.

Actionable insights

SurveySparrow provides organizations with actionable insights from their survey data. This information can be used to develop targeted initiatives to improve employee engagement and satisfaction. For example, if an organization's survey data shows that employees are concerned about their workload.

Employee engagement dashboard

SurveySparrow's employee engagement dashboard provides organizations with a real-time view of their employee engagement levels. This dashboard can be used to track progress over time and to identify areas where improvement is needed.

17. Glint


Glint is an innovative software engineered to unlock the full potential of your workforce. Here's a closer look at why Glint leads the pack in enhancing employee engagement and the array of features it offers to its customers:

Real-time employee insights

Glint empowers organizations with real-time insights into employee sentiment, enabling proactive decision-making and targeted interventions. By leveraging advanced analytics, Glint provides a nuanced understanding of workforce dynamics, fostering a culture of responsiveness and continuous improvement.

Actionable feedback mechanisms

With Glint, organizations gain access to robust feedback mechanisms that facilitate a meaningful dialogue between employees and management. Whether through pulse surveys, feedback channels, or performance evaluations, Glint ensures that feedback is not only collected but also acted upon, driving tangible improvements in employee engagement and satisfaction.

Data-driven decision making

By harnessing the power of data analytics, Glint enables organizations to make data-driven decisions that resonate with their workforce. Through customizable dashboards and comprehensive reporting tools, Glint equips leaders with the insights needed to identify trends and address challenges.

Employee development and growth

Recognizing the importance of continuous learning and development, Glint offers features geared toward fostering employee growth. Glint empowers employees to take ownership of their professional development journey, thereby boosting engagement, retention, and overall organizational performance.

18. Leapsome


Leapsome is a software platform designed to elevate organizational performance through enhanced employee engagement. Here's a detailed exploration of why Leapsome excels in this realm and the key features it offers to its customers:

Continuous performance management

Leapsome redefines performance management by offering a continuous feedback loop that promotes ongoing communication and development. Leapsome empowers organizations to cultivate a culture of transparency, accountability, and growth, driving heightened employee engagement and performance.

360° feedback and reviews

With Leapsome, organizations can harness the power of 360° feedback to gain holistic insights into employee performance and development. By soliciting feedback from peers, managers, and subordinates, Leapsome enables a comprehensive evaluation process that fosters collaboration, self-awareness, and personal growth.

Employee learning and development

Leapsome prioritizes employee learning and development through its robust training and development features. From personalized learning paths to skill assessments and training resources, Leapsome empowers employees to take control of their professional growth journey.

Employee engagement surveys and analytics

Leapsome enables organizations to measure and improve employee engagement through customized surveys and actionable analytics. Leapsome equips organizations with the insights needed to drive positive change and enhance employee satisfaction.

19. HiBob


HiBob is a software platform designed to revolutionize HR management and foster a culture of engagement and collaboration within organizations. Here's a comprehensive overview of why HiBob excels in this domain and the key features it offers to its customers:

Unified HR platform

HiBob serves as a centralized hub for all HR-related activities, including employee data management, payroll, benefits administration, and performance management. By consolidating disparate HR processes into a single, user-friendly platform, HiBob streamlines HR operations, enhances data accuracy, and improves overall efficiency.

Employee self-service

HiBob empowers employees with self-service capabilities, allowing them to access and manage their own HR information, such as personal details, benefits enrollment, time-off requests, and performance feedback. This self-service functionality not only reduces administrative burdens on HR teams but also promotes employee autonomy, satisfaction, and engagement.

Performance management tools

HiBob offers robust performance management tools that enable organizations to set, track, and evaluate employee goals, objectives, and performance metrics. From goal setting and progress tracking to feedback collection and performance reviews, HiBob facilitates ongoing performance conversations and development initiatives, fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement.

Data analytics and insights

HiBob provides advanced data analytics and reporting capabilities that enable organizations to gain valuable insights into their workforce dynamics, trends, and engagement levels. HiBob empowers HR leaders to identify areas for improvement, measure the impact of engagement initiatives, and make data-driven decisions.

20. QuestionPro


QuestionPro is a software platform designed to empower organizations to measure, analyze, and improve employee engagement effectively. Here's a detailed exploration of why QuestionPro is a preferred choice and the key features it offers to its customers:

Versatile survey capabilities

QuestionPro offers a comprehensive suite of survey tools tailored specifically for employee engagement purposes. From pulse surveys and employee satisfaction surveys to 360-degree feedback assessments, QuestionPro enables organizations to gather valuable insights into various aspects of the employee experience, facilitating informed decision-making and targeted interventions.

Real-time analytics and reporting

With QuestionPro's advanced analytics and reporting features, organizations can gain real-time visibility into employee engagement metrics and trends. QuestionPro empowers organizations to identify patterns, uncover areas for improvement, and track the effectiveness of their engagement initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

Employee feedback management

QuestionPro streamlines the process of collecting, managing, and acting upon employee feedback. With features such as automated reminders, customizable survey templates, and intuitive feedback workflows, QuestionPro ensures that feedback is collected in a timely manner and that action plans are promptly implemented, driving tangible improvements.

Integration and customization

QuestionPro offers seamless integration with a variety of HR systems and applications, allowing organizations to leverage existing data and workflows. Additionally, QuestionPro provides extensive customization options, enabling organizations to tailor surveys, reports, and feedback mechanisms to their unique needs and preferences, ensuring a personalized employee experience.

21. Workvivo

Workvivo is a software platform engineered to foster connectivity, collaboration, and engagement within organizations. Let's delve into why Workvivo stands out and the key features it offers to its customers:

Social intranet and communication hub

Workvivo serves as a centralized social intranet and communication hub, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among employees across all levels of the organization. With features such as news feeds, group discussions, and employee profiles, Workvivo fosters a sense of community, transparency, and belonging, enhancing overall employee engagement and organizational culture.

Employee recognition and appreciation

Workvivo prioritizes employee recognition and appreciation through its dedicated features and functionalities. From peer-to-peer recognition and appreciation walls to milestone celebrations and shout-outs, Workvivo empowers organizations to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of their employees openly, fostering a culture of recognition.

Employee feedback and surveys

Workvivo facilitates the collection of valuable feedback and insights from employees through its survey and feedback functionalities. With customizable survey templates, pulse surveys, and sentiment analysis tools, Workvivo enables organizations to gather actionable feedback, identify areas for improvement, and drive meaningful change.

Personalized employee experience

Workvivo offers a personalized employee experience through its customizable interface and tailored content delivery. By allowing employees to personalize their news feeds, notifications, and preferences, Workvivo ensures that each employee receives relevant and engaging content, fostering a sense of ownership, empowerment, and engagement within the platform.

22. Betterworks


Betterworks is an innovative software platform designed to empower organizations to drive continuous performance management and foster a culture of engagement and growth. Here's a detailed examination of why Betterworks excels in this domain and the key features it offers to its customers:

Continuous performance management

Betterworks redefines traditional performance management by offering a continuous approach that emphasizes goal setting, feedback, and development. Through features such as goal alignment, progress tracking, and feedback loops, Betterworks enables organizations to create a culture of transparency, accountability, and collaboration.

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) alignment

Betterworks simplifies the process of setting, tracking, and aligning goals using the OKR framework. By cascading objectives across teams and individuals, Betterworks ensures alignment with organizational priorities and fosters a sense of purpose and direction among employees.

Continuous feedback and recognition

Betterworks facilitates ongoing feedback and recognition within organizations through its intuitive platform. The platform provides the tools and resources needed to foster a culture of appreciation, collaboration, and personal growth, driving higher levels of employee satisfaction and retention.

Actionable insights and analytics

Betterworks empowers organizations with actionable insights and analytics to drive informed decision-making and continuous improvement. Betterworks enables organizations to identify trends, address challenges, and capitalize on opportunities, fostering a culture of data-driven accountability.

23. Perceptyx


Perceptyx is a comprehensive software platform designed to empower organizations to measure, understand, and improve employee engagement effectively. Here's a closer look at why Perceptyx stands out and the key features it offers to its customers:

Comprehensive employee surveys

Perceptyx offers a wide range of survey tools tailored specifically for assessing employee engagement and satisfaction. Perceptyx enables organizations to gather actionable insights into various aspects of the employee experience, facilitating informed decision-making and targeted interventions to enhance engagement.

Advanced analytics and reporting

With Perceptyx's advanced analytics capabilities, organizations can transform survey data into actionable insights. Perceptyx empowers organizations to identify trends, uncover root causes, and track the effectiveness of their engagement initiatives over time, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

Action planning and follow-up

From identifying key areas for improvement to defining actionable employee engagement strategy and tracking progress, Perceptyx ensures that survey insights translate into tangible outcomes, driving meaningful change and fostering a more engaged.

Employee experience platform

Perceptyx offers a comprehensive employee experience platform that encompasses surveying, analytics, action planning, and more. By providing a centralized platform for managing all aspects of employee engagement, Perceptyx enables organizations to streamline their processes, improve collaboration, and drive better business outcomes.

24. Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback is a software platform engineered to empower organizations to gather, analyze, and act upon employee feedback effectively. Here's an in-depth exploration of why Zonka Feedback shines in this arena and the key features it offers to its customers:

Multi-channel feedback collection

Zonka Feedback enables organizations to collect feedback from employees through various channels, including mobile apps, tablets, web forms, and email surveys. This multi-channel approach ensures maximum participation and accessibility, allowing organizations to capture diverse perspectives and insights to drive employee engagement initiatives.

Real-time feedback monitoring

With Zonka Feedback's real-time feedback monitoring capabilities, organizations can track employee sentiment and satisfaction levels as they evolve. Through live dashboards, alerts, and notifications, Zonka Feedback empowers organizations to identify emerging issues, address concerns promptly, and take proactive measures to enhance employee engagement and morale.

Customizable surveys and templates

Zonka Feedback offers customizable survey templates and questionnaires tailored specifically for measuring employee engagement and satisfaction. Organizations can easily customize surveys to align with their unique needs and objectives, ensuring that they capture relevant feedback to inform strategic decision-making and improvement initiatives.

Actionable insights and reporting

Zonka Feedback provides robust analytics and reporting tools that transform feedback data into actionable insights. Zonka Feedback equips organizations with the insights needed to identify areas for improvement, prioritize action plans, and measure the impact of engagement efforts over time.

25. Reflektive


Reflektive is a software platform designed to drive employee performance, development, and engagement. Let's delve into why Reflektive is a leader in this field and the key features it offers to its customers:

Continuous performance management

Reflektive revolutionizes performance management by offering a continuous approach focused on real-time feedback, goal setting, and development planning. Through features such as 1-on-1 check-ins, feedback loops, and performance analytics, Reflektive empowers organizations to foster a culture of transparency, growth, and accountability.

360-Degree feedback and reviews

With Reflektive's 360-degree feedback functionality, organizations can gather comprehensive insights into employee performance from multiple perspectives. Reflektive enables a holistic evaluation process that promotes collaboration, self-awareness, and personal growth, ultimately enhancing employee engagement and development.

Goal alignment and tracking

Reflektive simplifies goal setting, alignment, and tracking using the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) framework. By cascading objectives across teams and individuals, Reflektive ensures alignment with organizational priorities and fosters a sense of purpose and direction among employees.

Employee development and learning

Reflektive prioritizes employee development and learning through its comprehensive development planning and learning management features. From personalized development plans to skill assessments and training resources, Reflektive empowers employees to take ownership of their professional growth journey, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Why use employee engagement software?

Three employees are celebrating a success
Why use employee engagement software?

Employee disengagement is a common challenge in today's fast-paced business world, but there's a powerful solution that's been gaining momentum in recent years: employee engagement software.

So, why should you use employee engagement software? Let's dive into the details!

Benefits of employee engagement software

An employee launching a rocket
Benefits of employee engagement software

Ah, the perks of employee engagement software! Here are the top benefits you can expect:

  • Supercharged feedback: Say goodbye to endless paperwork and hello to real-time feedback! With employee engagement software, you can gather feedback effortlessly, empowering your employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. It's like having a suggestion box on steroids!
  • Recognition revolution: Give a shout-out, spread the love, and boost morale! Employee engagement solutions provide a platform for easy and fun recognition. Whether it's high-fives, virtual badges, or applause emojis, your employees will feel appreciated and motivated to keep rocking it.
  • Data-driven insights: Bid farewell to the guessing game! These software solutions offer robust analytics and reporting features, providing you with valuable insights into employee sentiment, engagement levels, and areas for improvement. It's like having a crystal ball that reveals the secrets to a happy and engaged workforce.
  • Seamless collaboration: Break down those communication barriers! Employee engagement software often comes with collaboration tools, allowing your teams to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge effortlessly. It's like having a virtual water cooler where ideas flow freely.
  • Work-life balance wizardry: Say hello to work-life harmony! Many employee engagement software solutions offer features like wellness programs, goal-setting, and flexible scheduling tools. It's like having a personal genie that helps your employees achieve that elusive work-life balance.

So, there you have it—employee engagement software to the rescue! It's your ticket to a workplace where feedback flows, recognition reigns, data speaks volumes, collaboration thrives, and the work-life balance becomes a reality.

Types of employee engagement software

An employee sending email
Types of employee engagement software that holistically helps you with employee retention

Ah, let's explore the colorful world of employee engagement software! Here are some quirky pointers on the types of software you'll encounter:

  • Feedback champions: These software solutions focus on collecting employee feedback through pulse surveys, performance evaluations, and 360-degree feedback. They're like friendly counselors who lend an ear and help organizations fine-tune their engagement strategies.
  • Recognition rockstars: If you're about spreading love and appreciation, these software tools have your back. They provide platforms for peer-to-peer employee recognition, virtual high-fives, and even customized awards. It's like having a red carpet rolled out for your superstar employees!
  • Wellness warriors: Health is wealth, my friends! Wellness-oriented employee engagement solutions offer features like fitness challenges, mental health resources, and well-being programs. They're like personal trainers, helping employees stay fit and happy on their engagement journey.
  • Communication commanders: Communication is key in the age of remote work and scattered teams. These software solutions focus on fostering seamless communication and collaboration with features like team chat, virtual meeting rooms, and document sharing. It's like having a virtual HQ where ideas flow freely!
  • Performance powerhouses: These tools tackle performance management head-on, providing features for goal-setting, performance tracking, and continuous feedback. They're like trusty coaches, guiding employees to reach their full potential and drive organizational success.

Employee engagement programs come in different sizes, catering to different needs and preferences. Whether you're a feedback enthusiast, a recognition guru, a wellness wizard, a communication connoisseur, or a performance aficionado, there's a software solution out there for you.

How do I choose the best employee engagement software?

Employees are working on a secured software
How do I choose the best employee engagement software?

In the quest for the perfect employee engagement software, you're not alone. With a myriad of options out there, the search can be a bit overwhelming. But fret not! Let's break down the process into a few simple steps to ensure you choose the best one for your organization.

  1. Define your goals: What do you aim to achieve with employee engagement software? Better communication, improved productivity, or enhanced employee morale? Knowing your objectives is the first step.
  2. User-friendly interface: It's crucial that the software is user-friendly. After all, what good is a tool if your team can't navigate it easily? Look for a solution that offers a simple and intuitive interface.
  3. Customization: No two organizations are the same. Seek software that allows you to customize it to fit your unique needs and company culture.
  4. Feedback mechanisms: A robust feedback system is the heart of engagement software. Ensure it offers various ways for employees to provide feedback, whether through surveys, anonymous submissions, or open discussions.
  5. Analytics and reporting: Data is your friend. The best software will provide detailed analytics and reporting tools to help you track your progress and make data-driven decisions.
  6. Mobile accessibility: In today's mobile world, access on the go is essential. Your software should be accessible via mobile devices to cater to remote and on-the-move employees.
  7. Integration capabilities: Compatibility with your existing systems is crucial. Choose software that can seamlessly integrate with your HR, payroll, or project management tools.
  8. Pricing: Understand the pricing model. Does it align with your budget? Consider the long-term costs and any hidden fees.
  9. Scalability: As your organization grows, your software should grow with you. Ensure it can handle an expanding workforce.
  10. Customer support: Top-notch customer support can save you from headaches down the road. Ensure the provider offers excellent support and training resources.
  11. Reviews and references: Don't just take the software provider's word for it. Read reviews and ask for references from current users to get the inside scoop.

What are the parameters for evaluating your organization's employee engagement software?

Employer working effectively to increase ROI
What are the parameters for evaluating your organization's employee engagement software?

Here are some quirky pointers on the parameters to consider during your evaluation:

  1. Engagement goals: What are your engagement goals? Determine if the software aligns with your specific objectives: improving communication, fostering recognition, or boosting wellness. It's like finding the ultimate sidekick who complements your superhero powers!
  2. Scalability: Think long-term, my friend! Evaluate if the software can grow with your organization. Will it accommodate an expanding team or changing needs? It's like finding a magical cape that grows in size as you become a greater engagement hero!
  3. User feedback: Don't be a lone ranger in your decision-making! Seek input from your team members who will be using the software. Consider their needs, preferences, and quirks. It's like having a superhero team meeting to gather everyone's superpowers!
  4. Budget and ROI: Save the day without breaking the bank! Assess the cost of the software and the potential return on investment. Find a balance between affordability and the value it brings to your engagement efforts. It's like finding a treasure chest filled with engagement gold!


Congratulations, engagement champions! You've journeyed through the wondrous world of employee engagement software and discovered the secret ingredients to creating a thriving workplace. But before we part ways, let's talk about how CultureMonkey can take your employee engagement to new heights! Shameless brand plugin, yes we know ;)

CultureMonkey, the mischievous yet powerful employee engagement tool, brings a multitude of features to the table. From pulse surveys and anonymous employee feedback conversations to AI-powered recommendations and in-depth reporting, CultureMonkey is your trusty sidekick on the engagement adventure.

With CultureMonkey, you'll dive into a world of actionable insights, uncovering the engagement score heat map, analyzing employee feedback sentiment, and gaining a holistic view of your organization's engagement landscape. It's like having a superpower to decode employee happiness!

So, engage with CultureMonkey and watch your organisation transform into an engagement paradise. Let's create a workplace where every employee thrives, engagement soars, and the superhero within them shines brightly!



Santhosh is a Sr. Content Marketer with 2+ years of experience. He loves to travel solo (though he doesn’t label them as vacations, they are) to explore, meet people, and learn new stories.